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Posts posted by redtigershogun

  1. I like Nadia, I just wish the face paint(I wanna say Corpse Paint) was all over her skin, she looks odd in the bikini. Fitted out with the Coruscant Social I dress though, and I think she's cute. :)


    I too wish I could make her into a sage-type healing class, Tharan is a bit of a ****.


    haha I have her in that same outfit, she looks cool in it I think.


    I liked the Nadia story personally. I really like all the companion stories actually. Some are obviously more interesting than others but I think the concept in general is fun.


    As far as visually, well, I guess that's entirely personal preference. She's more got the "cute and innocent" style, the type of girl you'd be ok introducing to your parents lol

  2. Lol this reminds me of a convo I recently had in general chat. This guy was attempting to rip into my PvP abilities.


    He told me: I ALWAYS do more DPS than you and have more kills/medals.


    To which I replied: well unfortunately there is no Codex entry for out DPSing a healer. You also clarified why I always seem to lose when youre in my group, your a medal/DPS stats whore who doesn't play the damn objectives!


    Needless to say the conversation was over after that and many lolz were directed at said DPS whore.

  3. This is a tough one. On one hand, I really want to flame the heck outta BW for this, on the other, it seems like they don't care anyway.


    I'm not gonna quit playing a game I like just because there aren't server forums. However, I do feel quite offended by their excuses for not having them. Their resoning of not being able to provide proper moderation is absolute bs.


    I mean really? You can't hire forum admins? You just moved what is estimated to be over 2 million units at a minimum of $60 a pop. Even if only half of those have subs next month, that's still an additional 15 million in your first month alone. Something tells me you could hire a freakin' army of forum moderators and you wouldn't have to sacrifice your tropical vacation to do it.

  4. @OP Well I have a guild that would probably suit your needs, but we are Republic on Infinite Empire.


    I'm in the same boat. I just keep viewing mission statements on the various Guild homepages looking for good possibilities. I'm sure there's a good fit somewhere. I'm interested in improving and learning if folks are willing to impart knowledge but I have no desire to feel like I've joined the military. It's very interesting jumping into this world coming from the KOTOR and ME side of things rather than from another MMO. You not only have to learn a new game but new mechanics for playing it AND an entirely new culture and vocabulary.


    If you are Republic, please check out <Never Enough> on Infinite Empire.


    Just got the site up today - its a work in progress but looks decent for now.




    I am a very experienced gamer/mmo player. I love to be around both new players AND pros. In WoW, I enjoy helping new players/ guild members as much as I do playing 2k+ arena matches.



    May the Force be with you!

  5. Definitely one of the more entertaining threads I have read in a while. It was like a sporting event! I was cheering for one team because they are good and therefore fun to watch, while the other looked like they were still learning to swing the bat...err...lightsaber...lol


    The problem here is that this issue won't die until one of two things happens:


    1) The existing percentage of Sages who want to use their lightsabers actually realizes this won't likely happen ever, and guaranteed not before a major content update aka xpac.


    2) BW implements something to make these Sages happy.


    Number two won't happen. So get over it. Complaining won't help because its not an issue of BW failing to make Consulars "lore" correct by giving them a lightsaber ability. It's not an issue of them "not caring" about us wanting to swing our shiny sabers.


    The two Sages (can't remember names) who knew what they were talking about said this a few times, but people seem to have not really picked up on it yet.


    It's an issue of gameplay. Not your desired gameplay. But the gameplay that BW intended. The gameplay that makes this a smooth running and fairly balanced (for a week after launch) MMORPG.


    So before you continue living the lie that is the Sage lightsaber ability, just consider it logically for a second. I'm 100% sure that at some point during these years and years of development, BW considered both ranged and melee saber attacks for Sages. Ultimately, they decided NOT to implement this type of ability. Even if it wasn't spoken word for word from a developers mouth, this is a clear indication that the Sage is meant to be a ranged, casting class ONLY.

  6. Early access? Check. Coffee? Check. Darth Vader boxers? CHECK.


    Hello all!


    I'm Saigon and I will be streaming my epic Jedi Consular Sage adventures! I will begin from when I get into the server! You can help customize my character if you are on then!


    Server: The Shiftsure (PvP)





    Status: playing!

  7. Hello! I am making my first character RIGHT NOW and I am wondering if you can change any of their features in game (hair, etc). This is particularly important for me because I am going to make a Miraluka and probably won't use on of the super fancy masks if I can't change it later.


    I've searched around and asked in couple chat rooms but got different answers.


    THANKS SO MUCH in advance.

  8. Why should they? Percentage wise, a larger share of windows users are games than macs. There's also FAR more mac users. It makes no sense to add support for a fraction of 6% of the OS market share.


    Go get Win 7 for like $80 and dual boot. Problem solved.


    Even better, stop wasting money and build your own computer. You CAN run Mac OSX, Windows, Linux, etc. on it.


    This is what I keep tryin to tell people but nooo Apple fanatics must have their shiny sealed boxes. No problem for the average user, but when it comes to gaming, there is no reason to add massive OSX support.


    Either way, I would be very surprised if this is ported to Mac anytime soon, if ever.

  9. Didn't read the whole thread but wanted to share some thoughts.


    The first computer I ever used was my Dad's Apple II (black and white screen FTW), back in like 1989 or something when I was probably 2 or 3. My dad was a Mac ONLY kinda guy, and that's all that has ever been in his house. Well let me tell you something, if you think Mac gaming support is bad now, let me tell you it was non-existent in the 90s.


    The first "awesome" or maybe "epic" game I played on a Mac was Warcraft 2. I became a huge fan of Blizzard because they were the only ones making sweet games with Mac verisons as well, and Warcraft III was one of the first huge releases to be available to for Mac and PC at the same time.


    For many years, my gaming was limited to what a Mac could do. My last computer before the one I am using right now was a 27" iMac I purchased about 10 months ago. Man that screen was to die for... Anyway, I ran a couple things on bootcamp, not bad performance, but not that great. By now I was really into gaming, and started to thing about building a PC. My iMac was great, but I wanted something I could work on, I wanted a big, sexy graphics card and mostly, I wanted the better performance in games.


    Whenever I get into something, I like to do a LOT of research first. I eventually stumbled upon the main reasons my Mac would never be able to come close to even a $1000 PC in gaming. I'm not going to explain it fully here, but it has to do with DirectX and OpenGL support on Macs. So it isn't a question of whats in the box (which is completely sealed off from you, the owner) but more of Apple's proprietary BS that I'm completely sick of at this point. Remember, I used Macs ONLY for the first 23+ years of my life so I'm not just talking bad on Apple here. I have experience with the company wayyyy before everyone had a iPhone in their pocket and Apple was the "cool" company it is now.


    Pretty much what I'm saying is that if gaming performance is important to you at all, you can stop making these threads and you can stop wondering when more games will be released for Mac. What you can do is sell your Mac for a good price (they are very highly in demand right now) and buy or build a PC. I had a TON of fun building/researching mine. My iMac was a sealed-shut $1800 giant laptop more or less (the GPU is literally fused to the motherboard like in a laptop). I build my PC for around $1200 and it runs like a dream.


    Anyway, have fun trying to figure out a way to change a company that is doing great without a gaming market, or magically making SWTOR run well on your Mac. Hopefully it wont take you 23 years to figure out that's never going to happen.

  10. Hi. I am Chris and I'm not shy. I'll be even less shy in 1 hour 25 minutes when I get off from work and can pour myself a glass of wine and resume playing my level 4 Rattataki Sith Inquisitor. Toon is Kaidan on Lord Adraas RP server.


    gAHHH stop with your stories of ultra-super-fun-epic-leet-aweome-starwars-mmo-ness!!


    I WANT! :D

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