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Posts posted by High_Voltage

  1. As long I know not as bad as HP but after purchase you have at least 1 year factory warranty.

    Second choice would be Toshiba but you need good CPU and GPU, my recommended laptop is most optimal for money.


    Ok, i like the boost up to 3ghz aswell

  2. As long I know not as bad as HP but after purchase you have at least 1 year factory warranty.

    Second choice would be Toshiba but you need good CPU and GPU, my recommended laptop is most optimal for money.


    Ok, i like the boost up to 3ghz aswell

  3. Dell Insprion R 15" Notebook is OK buy bit over, $846

    • 2nd Generation Intel Core i5-2430m 2.40GHz

    With Turbo Boost Up To 3.00ghz CPU

    • nVidia Geforce Gt 525m With 1GB Dedicated


    • 640GB HDD


    Ive heard dell ae abit dodgy? Im not too sure but correct me if im wrong

  4. Hey guys just wondering what laptop i should get, i got 800$ to spend that can run swtor smoothly

    I Allready have a gaming rig but i want a laptop so i can play the game whenever i cant play on the desktop

    Could you give me a list of recomended specs for a under 800 or choose from these websites






    Thanks in advance guys

  5. they should make Pod racing, and base it abit like the modifications you have for your personnel ship.

    like weapons, paint, engine type, cockpit type, engine sounds, color of the electricity and make it you can send your companion to repair, upgrade and create the pod :eek:

    then add racing types with 10 player races, deathmatch, gate crasher, traditional race.

    this would be an EPIC idea oh my god...

    OH and a garage where you can go and inspect your pod!!!

    /next expansion

  6. Right, I get that, but the LAUNCHER SAYS 12/20. Just pointing out that those guys are REALLLLLLLLLY tired up there. Got their dates all jacked up. The launcher literally says, 11pmCST 12/20. That's tomorrow night. LOL.


    thats weird because in GMT its the 12/20 now, 1 hour till servers come back up

    and the CST hasnt got 12/20 next to it.

    someone hasnt got their glasses on.

  7. just realized the game hasn't got a music loop option, i really love the music but it slowly cuts out for awhile! id like to see a option similar to the one in (forbidden W word) which would be great :rolleyes:

    correct me if there actually is a music loop option :confused:

  8. They did, Hence the staggerd EGA. But people whined and threw a fit, So they let more in faster then they should have. Now we have this. We only have ourselves to blame for this. NOT BW.


    That dont mean some of these things like people being dced and having to start over in que couldnt be fixed, But meh.


    we have the idiots who were complaining about not getting in when they didnt dedicate the time to pre-order it as soon as it was anounced! too bad i say, wait your turn

    its like complaining to Mc Donalds that the car infront of you got his order before you got yours.... ugh

  9. hi guys

    every now and again i get lag spikes/glitched (not latency issues) and my fps just drops to 5-10 when it normally hovers around 100-115


    heres my computer spec:


    Gigabyte P67A - UD7 Skt 1155 Motherboard


    Intel Core i7 - 2600


    4GB DDR3 Ram


    Samsung 1TB SATA-II hard drive


    nVidia Geforce 570GTX



    ive tried updating my graphics card and such but it still occasionally does it, especially when i first entered the imperial fleet where it continued for about 15 seconds....

    anyone know a solution? got anything to do with my ram?

  10. I know you can turn on/off helmet, but is there an option or anything that effects your hoodie (especially if you're playing a force character with robes)? I've seen random videos and screenies of a robe set and one would have the hoodie up, another screenie of the same looking armor would have the hoodie down. Does turning helmet on, get rid of the hoodies? Or what? Just wondering.




    its what im wondering aswell

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