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Posts posted by Bizwolf

  1. They aren't saying that 1.7 million people play. The article is saying that there are 1.7 million subscribers. Not all of them play at the same time. Some don't even play everyday and only play during the weekends, which is highlighted by the varying server loads on different days.


    My point is there was 1.7 mil then too. So all of them keep subs and not log in for 30+ days? I can see some of that being true but a game after 1 1/2 months is not suppose to drop off that fast. No mmo has that I have played...

  2. There is not 1.7 million anymore, no way. The fleet isn't a good way to get numbers but going from 2 almost full fleets to 80 is a big drop. Going from instant queues to 5 minute queues is a big drop.


    Out of the 40 people in my guild, like 3 play, the rest is between 30-60 days since last played.


    Out of like 20-30 friends not counting people in the guild, not one has been on in more than 30 days.


    I know at least 6 left to another server because of the queues we had the first month an a half but the rest just quit. 1.7 is not true. uh uh.

  3. It was just under 6 days played and hit 50 December 27th. Last time I checked I think it was at like 19 days or some crazy number and probably only played 1 day for the past month if that. So yeah, way too much playing at the start for me burned me out and made me finish everything too fast.
  4. Cross-healing

    2 Tanks CAN'T guard each other but 2 healers can stand next to each other and heal ?

    Apply same thing for healer. You are healer ? You can't heal other healers. Period.


    Root / Snare under resolve

    This has to stop. You cant be stuned under resolve but sorc can still root you ? How stupid is that ? For mele class root == stun since they can't get in range. Only range class can't ignore root.


    Healer bubble

    This must be adjusted. Inq / Cons have far too stron buble. It would not be a problem for DPS since this is their only line of defense BUT healers can pop up that thing and heal their *** to 100% EVEN INTERRUPTED since your interrupt block 1 skill and not full school



    To point about healer bubble. It would not be a problem if interrupt would BLOCK ALL SKILLS for 4 seconds or all skills by type. If it's healing - no healing for 4 seconds. If it's range attack - no range attacks for 4 seconds. Now it's only pain in the *** with healers. If interrupt would block all skills of one type I would not care about healer bubbles.


    Feel free to add / comment.


    Your resolve thing is good, your healer things will hurt you as well.

  5. I didn't read the comments but it's the ones done with everything you listed 10 times over is why most are bored.


    You've been 50 a week. Most of us that are bored have been 50 since Late December/early January.


    So, if you want to come back in April/May, you will feel the same way, although you will have 1.2 so you are going at a good pace.

  6. Didn't they say the new tier was just like Champion but with more expertise on it or something like that? There was something like that said because if they improved the stats further, it would hurt pve. I forget though but something like that.

    So to get best DPS burst it's always

    ~ prepare surge+crit relic and acid blade for armor penetration

    ~ hidden strike (you are on the ground for 1,5s)

    ~ backstab

    ~ shiv (to get tactical advantage - we don't use backstab before if they can push us back)

    ~ 4s stun

    ~ laceration

    ~ overload shoot

    ~ overload shoot

    ~ shiv

    ~ energy regen

    ~ do something until shiv come back

    ~ repeat



    While that's the normal rotation for people in most videos, that is not the proper rotation.


    Before every HS apply AB and before every BS apply AB or you're losing DPS.


    You will go something like this in short: AB-HS, Shiv, Lacerate, Lacerate, AB-BS etc. That works on almost anyone that's normal, now, if you fight people you know that are good, you have to adjust since you usually know how long it will last. So of course you will know when to SB, AP, and so on.


    You want AB ticking at all times in a fight and this way you will have it doing just that plus the armor pen will basically never wear out on a single person. Doing it your way, AB is gone in 6 seconds. Armor Pen is gone shortly after that.


    Of course we can kill people like you listed but you aren't killing Assassins, Marauders, and PT's with that unless they are freshies.


    If we had macros in this game, normal operatives would be insane for anyone. Right now, not so much seeing most videos. It's how you play without the boosts that separates the good ones from the bad ones.

  8. Working as intended. Sorcs are BW's pet class.


    That's why their biggest counter, Ops/Scoundrels, were nerfed to the ground.


    We can beat them almost easier than any other class out there.

  9. The only thing that made me stop playing is real life friends stopped playing. No one has logged in for a month or more but they all kept their subs hoping for something better in 1.2. If that patch doesn't make them come back, nothing will and then we will all cancel.


    Of course Bioware won't release 1.2 until the next billing cycle forcing you (if you want to see the changes) to sub another month. If you can do all the content in a week or two time period like before, this game is toast except for the "very" casual.

  10. I jumped it on my Sorcerer and a Gaurdian or whatever tossed me back off almost instantly. I always do it just for fun. It's not easy to jump that's for sure.


    It's just like jumping up on the sides in Huttball and avoiding the air things. You would think they would raise that by a foot and make the jump in voidstar a foot longer if it were an exploit.

  11. A good marauder can kill my healer pretty quick. I may get a heal off but they have so many things to hurt me it's tough. Like wise with an Assassin. All other classes can't really stop me but if I'm in the open with no los, they sure can.


    As far as a Jugg goes, I'm sure if you know when a fake cast is coming you should be able to kill them. If you don't know and interrupt something fake, you're going to keep hitting your head on the wall.

  12. This game is Facebook. Since all the stuff has pretty much been done 10 times over you log in to talk to your friends. You enter a Warzone or two so I guess that is the Farmville and sometimes you inspect someone so it's like going to their wall. It's just you pay 15 bucks to do so, so now I'm thinking I'm stupid now that I explained it out loud...
  13. Noone seems willing to answer...


    1: Who designed these forums ?

    2: Do they still work for BW ?

    3: Are there any actual "web developers" working for bw ?

    4: When will the forums be fixed?


    1. Vbulletin.

    2. ............

    3. Of course.

    4. Never.

  14. I must be playing some awful sentinel/marauders, because I just hit 50 about 4 days ago on my operative and have definitely 1v1'd a couple battlemaster marauders. Assassins on the other hand make me cry. If i had to rank classes at the moment it would be Assassins > Sorcs > PT > Marauders >>everythingelse > Operatives > Jug > Snipers.


    No way that list is even close to right.


    1. Assassin/Marauder (tied)

    2. Operative

    3. Sorcerer

    4. Everything else


    Of course there are exceptions like some Snipers 1v1 are just unreal but since so many aren't, they are viewed as weak. The powerful ones when they get buffed are going to be extreme.

  15. Server merges are the beginning of the end for MMOs.


    You won't see one for a long time. You're more likely to see free transfers from high pop realms to low pop realms.


    Who in this game would risk going from high to low? There's nothing too high where it has queues anymore so there's no point.


    It's not the fall of an MMO to do right with customer service. It's not admitting anything (although the game is losing mass amounts) it's just making customers happy and a few months from now, no one will remember anyway.

  16. Can you give a different Icon per each class? I played a WZ the other day and at the end (some people left) 12 Inquisitors (4 Sorcerers, the rest Assassins), 2 OP's (one was Sniper, other me operative) against 8 sages (think only one was Shadow)


    All it will do is make me think the game isn't over run by Sorc/Sages, thanks!

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