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Posts posted by Pannther

  1. I have a level 50 Sage and Bounty Hunter, and i think that the Sage is allot better at healing.

    I love healing, but im forced to play a class, that playstile i dont realy like.

    What i dont understand is, why they dont fix it. Its a known isue.


    So i have question to the dev. team. And that is:

    When will you ballance Healers ? WiIl it be when the expansion launches ? Or sooner or later, or mybe never ?

  2. I cant find any information what stance will be the best to pick for Nadia.

    I am a healer and i use Nadia for dailys and other staff. So what will be the best for her ?

    Perforation ( 15 % armor penetration ) or exanguination ( additional dmg chance ).


  3. Can somone of the more exp. players answer to that question.

    I was reading on the forums and in guides that the Comando is a better single target healer then the Sage but lacks with the AoE Healing .

    Ok, i understand that. Further i have read that the people complain that he does not so much healing as the sage. I asume that they are the same levels ( 50 ) and that the players have leveled both and know how to play.

    So what i neeed to know is :

    is that true ?


    I have now leveled a Sage and Trooper to 30 and im done with 1. I will only level 1 to 50 and then start to do fp and gear up. I will not do any pvp and will have no alts. And im not interested in the storyline, so that it does not matter. Btw...i like the playstye of the 2 the same...

    What i certainly do not want is to be the weaker healer that noone will have in their group.

    So i realy need a honest opinion from you guys.


    Stay with the Sage or Trooper ?

  4. I will level as a healer and i have no idea where to spend mine first skill points...Do i need to put the first 5 points in the telekinetics tree ( menal longevity and inner strenght ) and maybe 2 points in the balance tree ( will of the Jedi ) .

    Or shall i go straight in the seer tree ?

  5. First. sorry for mine bad English...Im not a native.

    I have a problem. And that is that i dont remember where and how to costomize the healt bars from players when we are in a group. I leveled a sorcerer at the release but now i cant find in the options where i can change it...

    Please help.

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