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Posts posted by Zhadila

  1. Ah great, i did as you said, now the laucher.settings file is gone, can't undo the stuff and now need to redownload the entire game. :(


    Hey, at least y'all aren't stuck with that BitRaider shinola and having to use the <expletive-deleted> slow wireless I have to deal with in this motel. Everything was fine even in the motel (including being able to play KotFE) -- until that 4.0.2 "patch" came out, that is. Then the patcher refused to update a frakin' single byte of the game client until after I changed it to not use Bitraider. Now I'm on day 3 of waiting for the entire download of the game client.


    (and no, I don't need to answer why i'm doing this in a motel :p)

  2. Hello All,


    Not sure if this query has been made before, and forum search turns up a ton of unrelated results, so I'll ask: Is there, or will there ever be, a mission-series for characters to redeem themselves in the eyes of their fellows?


    I.e., if a Jedi has fallen to the Dark side, or if a Sith has seen too much of the Light, is there, or will there be, a mission series that would return them to their "natural" state?


    My original vision for my first character was as a "dark" Jedi: supportive of the Republic but not taking crap from anybody. She is now -7500+ on the light/dark scale, and I'm wondering if I've gone too far, and what the ... err ... negative ramifications of that might be. Have my mission options been limited (instead of just different as I thought it was supposed to be)? Will I ever be able to bring her back? Is that even a concern? (And I have Imperial characters in a similar plight, though to a lesser degree.)


    Thanks for your constructive feedback!

  3. Just an update: I submitted a ticket and got a response that basically said: "We're aware of the problem and are investigating. Unfortunately, there is no fix."


    I did manage to get off Vivicar's ship by using that "emergency shuttle" thing, so I can go finish up Alderaan, but otherwise my character's storyline is on hold. I'm away from home for the holidays so I won't be back in-game until after 3 Jan. Not sure what I'll do then.



  4. Hi there,


    I have my lvl 31 Shadow on the mission: "Vivicar Awaits". I have killed every mob on the ship prior to the force field. I "use" the security terminal but nothing happens. The force field stays up. I am at a loss for what to do and stuck on that blasted ship. :mad:


    Is this mission bugged or have I done something wrong?


    Please advise. Thanks! :)

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