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Posts posted by demonskies

  1. Well, expansions are one thing known to MMO fans pretty well, like WoW with its 3 expansions that held different classes higher lvl cap and new story. What can we expect from a SWTOR expansion? Well StarWars fans I'd like to think that the plants they have left out of the game like Kashyyyk and Naboo. Also I think that planets will become available to all classes(I.E. both sides such as starting planets to both sides.) These will obviously have alot of high leveled Npc's all over the place.


    I also expect to see more mini games added such as pazaak and pod-racing, more ideas done with space battles and tons of new missions. For the other classes, I'd expect to see Wookies, Ewoks, Droids, Gungan and a few fun others. Now obviously all of these things cannot be put into the game, but I really think that in order to keep people from leaving like they are now a lot of things will need to be added. More mini games, more missions, better war zones(I'd LOVE to see a team death match game type added, as well as a ffa kind of idea/ or even involve a pve kind of war zone. Like we have to kill a Rancor or something.) Also new flash points, and fix alot of the pve bugs they have. I'm a pvp player but when I do choose to do pve, I hate that the bosses will glitch out..


    TOR is a great game, and it has a long way to go. I'm going to stick it out because I know a lot is going to come. Its just a matter of being loyal and waiting it out. So let me know how you guys/girls feel and thoughts.


    Pod racing would break lore. Pod racing doesn't come around until 1000 years or less from episode 1. As much as I'd like to see it the way the game runs for most people racing against other live players would be horribly glitchy and it wouldnt feel like pod racing unless you could be going 600+ mph. Unless Lucas lets Bioware break lore probably wont see it. Maybe it predecessor of swoop racing we can hope.


    mini games, ship decorating, more fluff rather than collecting datacrons, a real achievement system, more alien races that are less humanoid, non rail space combat missions and space pvp, better planet selection and better use, expanded leveling paths on planets. It would be nice if you could go to 3-4 different planets per 5 level bracket for more variety in leveling. this would also make it nice rather than oh every one of my classes story goes thru the exact planets in order. when in reality a warrior could go to hoth at 20 and my inquiz could go to belsavis at 20 rather than the current story path. Even if they just expanded planets and added more "zones" to them with different level areas.


    just a few thoughts. I have a bunch more but these are just a few opinions of mine.


    Actually it's you who have the selective memory. The only games that had 'toped a million' were 1 or 2 games in the far east which didn't use the same (or even similar) subscription system at all and really couldn't be compared properly since it was like comparing apples to pork chops... The only games, at the time, that had more players than DAOC were EQ1 (and it eventually dropped below DAOC) and Lineage II. Lineage II had about 700,000 subs at DAOC's peak of 350,000. At peak DAOC had more subs than any game except Lineage II because both EQ1 and UO had dipped below it and none of the modern MMO's ahd released yet.


    For it's time DAOC was a huge success and had huge numbers.


    how come eastern games cant be compared who cares what there subscription model is. A mmo is a mmo. Wow likes to claim they have what close to 10 million subscribers NA and europe only make up about half and asia is the other half should we only say wow has only 5 million cuz asian subscription models dont count for some odd reason.

  3. 1. EQ2- RoK time period. Talent systems that actually are earned rather than given at each level with an AA system. Tiered Raiding that almost no one could clear and were very challenging. Mentor system, in depth crafting system that actually made acrafting fun and not just click a button. Housing system and amazing lore, heritage quests with awesome rewards.


    2.EQ1- the vast world that I could always get lost in, working to get quests. months to reach max level on first toon whether it was grindy or not. death penalties. great community back in the day. nothing like walking into halas and getting mauled by all the bears, wolfs, and skeletons at such a low level and running back to the guards. Body runs.


    3.Asherons Call- The community events and atmosphere of the game even though it was hard to compete with EQ1.


    4. World of Warcraft- Bringing the casualness to mmos to build a bigger communtiy. Improving on features that EQ1, AC, DAOC and all others that came before it to bring more people to the genre. Things like Dungeon Finder, Raid Finder, seemless contintents with no load times. there are many other things that they evolved the genre that can be learned from.


    5. Any mmo with an amazing character creation- Champions, COH, COV, almost any asian based MMO. Any mmo should have an amazing character creation. If that game expects me to have 90, 100, 180 days played time I want my character to be amazing not some bland carbon copy of every other human body type with the 8 different hairstyles and 4 body types.

  4. i would have been fine if they would have just added a mass effect space style. get in your ship and manually move from planet to planet. even if it was just a hokey lil thing. Also you could go and do your gathering professions by harvesting planets like mass effect. Sadly I havent touched space combat since December.
  5. You type in "support" like you are talking about WoW-shamans, no class in this game has real groundbreaking support beyond classbuffs (that in a raid with an altoholic can all be provided by a single person) except Bloodthirst by marauders and armor debuffs by Ars. mercs + Snipers. What support are you talking about? Some weak shields by Madnesssorcs? Knockbacks, Pulls, Stuns etc, all of that is not needed 99% of the time in current and probably future raid content.


    A wow shaman hasnt really been a "support" class in a long time. Sadly there really hasn't been any support classes since the old days with classes like bards, mezzers, and the oddball hybrid support/dps like a necro.


    To the OP unless you give us gear, spec, and pics/links to parse your point is pretty invalid.

  6. How did you address the electrical bubbles on LR-5? Did your tank just kite him the whole time? We found the only way we could get it done was to keep him in the middle with all ranged staying together and moving as a unit around the perimeter. I am interested to know how you did it with melee so we can try it.


    I'm a marauder and we had the tank tank in middle square on corner. I would attack and after plasma arc I'd run out to max distance towards back of room. Ranged/heals would be at max distance at front of room and filled 4 spots in front then moved to side of rooms. We hit enrage timer just barelty but we downed him.

  7. this could all be alleviated by making him target people outside of a 10 meter range with plasma bombs. And only targeting inside that range when here is no one outside to aim at.


    Lets be completely honest. This is not a small upgrade in difficulty to the 4 man content. This is 4 man content that requires specific group makeup to even achieve it with a reasonable gear level. Can you do this with melee. yes. Will it punish you and force you to want to quit. Likely.


    For example Driod:


    1 tank 2 ranged 1 healer = ranged and healer run around the boss avoiding bombs. Tank interrupt incinerate.


    1 tank 2 melee 1 healer = 2 melee maintain an interrupt rotation the entire fight, healer prays they dont mess up, no one to dps adds bc if melee misses a single one. death


    1 tank 1 ranged 1 melee 1 healer = don't bother. Cant do a rotation bc you don't have 3 interrupts. cant do the circle bc melee is gonna get the center blasted.


    Is this hard content? No this is content tuned to a specific makeup that alienates half the player base.


    I'm a marauder and my group did it most of us were 3/5 rakata with rakata gear with tank in full rakata. sure it took 15 wipes. but once we realized the balls only target dps we just had tank tank on corners of inner square and I as melee dps run out after the arc to prevent the electricity from moving the tank. I also think there might be a pattern it follows but didnt think about it until after we did it. the last boss gave us a little trouble to with i think 4 or 5 wipes. mini boss and pillar jumper were a joke. but it is definately doable. Also even with me only getting about 800 dps overall for the fight with the droid cause of the bobbing in and out we still down it only a few seconds after his enrage timer.


    jugg tank

    marauder dps

    sorc heals

    sniper dps


    Edit: and for the most part we didnt even interupt the arcs only the incenerates. arcs are no where as nears as bad as incinerate.

  8. It would be kind of cool, maybe not in the exact way you are explaining it. I remember in EQ2 there were the LnL quests that when you solved them you got a trophy for your house. I know I had a trophy room just full of the trophies received and it was a time sink and a bonus to solve them all so it was fun.
  9. 1. theres a difference between lag and fps issues

    2.GTN just needs to be more search friendly

    3. Respecs should cost money its not our fault you respec 40 times a week.

    4. There should be a penalty for leaving. 30 minute deserter debuff would be fine.

    5. How many games have a 5 min quick travel? Unless you are a class that has port abilities. If you need to get to the fleet just Q for your unpunished pvp and timeout that will get you to the fleet in only 2 loading screens :D.

    6.Money is a joke to make 250,000 is nothing.

  10. my annihilation marauder seems to fair well. sorry every boss mechanic doesnt let you just stand there an attack. for example with a group of equally geared dps on duel of fates doing their "rotation" i normally finish 5-10 seconds earlier. Usefullness in a fight will always be a per boss mechanic. Some fights ranged will be ridiculously OP dps and some fights melee will be OP dps. Same goes for healing. my BH can not aoe heal nowhere as near our sorc healer, but i will out single target heal him like no other. Everyone has their own perks and thats the fun of being able to try different classes. I wouldn't want my marauder to feel like my bounty hunter or i would have just rolled 8 bounty hunters on my server.
  11. 1. the fact you used halo as an example is fail. Many better FPS shooters out there.

    2. noone gives a darn about your lame opinions or what you've played. welcome to just about every other gamers out there experience.

    3. whether star wars fails or not there will always be haters, people who are content, the fanbois, and people who dont care.

  12. are you interupting? interupts make almost every class boss a joke. also make sure your as close to the level of the quest as possible. another thing you might want to do is get better gear for your companion. just some helpful options. class quests shouldnt be that hard. I know a few times on my toons I took a death on a class boss then looked at the fight and realized i stood in some aoe he had but didnt see it or there was something to interrupt and i missed it.
  13. what would be cool if they released with like 3 or more giant planets that were all azeroth (for reference) sized. I mean planets that have multiple terrains and seasons. Then each expansion could bring a whole new planet or 2 of epic size and some new tormented raid boss from said new planet. I would have been happy without alot of planets if core planets were bigger with more terrain and different areas. Wont happen but would be awesome. Some of the planets are useless in size and just feel way to small like quesh but others feel really big with not enough to do in them except travel 20 miles in between quest hubs.
  14. I could give a link to some great endgame, but I'd just get flagged. So to answer the OP's question--yes you can buy some great, challenging endgame--just not in TOR.




    Your kidding right? Sure one group of 25--out of 10million players got world firsts. Check wowprogress.com to see the percentage of guilds that have cleared regular and hard mode. As for LFR, sure it is ridiculously easy--as it is designed to be. Anyone can jump in a queue and in less than 20 minutes they are raiding. I would actually say the TOR raids are much, much harder then WoWs. The majority of players in TOR will never clear the first Operation on easy mode for the simple reason they will never get into a raid group. i.e. it isn't the raiding that is hard in TOR--it is the grouping.


    so were at around 600 guilds world wide are hm 8/8, how many are 10/10 nightmare in star wars.

    Either way I wasn't bashing on star wars or Wow. Just letting the OP know the content in star wars is just as easy/comparable whatever you want to call it to the other mmo giant.

  15. so korean raid guild downs HM Deathwing on Dec 20th after 4.3 was released on Nov29. Almost every hardcore and even lots of casual guilds down regular deathwing within first month of 4.3 which is equivelent to hm in star wars. and on LFR down deathwing on first day. Seems like star wars is on par with raid easiness. and we havent even got 10% nerfs yet.
  16. I've seen many people complain about the RNG in bags. Heck I've complained quite often about the RNG in bags. But then I realized you have a 25% chance to get a token in a champion/battlemaster bag . You also have a 25% chance a token of your class will drop at the end of a flashpoint and if you are in a group with only 1 of that class you should win it. Operations compared to PVP has two weekly with what a total of 8 bags equivelent to running thru 8 operation bosses per say. Maybe up the bags to 5 per weekly for pvp just so it matches operation bosses. I know there are 4 raids you can do if you count all modes but if your doing hardmodes and higher is it worth doing normals. But keep the battlemaster just as less frequent and equivelent to getting rakata drops. I've had bad RNG in both pvp and pve gear. Some pieces of gear take 2 or more weeks of grinding flashpoints, operations, pvp warzones every day/week to get. ANd hell if its rakata you only get that one chance a week. Epic doesnt feel epic when every person is in full battlemaster/rakta gear. It should be slow progression to work thru unless your some of the few insane content clearers. Just a thought.
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