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Posts posted by handsupdb

  1. Two players:

    Rokhed Vanguard Tank

    Artisan Commando DPS



    history on the both of us:


    Played from beta until EC came out, then took a break until just before SoR, played SoR a bit and now I'm back. I've been playing MMO's since 2001 and been top tier tanking since then.


    Artisan joined shortly after launch and has played with me the whole way through, doesn't have the same experience I have on the pre EC encounters but has the same as me on the 2.0-current ones.


    Looking for a guild that has the population to get together for regular ops, and casual progression. Meybe setting out a weekly evening to get weeklies and so on accomplished etc. WE quite enjoy PvP and do that all the time we're not in ops and hm flashpoints.


    I can't speak for Artisan, but he played considerable endgame content in LotRO and I know him personally. Very adept and fast learner, very good at deducing and strategizing mechanics.


    My tanking resume is huge. I played an Enforcer in Anarchy Online, have dropped the beast many times and tanked all endgame content up until about 2010. I played WoW since release and have tanked progression content with Prot Warrior, Prot Pally, Blood DK and have played some Brewmaster Monk. MY top accomplishment is farm mode all content up to 10man heroic ICC, then took a break and returned for a bit and did a bit of WoD content. In Age of Conan played a Guardian tank and tanked all content up until release of unchained.





    Two longtime, very experienced MMO and SWTOR veterans looking for regular semi-serious ops on pub side. Looking forward to EV and KP being relevant again!

  2. GimP on PoT5 is recruiting! Founded by a bunch of returning playes (mostly Founders, and people that left Pre-2.0), we are looking to fill out our first Ops group!


    After a number of original group members stopped playing recently due to lack of interest, we have a bunch of spots to fill.


    EST Time and we have a private Raidcall (Mumble in the future)




    Currently looking for:


    1 Tank - No prefferred class!


    1 Healer - Scoundrel or Sage!


    2 DPS - No explicit preference!




    Level 55's please! No gear or experience necessary!


    No gear requirement, we are a bunch of relaxed players looking to do ops regularly but not competitively. We all understand that gear & performance comes with time & practice and will be regularly farming HM FP's, Dailies and Weeklies to gear and help others prepare.


    No need to jump into HMs right away, progression is part of the fun!




    Who we are:


    All of us are returning players from way back in the day. Adults looking for regularly scheduled gaming, but we do have lives :p someone is always on, we have rep and XP boost and are always down for flashpoints, datacron hunting, world bosses and PvP groups! We have combined over 20 years of top tier raid expertise from a multitude of MMOs including elder SWTOR. Some thing include:


    Top tier and heroic raiding from WoW Vanilla to 4.0.4 and beyond.


    Top tier raiding from Anarchy Online through all 4 expansions.


    Pre-unleashed Age of Conan.


    Lord of the Rings Online.


    Hardmode Etertiny Vault & Karagga's Palace, Storymode Explosive Conflicts.




    Send me an ingame mail to Rokhed! We're looking forward to you joining with us.

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