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Posts posted by thomasbaxter

  1. Wasn't sure if this been answered cuz couldn't see anything on forum with this crappy phone. Is there any way to get the plaguemaker achievement outside the rakghoul even? or will that happen again. Just only stumbling block in my aim for the gold.
  2. Have to say was sick of putting suggestions in and having no response. Come back after a year away and seems every single thing I wanted has been implemented. Felt I should put in a thanks to EA/BW for finally making the MMO about story. Lots of people will grumble etc but the aim of this was always story.


    I love how u can level on any planet now. You always got in a great conversation on tatooine etc and then u hit grey levels and had to move on. Was forced and miserable. Now can stay on a planet as long as u want and still level. Can do the pve space missions for fun now too. Can do all the story no problem. The rolling ops in group finder work great. Like the outlander story where u can get whisked to the future and have completely unrelated events but still come back to normal time at any point. Legacy datacrons...brilliant.


    The Dark Vs Light event I just found out about and the rewards are great. Love getting the dark vs light packs. Actually makes u want to play more.


    All that really needs to be added to make it a more social experience is random events like races, pazaak etc or even a 2 vs 2 huttball arena on quesh etc. Just ideas but get the idea.


    Happy with the changes myself.

  3. Just logged into my toon who had the romance with Ashara. He's doing KOTFE just now and I checked my email to find the letter from Ashara. Thought it was such a great little mail. Whoever wrote it knows how to pull the heart strings. Love it tho.


    From: Ashara Zavros

    Subject: Farewell


    Everyone says you’re dead. I thought I’d feel the empty place in the Force that was your presence. I search, but I find nothing. It’s like you were never there. What does it mean, that you could die and leave no trace?

    I close my eyes to see your face. I shut out everything to hear your voice. The secrets we told each other. The plans we made. The future we were building. I know now who took that from us. I saw the Eternal Empire’s warships above Dromund Kaas. They tried to kill me, too. They almost did.

    The Sith and Jedi are helpless against this enemy. I’ve left them all behind. I never belonged to those failed orders, no more than you did. We were always something special. Now it’s just me.

    Something is drawing me to the darkness beyond the edge of Wild Space. Maybe there will be answers waiting for me. Maybe I won’t be alone anymore. I wish you were going with me.

  4. Agree about it being boring between story pieces. I've just returned from a year break and have to say I love the complete overhaul. All about story with less grinding. Transporting direct to heroics, genius. All ops and flashpoints in group finder is perfect. All companions accessible to everyone. All just in the direction I like.


    What we need now to make the game 'fun' is in world events like u see in things like GTA. You can be in tatooine and walk into a pod race (all factions). On Shadaa u can walk into a huttball or pazaak game, or battle chess etc. You get the idea. Have like they have in GTA where u can play tennis etc. Get some addictive games that u can earn furniture, xp, titles rewards etc that u don't need to queue for (can add to group finder or the fleet etc but obviously it can be entered by walking up to the marker).

  5. See everyone thinking the same. Think the room with the waterfall inside it could have been so much cooler but the hook problem ruins it for me. Dunno just feels all a bit more filler than the tatooine one. IMHO the tatooine one is still the greatest apartment ever. I really just use the top balcony floor but it's so cool looking out over the sandcrawlers in the distance. Love it.
  6. I'm just glad that finally they've realised how wasteful it is letting the old ops and flashpoints die. I love Eternity Vault and Karaggas Palace. Also love Dread Fortress and Palace. Not ran any for months cuz nobody wants to. No point etc. By making them all 65 they finally all get tossed into the endgame which makes endgame fun again for me personally. I just hope when we get to 70 they allow 70s to queue for 65 ops etc.


    Like this a lot

  7. Well one thing that could be done to rectify the problem with OPs like EV etc being too easy for level 60s is reduce the number of people required. Ie. 6 people or even 4 people for OPS. Understand there may be a problem with the dark council in EV but sure that could be nerfed slightly (if it even needs to be) so each can take 2 opponents.


    This would also mean the EV and KP ops WOULD pop a lot quicker for endgame. Thoughts?

  8. I'm not sure if this will actually solve your problem here. You are asking for all operations and flashpoints to be made available in the group finder for queuing. This, however, would require 7 other people (including Tanks and Heals) to be in the queue for that particular operation or flashpoint you are interested in, before it will pop. You then have problems with weekly lockouts where people who may be interested in running the old content are locked out because they have already run it once.


    I submit that having the option in groupfinder makes it more convenient for people to queue, as opposed to spamming chat on fleet. However, it does not automatically create a population willing to run the old content you are interested in.


    You might be better served finding a social guild that runs old content for 'fun runs' if you really want to see the old operations.


    Tbh I'm not actually saying I have a problem running the content. I don't mind there being huge waits. I just want the ability to do my own thing on Ziost/Makeb/Stronghold etc then when I fancy seeing an operation I can choose which one I want to run and select it. Then I can carry on doing random RE'ing, crafting etc etc while I'm queued. If I have to go to the fleet to find an op I want I'm stuck on the fleet where there's really not a whole hell of a lot to do. Yes I could be in a guild but as I find most guilds are either dead, have too many people trying to get a place in ops, or are all so unbelievably arrogant they won't even speak to you without TS installed.

  9. Everyone can say "just go on the fleet" but I doubt anyone can say that recently anyone's seen anyone trying to make a group for EV or KP. I understand why because running them is pointless at level 60. One could argue that it's pointless even playing a class u hate too. I did it because I wanted to see the story. It's a MASSIVE fail not having everything in the group finder at end game as to me, a social gamer, endgame is stale and absolutely dead. I don't grind nay HATE grinding. Did the SOR and I was done. Now I've done the next part with the emperor till I got to Ziost and I'm not doing MMO grinds....so I'm done again.


    Actually left my computer on for an hour just to get a chance to jump into the Temple Of Sacrifice (Which I actually loved btw). After that was done.......umm....nothing else AT ALL for me to do. Bounty week doesn't interest me, Gree event doesn't interest me. The repetitive "tactical" flashpoints bore me to tears. No 'The Foundry' in group finder or the false emperor (imho the 2 greatest story flashpoints in the game).


    But you can just solo them right?


    Why would u want to tho? if this is an MMO why can't we do social runs wiothout having to plan them. Think it's absolute madness and I think the foundry, false emperor, eternity vault, karaggas palace are prob 4 of the best pieces of swtor. I can guarantee you that almost ALL casual gamers who have just joined won't see these now, especially if they have the 12x XP boost.


    I've kept subscribing to keep the game alive but it seems pointless to subscribe just to check the GTN every now and again so if this isn't sorted out, I'll just resubscribe whenever a new xpac comes out. Still have no idea why this simple thing hasn't been rectified. Should be able to enter any operation and flashpoint in the game through group finder at endgame, no matter how small the rewards are. Nonsense.

  10. Everyone can say "just go on the fleet" but I doubt anyone can say that recently anyone's seen anyone trying to make a group for EV or KP. I understand why because running them is pointless at level 60. One could argue that it's pointless even playing a class u hate too. I did it because I wanted to see the story. It's a MASSIVE fail not having everything in the group finder at end game as to me, a social gamer, endgame is stale and absolutely dead. I don't grind nay HATE grinding. Did the SOR and I was done. Now I've done the next part with the emperor till I got to Ziost and I'm not doing MMO grinds....so I'm done again.


    Actually left my computer on for an hour just to get a chance to jump into the Temple Of Sacrifice (Which I actually loved btw). After that was done.......umm....nothing else AT ALL for me to do. Bounty week doesn't interest me, Gree event doesn't interest me. The repetitive "tactical" flashpoints bore me to tears. No 'The Foundry' in group finder or the false emperor (imho the 2 greatest story flashpoints in the game).


    But you can just solo them right?


    Why would u want to tho? if this is an MMO why can't we do social runs wiothout having to plan them. Think it's absolute madness and I think the foundry, false emperor, eternity vault, karaggas palace are prob 4 of the best pieces of swtor. I can guarantee you that almost ALL casual gamers who have just joined won't see these now, especially if they have the 12x XP boost.


    I've kept subscribing to keep the game alive but it seems pointless to subscribe just to check the GTN every now and again so if this isn't sorted out, I'll just resubscribe whenever a new xpac comes out. Still have no idea why this simple thing hasn't been rectified. Should be able to enter any operation and flashpoint in the game through group finder at endgame, no matter how small the rewards are. Nonsense.

  11. When can we sort the group finder for CASUAL gamers who just want to play the story in a group without soloing it or waiting on the fleet? I mean surely it's not difficult to include ALL the operations ALL the flashpoints at level 60. Fair enough the early story mode won't prove much of a challenge for level 60 but if you could even just adjust the reward to either be a certain amount of credits or even a couple of Elite comms, and chuck a pile of strongold decoration drops in there they will fill up. Just sad that the Eternity Vault is barely seen any more and it's one of the strongest bits of story in swtor. Playing the content for story should be encouraged cuz a lot of us (including me) don't want to grind Ziost......I make my credits from buying and selling cartel packs so I'm literally only playing for the story.


    Furthernote: the Czercha flashpoints are utterly boring imho. Stale as hell. Manaan is a little bit interesting as is Blood sport but get old fast. Legacy of Rakata is pretty but zzzz. The Lost Island is a great fp too, now gone from the group finder.

  12. I thought Shadow Of Revan was amazing and I really enjoyed it. I understand how much work goes into the expansions but there's just not enough coming out at the minute I'm actually not sure why I'm subscribed. Completed SOR and all my characters are maxed, all stories done. I don't like grinding but have done all ops and flashpoints hundreds of times etc and now the last update was a Hard Mode of Battle Of Rishi which I thought was a bit of a dull fp to begin with.


    Think there needs to be more devs churning content out tbh as there's only so many times u can see Bounty Week as an update....

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