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Posts posted by Darthnavillus

  1. "•Steadied Aim now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Grav Round and Charged Bolts by 50/100% "...I'm a bit confused. I tested this out on the PTS, once with 2/2 in Steadied Aim, then I tested it again at 0/2, and saw absolutely zero difference. Activation time of GR is still 1.5 sec. Can someone please help me understand the term 'pushback'? I was assuming that 100% meant that the ability would now be instant at 2/2.
  2. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I've made a total of 3 purchases since this whole thing started and when I hit enable, it wants me to buy more from the website. I was under the impression that if you haven't made a purchase before, that you need to make one to enable the in-game deal.


    Exact same thing happened to me last night. I even put in a ticket regarding that issue, and I'm still not getting anywhere.

  3. Crap, I missed you ingame tonight (just now checking the message boards) I'll look for you tomorrow bud. You can also add me if you like. My main is named Mikey. I may also have a geared, skilled tank for you guys if you still need as well. Hope to catch you tomorrow sometime. I work until 7:30PST, and usually log in around 8pm. I'll keep an eye out.
  4. I would love to come onboard, I just scoped out your site for more info regarding OP's schedules. UGH!!! Just can't seem to find too many schedules for HMs @ 8pm. I wouldn't be able to make any of your 6pm OPs...I'm still at work, lol. If you guys ever decide to bump it up to 8pm, I'm def. interested! :) My main is "Mikey'. Add me if you like. See you later.
  5. Hey, any possibillity that I could try out with you guys with my Gunnery Commando this week? The current guild that I am in is 4/5 TFB HM, I know the fights well, and my char. is geared for TFB HM. My guild has decided to bump back our OPS sched. by one hour, thus making it impossible to make that time slot, and I'm looking for a new home. Thanks, and catch ya later. :)
  6. Hi, the guild I am in has spontaneously decided to bump back our OPs by one hour, making it impossible for me to raid in that time slot. If anyone needs a geared/skilled commando, I'm currently looking for a new home. I am available for OPs M-F any time after 8pm PST. We have progressed to 4/5 in TFB HM, but I would also be willing to join up with others who are either finishing Story Mode (TFB) or just getting into Hard Mode. Hit me up! :)
  7. Here's a thought. So I'm sitting here patiently in queue and I decide to check my email. I have a message from Origin with my validation code which I promptly applied to my account, and mind you I have been levelling since Tues. unvalidated. What I'm wondering is if/when I finally get to play tonight, will the bonus items included with the Digital Deluxe version be added to my current character, or will I have to start all over again? As of Tues. the only item that I had from the get go was the color crystal. Should be interesting! :eek:
  8. ques are a joke. Alot of us work all day and get a few hours to play. sitting in a que is a joke. and as far as starting over on another server why should I? Keep server hopping re-rolling newbs until they adress this isn't fair to me or anyone else.

    BTW this game rocks and I'm loving it. But ques are still a joke


    Agreed...Couldn't have said it better mysefl! :D

  9. This isn't a failure of testing. This is exactly what anyone who stopped to think about it for 5 minutes knew would happen.


    You don't run a successful business by wasting huge amounts of money, and that is exactly what buying 5X as many servers as you will eventually need to accommodate one busy week is - a waste of money.


    Come up with a solution that doesn't involve the company flushing tens of millions of dollars down the toilet and every MMO company in the world will beat a path to your door, but don't make demands with "throw more money at it" as the only viable solution.


    Not neccesary. They know exactly how many people have been granted early game access, and what their servers are capable of. This is 2011, not 1980. ;) They need to make it happen.

  10. Ok, so according to the internet, there were nearly a million pre-orders just of physical boxes, never mind digital pre-orders and you think that a 45 minute wait is the end of the world.




    Holy smokes! You would think with all of that revenue, BW would be able to purchase more than enough servers, and then some to support this issue. Perhaps this is just another "stress test"?

  11. I have only had about 2-3 disconnection issues since Tues. Not too shabby at all. What is slightly irritating however is the fact that I have to wait in queue (roughly 700 players ahead of me) nearly an hour to play a game that I am paying for. They need to fix this, and put a population cap on the servers. This is not acceptable. :mad:
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