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Posts posted by DarthZeroe

  1. Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content (like Hammer Station, or a particular Weekly above all others) because it was the fastest way to gear up, but it just wasn't fun. In 7.0, we rotate content to mix and match some of the shortest and longest flashpoints and weeklies each week. As a result, there is more variety in the type of content the gearing system rewards players for completing.


    While I get the reasoning behind this change, you guys could have chosen a much less restrictive route that also would've worked for the issue: removing the requirement to have all flashpoints checked in GF in order to complete the dailies and weeklies.


    This way people who were tired of getting matched for Hammer Station could opt out of it without losing their rewards, and those who wanted to repeatedly farm it could keep doing so. I've personally been unselecting flashpoints I don't like since I came back to the game in 6.0, because I don't think the rewards are worth the annoying/repetitive runs that come with certain flashpoints. I wish it didn't cost me the completion of the daily and weekly, but at the end of the day I'm playing to have fun.


    Hopefully you revisit this change in the future and put something less limiting!

  2. Ran the Malgus fight a few times and didn't experience any bugs, I hear it can be random though so maybe I just got lucky. Either way I hope those solutions end up working, you guys should go on the live server if you can't find it on the dev server.
  3. One thing I noticed is when you're previewing the Shadow//Sentinel classes, the way the characters are posed make their lightsabers overlap with the text description of the class on the right, which obscures part of the text. Pretty hard to ignore while you're reading it.
  4. To me what makes Operative feel like an Operative is their stealthing abilities and versatility in fights. Right now the PTS version captures most of it, but falls short of the live version imo.


    A) Sleep Dart and Debilitate should really be kept as base abilities because they're important for the CC'ing ability of the class. Sapping enemies is what makes stealthers handy for getting through some of the repeatable content faster (Edit: apparently sleep dart wasn't removed).


    Debilitate is available but has to be chosen over some passives. And to be honest it feels like an uneven choice, because having a stun is useful in so many situations that it's almost a no-brainer to pick it, but the passive you're picking it over would've been nice to have as well.


    Same thing goes for the level 35 line, you're given two passives and Tactical Overdrive - which would take priority over the other two since it resets some important abilities for your spec.


    B) Having to choose Infiltrate, Flash Bang, or Holotraverse over the other is not something I'm crazy about either. But it's livable since their uses are more situational.


    C) I like how the TAs flow for Concealment spec, there's a variant of Crippling Slice that basically combines the ability with Sever Tendon and generates an extra TA. It felt more smooth than how TA generation works live, although if you run Tactician it isn't needed as much.

  5. What abilities make the Sentinel unique to you?

    It looks like most of the important Sentinel abilities have been kept as baselines (Inspiration, Dual Saber Throw, etc.) The only ones that don't seem to be, but should be, are Transcendence and Force Camouflage. Now to me both make the Sentinel unique because Transcendance gives you that extra mobility and speed that's helpful whether you're solo or in a group, and Force Camo is a good escape option for when you start getting too much heat with the added bonus of stealth.


    Do these ability paths feel effective against enemies?

    I mainly played Combat loadout A, and it seemed to perform pretty well in fights. All the core attacks were there so nothing felt missing during the rotation, the DCDs were sufficient (for open world anyway).


    If you have feedback on the different disciplines and loadouts, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

    Overall I'd say this felt more balanced than the Guardian test loadouts, there should probably be a couple more baseline abilities added but other than that it felt similar to how Sentinel plays on the live server. Except, you know, simplified.

  6. Tried out Vigilance B.


    Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian? Please explain why or why not.

    It still feels like a Guardian, but reduced in it's capability. The most glaring thing is the cut on our DCDs, one of the advantages of being a Guardian is being tanky even if you're DPS. That's not really there now.

    Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation?

    I feel like I have slightly fewer options outside the main rotation, but Guardians never had a wide arsenal of attacks to begin with, so I can't say it's a big difference.


    What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies?

    The damage dealing is solid, survivability is not.


    How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class?

    To be honest I'm more confused than anything as to why all the passives/defensives have been split now. I get you're trying to 'simplify' the ability paths to make our bars less bloated or something, but making us pick our passives/defensives isn't a great way to do it. I'm just imagining what playing in Vet FPs would be like with only one or two defense abilities. It doesn't look fun.


    If you have feedback on the different disciplines and ability paths, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

    I don't think making us choose one DCD over another is a good idea. It just reduces our effectiveness by making it harder to survive in group content. Having to choose some attack abilities over another I can live with, as long as the core abilities are intact.


    So yeah, this definitely need some work.

  7. Agreed, it'll be the worst thing that ever happens - if they limit it to force classes and tech classes only.


    Make them all available damn it! I want my Inquisitor to play like a Scoundrel so she can kick that pompous Darth Thanaton in the groin. I want my Trooper to play like a Juggernaut so he can force choke Tavus for being a traitorous son of a hutt. Anticipate my NEEDS Bioware :mad:

  8. If you level up alts solely for the purpose of being used for high-level endgame content, then yeah you'll probably end up cutting down on the number of characters you use. Otherwise people will still be leveling up alts for story/cosmetic purposes, which is probably already half the reason most of us make them anyway.
  9. Sure! Make it available again, I'm a bit out of the loop here but I was surprised to find out that he doesn't become a companion alert for all subs already. So current subs can't unlock him even though he's part of the KOTFE storyline? That doesn't sound right.


    Like others have said, he shouldn't have been behind a paywall to begin with, and they probably aren't going to make the other rewards available (HK-themed mount, skin, weapon, etc that led up to it) so I don't see the big deal. And also, the reason they made it a 7-month event was to give people an incentive to stay subscribed for the rest of the KOTFE expansion, releasing one chapter a month wasn't the most exciting form of content. Not our fault they decided to go that route.

  10. Hmm, I haven't recieved one.

    Yup, I got one.


    That tells me the fallout from this is pretty serious, they must be hemorrhaging subs at the moment.


    They sent out surveys after KOTFE launched (and probably for major updates before that), so I'm sure the implications aren't as grim as you think.

  11. I read on the Harbringer forum that the pubs side was virtually non existent, that's why I asked.


    Well that isn't true, impside is generally more populated sure, but both sides are very active. Harbinger is the most populated US server after all.

  12. But why is carnage good? And is smash spec (aka old godspec) just bad now? I've read that they are buffing Jugg and Mara Rage tree in 5.0, so I'm factoring that too I guess since I plan on playing consistently.


    The Fury/Rage specs are no longer called the "smash spec" since that abilitiy was nerfed for it quite a while ago, that said it still has good burst and passives that work well in PVP so if you want to stick with that spec go ahead.

  13. Second time we've seen this tatooed person, could either be Vaylin or some other force-sensitive in the family we haven't met yet. I hope it's not Thexan, too many SW characters miraculously survive their "deaths" for my liking.


    That is obviously the lovechild of Arcann and Vaylin.



  14. I remember a few years ago, I was the weird one, this was around update 2.0


    I respecced my mercenary to heals, didn't gear him properly, and queued for a HM flashpoint. I got in Lost Island as a replacement where they were at the last boss. Unsurprisingly I bombed it, and everyone died. They saw I wasn't geared properly so the group lead gave me some appropiate pieces and we gave it another go, I kept the tank alive longer this time, but we still wiped.


    They thanked me for trying, and I exited the area - but forgot to quit the group and went afk afterwards, when I came back I saw in chat that they had asked me to quit the group so they can que for another replacement - but since I wasn't there they had to initiate a vote kick.


    I don't know what was going through my head at the time, but needless to say I never did something like that again.

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