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Posts posted by Naxterra

  1. Hello


    Yesterday I was doing [Heroic 4] Fungal Corruption quest as a level 25 Sith Marauder. I had two teammates who were level 70. When I spawned champion mobs all of them were level 70 to me and I got instantly killed. Other mobs in the same are seemed same as my level but I got destroyed instantly by them too. When I clicked on them their level shows same as mine but health was equal to level 70 so were their damages.


    Normally with level scale all should be same level as me, and have proper damage and hp. Other members will see them according to their levels.

  2. How fortunate that you do not require the services of the game for your livelihood or to survive.


    The thing you agreed to gave you the right to play the game as BioWare chooses to provide it. That's it. If you don't like it, you can stop subscribing at any time and, once your time expires, start playing it as a preferred player or walk away entirely.


    But perhaps you're new to the MMO model so you didn't know these things? Perhaps you should spend some quality time reading the terms you agreed to since you say you can't play the game?


    Well.. I am not new to MMOs and also one of competitor's well known game had problems and they game more subscription days to subscribers for compensation, lots of times.

  3. There were PTS for a reason but it seems Bioware used it only to waste time with complete ignorance.


    In real world, there were development servers, quality servers and production servers. You want to implement something new? Do it on development servers. If it seems to be working then move new changes to quality system for testing. If all tests are fine, you transport those changes to live system. That is how real world systems work but it seems EA ignored this process chain and didn't do any proper testing.


    I am not legal consultant but I am a system administrator. Also if I were a F2P player I could accept most of your statements which were spending time elsewhere or patching takes time, etc. No matter how small or big amount, I am paying to play this game service which state is currently buggy and most new updates were on live systems untested.


    That is why I created this topic.

  4. http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/termsofservice




    You think they would make a maintenance plan that people could sue them for?


    No, but they have responsibility to bring working game. There are no legal agreements which protects only seller but gives no rights to buyer. That is against the law.


    I have no problems with Bioware making changes to game, they can bring new contents, new updates, etc but it shouldn't affect my gameplay experience. If I can't even play properly and seller demands money for a service which is not properly given, that will be against law. It doesn't matter what they wrote in their EULAs. Yes, basically we are paying to use their servers and characters which reside on their server but if we can't play, then there is no reason to pay?


    I am not demanding any money or try to sue them for not able to play for 1-2 days but at least they can add more playtime to all subscribers until they fix their servers and bugs.

  5. Hello


    After new patch hits game became unplayable. Transports not working, requisitions not working, servers have lots of lag, transitions are still laggy, getting lots of dcs, etc. Also servers were offline for a long time.


    As a subscriber, paying for each day to play, are we gonna get compensation for this?


    I can't even use priority transports or quick travel.

  6. So you agree to pay our non playable times? You agree to while US players can have maintenance times at acceptable times while EU players can have maintenance times at prime times?


    SW `could` be a great game but with management team and customer team like this, they will lose lots of money and in the end, they will lose whole game.

  7. Game is "live" for few days but you forgot one thing; Beta Test. Beta is for testing not for actual game play. People tested it for many months and naturally we, testers, expect a good non buggy game.


    Yes there will be always bugs but they should be only minors not majors or game breakers. Classes should be balanced, graphics should be fine, quests and environments should be perfect but they are nowhere near perfection. Servers are badly balanced some of them are empty and some of them are overpopulated. We all see those on beta test phase and we all reported bugs and non working stuff but they simply ignored us. Only message we got from them is copy pasted automatic replies


    That is why community is angry towards Bioware and EA.

  8. If thats the selling point then this game is surely doomed. If wanted to listen to a bunch of talking and see cinematics then I'd just watch a movie.


    If you want to play a game with a story written by 10 years old kids go play WoW or other games. SW is all about story. Do not expect to find mindless fighting in SW like you saw on other games. Apart from PvP grounds all quests are related to storyline, and people are doing their own story.


    Unless you want to fight with boars or pigs when you hit level 3-4 instead of corrupted agents or enemies of a Dark Lord, well this game is not for you.

  9. I can't comment about Taris because I haven't gotten there yet.


    However, from the Imp side, the xp gain is a little too much in my opinon. I left out a number of quests on Balmorra and Nar Shadda for fear of spoiling my experience of Tatooine. And I haven't done any space combat aside from the first mission, which I ran just once.


    Space Combat missions give a lot of xp. Also do bonus quests as well. There are too many non story related quests.

  10. Game balance is very good at the moment. I played Sith Juggernaut and Jedi Sentinel since beginning and I only needed help on heroic quests. Even Heroic 2+ are needing two or more people.


    If you wanna play solo whole content, do only normal quests and avoid elites, champions, bosses and high level players. Otherwise you will die, a lot..


    Also as others mentioned know your abilities and use companion skills. They are here for a reason. For example I lack dps as juggernaut because I prefer tanking and Vette is cowering my back with her ranged dps. Improve your gear AND her gear.


    Do not expect to kill stuff with greenies and untrained skills.


    Know your class and companion.



    May the Force be with you.

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