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Posts posted by helikz

  1. The long and short of any list is a misguided need to have one's play recognized by others.


    There are alphas and then there's everyone else. Alphas know they're alphas, everyone else seems to think they're alphas.


    Furthermore, since BW would instalock any thread where we recognized the worst players, we're left with epeen stroking "best of server" lists. It's sad really, because i think a database of people who are absolutely god awful would serve the PVP community better than a "i think my friends are good at this game" list.


    We at DKE industries are doing market research on a centralized, cloud enabled database of the absolute worst players on the server. Maybe some kind of overlay that can put a clown costume on any player who both exists in the database, and in your warzone. Unfortunately, our funding was cut in favor of buying more bandwidth for cat videos and moar dots ymntd gifs.

  2. There's no comparison other than that they do damage from range.


    the damage numbers on the scoreboard at the end of warzones are completely worthless in telling the tale. I've heard arguments about sorcs being able to put up big overall numbers, and while this is true, the raw damage output can be great, snipers are, for the most part, crushing sorcs numbers single target.


    tab dotting, storm->cl, and other forms of sorc number inflation don't yield results in realtime combat. Omitting personal utility and survivability, which, having played both classes, is slightly in the sniper's favor in the current metagame, the sniper is the better ranged dps.




    in terms of dynamic ability to support and be a mobile damage platform, the sorc has it hands down. This is the reason I continue to play the class. I can outplay a great many people to a point where the class disparity fades, but against equals, gear and skillwise, the sorc is just not there. If I play you perfectly, and you make 4 mistakes, you should not be able to win a heads up battle. This isn't speaking to a sorc vs sniper face off per se. However, I didn't roll sorc to be a support class. I wanted to be ranged dps, not the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back.


    In the end, everyone's just waiting for smash to be gutted before we start thinking about balancing everyone else. Who cares who's the better ranged class now when melee has everyone beat in terms of damage, survivability, and mobility, the big 3 factors for pvp effectiveness. The knight/warrior class archetype is the star wars patron saint as it were, but why develop a pvp system if you're not going to even bother to balance it.

  3. We got back to back nerfs in consecutive patches. The surge nerf owned us to begin with, then it got worse with 1.2.


    The take away chain, alright, but where do we make the damage up? We have no survivability in coordinated pvp, with more than 2 targets on us, we're smoked. No healer can keep us up without a guard and taunts, and even then, it's pretty much a losing effort. So I guess i'm missing the point.


    I do just fine in reg wz's competitive in damage numbers and everything the people who have no idea how the class actually plays look at, but the effective damage of this class is so low. Even if affliction doesn't get cleased off for some reason, a single kolto probe nullifies the damage, crushing is on a cooldown, terror doesn't do anywhere enough damage to take it over the force regen afforded in the lightning tree. Ok, we get utility and cc, but that only gets you so far, and frankly, a powertech has just as much utility as a sorc. Grapple, carbonite sweep, stun, guard, taunt, aoe taunt, ad nauseum.


    I don't think sorcs were ever overpowered, just overplayed.


    My suggestions aren't simple, but i think overall they'd work.




    1. Lower affliction's damage by 30-40%, but make it stackable to 3. Make each stack dispellable individually, not as a unit.

    2. Remove the cooldown on Crushing Darkness.

    3. Make Lingering Darkness have a 50% chance per point to apply a stack of affliction when you apply crushing darkness.

    4. Change parasitism to return 0.5% per point of force instead of health.

    5. Creeping Terror needs a flat damage buff or a significantly shorter cooldown.

    6. Make Death Field apply a stack of affliction to each target hit with points in deathmark.

    7. Change the state of force lightning to be a channeled DOT, instead of direct damage. Allowing the bonus skills that apply to dots, to apply to force lightning.


    Basically, it would make the build revolve around stacking affliction, maintain ramp up time commensurate with the DOT archetype in every MMO, but the longer the fight lasts, the more lethal the sorc gets. The sorc gets dispel protection by simply outstacking dispels, instead of some janky mechanic whereby someone gets stunned or rooted when they dispel a certain dot.




    1. Thundering Blast needs to be instant, remove the auto crit, but add 10% damage or 33.3% chance to stun per stack of affliction

    2. Change exsanguinate to either apply a stack of affliction up to the third stack, or refresh the stack at 3 when dealing damage with lightning strike.

    3. Backlash need to be reverted to the caster only, only when it breaks from damage.

    4. Change conduction to grant 5% bonus damage to lightning strike/chain lightning/thundering blast per stack of affliction




    I have no idea. I'm completely stumped on how to balance this tree, I thought it was fine how it was at release, but obviously I was wrong.




    Overall, I'm not suggesting all these changes be made, but I feel that if most were made the sorc class would be in line with the other classes who are flooding wz's now. From a design standpoint, it's not a deviation from any system they have in the game already, the stacking mechanic is in game via deadly saber. Simply adding synergy to our class that has seemingly been gutted.


    Also, managing stacks, would inherantly increase the skill cap of the class, reducing the size of the fotm wave this game has been riding since release.

  4. The big issue with sorcs isn't in regular wz's.


    The people in reg wz's have little to no coordination, don't bother to dispel, and are generally the walking dead.


    it's when the people on the other side coordinate targets, then you're basically a moving corpse. Your damage is negligible, and doesn't occur in big enough chunks to be a threat. People complained about chain lightning on wrath, but it's truly what made sorcs viable.

  5. Lightning Effusion is better than either in your build. Lets just be clear here..... Chain lightning is just not viable anymore unless you're full lightning, stop trying to sneak it into builds. Anyone who says otherwise is just being stubborn. /endrant


    Lightning effusion combined with induction works ok.


    Lightning effusion combined with reserves and Efficacy is pretty much infinite force. You'd have to be spamming DH to run low/out.


    an extremely situational proc based ability, or infinitely sustainable damage....

  6. There are a few notable builds to use.


    1. Straight madness.




    Few point choices here, I generally go with this build.


    Parasitism: With endgame crit, i find the 2-6% health regen/3sec better than a 30% chance to double shock. More taps, more force, more damage.


    Induction vs Convection: 9% increased uptime > 6% increased dmg on one (maybe two depending on procs) ability. More uptime, more dmg, less likely to find yourself out of force at a critical time. Also applies to heals... pretty easy choice to me, but my opinions aren't shared it seems.


    Play it as a control build, you're not gonna outburst a powertech with it, but you remain mobile until there's an opening to force lightning -> wrath.


    2. Trispec.





    Highest burst potential of all sorc specs. I've done 13k in an electrocute (single target) with it on numerous occasions. You lack the roots that some of the other specs provide, but you gain instant heals + higher healing taken and a proc chance on force bending to keep you alive.


    Trink + adrenal -> Force lightning to set up a wrath -> recklessness -> chain -> field -> watch most people run from the 9-10k you did in a global with average endgame gear.



    3. Lightning hybrid a.




    Most players seem to be playing this or some variant. has tricks for most occasions, really only have bad matchups vs geared jugs, powertechs (and their rep equivs naturally) Keep your dots, gain chain which is pretty much god on vs, the surge root is pretty much god on huttball where people like to randomly give opposing ball runners full resolve bars for no reason, the root still sticks, even if the surge physics are cancelled.


    playing it is easy, pound dots, first wrath ->chain -> field, fl -> crushing -> rinse repeat.



    4. Lightning hybrid b.




    infinite force with 30%+ crit. i don't think i've ever used seethe with this build. I've noticed a lot more people playing this build on my server and random pvp vids as of late.

    get the root, get the mez on shield pop (and when it just fades) which makes ops/sins rage, good aoe damage, decent control with improved jolt and instant ww on a shorter cd. This build's major nemesis is the resolve bar. if you're gonna venture out with it, get to know the resolve system and how it works (or doesn't work).


    there are a lot of variants of this build, i've seen people with high natural crit take forked lightning instead of seeping darkness, i've seen people take 2 points seeping, 2 points barrage, i take one point in barrage because of the internal cooldown. with 39% crit buffed in wz's i'm still going to get a proc every 10-16 seconds. more often than not, i don't even know the proc is up when i fire off a fl and see the channel drop to double speed.





    In summary: Play whatever the hell you want. Some people take themselves and their gaming way too seriously, don't be one of those guys. try out a bunch of stuff and figure out what you're most comfortable with, but don't get too comfortable.... it's all gonna change in 1.2

  7. This is the type of entitled attitude that ruined wow pvp.


    "I want this, so i must be right."


    If you have a problem with the scissors to your paper, roll a rock or learn to beat them. Spend less time making bad threads and more time improving your game, or your knitting, either one is more useful than this qq post garbage.


    You want fun, buy a monkey.

  8. Actually, you do have a very clear cut priority. Keep affliction up, use force lightning as filler, use crushing darkness on wrath procs if its off cooldown, otherwise use it for chain lightning. It may also be worth it to use death field on cooldown for deathmark, but I have yet to look into that. It is also far more movement friendly than lightning as well, with wrath procs giving you a lot of instant casts, and chain shock making shock nearly as powerful as force lightning. Lightning Barrage is nice, too, though its somewhat bugged when you spam force lightning.


    Of course, I've yet to do much theorycrafting (and I doubt there are many that have), so a lot of this will be dependent on the numbers (though from my experience, both specs seem close).


    Do you guys have any idea how much damage death field does? Stop theorycrafting and start playing the game. Granted, my gear is relatively good, especially in this stage of the game, but I often see crits for over 3k with none under 2.8k at 50, and this is not counting the deathmark damage.


    Yes, you use death field on cooldown.



    Hybrid specs work, this is true, but you're in the wrong neighborhood with that spec.


    try this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfcM0dZcrdRsMkrc.1


    if you don't immediately notice the difference, you're doing it wrong.

  9. I'm a lvl 48 dps sorceror spec on lightning and I got to say that I don't seem to win against a jedi shadow or a trooper. I have no complains about pve, but on pvp I hardly win 1 on 1. Any advise?


    this has to be a troll. 1v1, the only class that is going to kill you is an operative/scoundrel with the drop on you and no break free. You can either kill or escape any other class in the game.


    You have lots of nasty tricks and a situation to use all of them.


    You did say lightning so I'll take you semi-seriously and interject, lightning is garbage in pvp.


    I'd say, step one is head to a skill mentor.

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