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Posts posted by Scrots

  1. 2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    It doesn't matter what the story tells you.  RPers will just ignore the personal details of the game's stories and do their RP.  About the only concession to the big main story is the inclusion of "global" (galaxy-wide) context in the RP, things like "who is the Emperor" and "who is the Chancellor of the Republic", but not at the level of "my Sith is a member of the Dark Council."

    Ok, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining.

  2. 2 minutes ago, deverson said:

    It's down for me. My partner, in the same room, on the same router, is currently playing on Satele Shan. It's not down for them.

    soo... Schrödinger's Server?

    Maybe it's actually down for them and it hasn't caught up to their computer yet, so nothing they are doing is being saved. Then they are going to turn to you and say, "I don't really exist Deverson" and you will freak out, snap out of your comma and the year is really 1995. 

  3. So I love to RP. Have done it for decades in games like SW:G, WoW, Red Dead Online, Conan Exiles and so on. Those games had huge open worlds, but weren't story driven like this game is. It makes RPing easier, in my opinion, when you don't have a strong driving force like this game's character stories. I have always wanted to find a good RP guild but never have, so far. Can someone explain how guilds/players RP in a game like this. Maybe I am being short sighted and focusing too much on the story, but it seems to me that it would be hard to RP something like a strong Imp special forces unit, with chain of command and all that, when I have a story telling me I am a bad ass Sith going around the galaxy beating ass, bowing to no one, taking out Sith Lords and joining a counsel. Any explanation would help, because I just resubbed and would love to get into an RP guild, but don't want to feel like I am a novice who has no idea what's going on. Thanks in advance. 

  4. Thanks, I will try it now.




    Edit: So I tried deleting it and launching the game and the exact same thing happened. It created a new file so I went in and edited it and again, same thing, it even switched the setting back to where they were in the file.

  5. Ok so need help and its hard to describe. I was trying to change the resolution and switch to window mode for a bit and when I clicked the apply button it started to switch, froze, then just crashed. Now any time I go to launch the game it appears in the top left corner of the screen as a little sliver that never loads past the load screen or changes. My question is, is there a file somewhere I can go open and change the resolution back manually? I have already deleted the game and files and reinstalled it and that didn't work.
  6. This is my first time logging on after downloading 1.4 and it takes me to the server screen and tells me pick a server. Problem is no servers show up at all and after a few minutes it gives me an error and makes me close the game. Anyone else have this problem or maybe know a reason why its happening and know a fix?
  7. This is my first time logging on after downloading 1.4 and it takes me to server screen and tells me pick a server. Problem is no servers show up at all and after a few minutes it gives me an error and makes me close the game. Anyone else have this problem or maybe know a reason why its happening and know a fix?
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