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Posts posted by tibernary

  1. On a further note, I made a worse "mistake" than you. Somehow, when switching mods around (to exchange a mod free BM piece) I placed a BM mod over the top of a WH mod. Now I have a Supercommando chestpiece with a level 58 enhancement.


    Yes, this is much worse than mine:) 'Sick' is maybe a bit over the top, but I heard you have to be dramatic to get noticed on the forums:)(j/k)

  2. What's wrong with eliminator set? I use that set on my pyrotech PT.

    Dont need more damage on rocket punch when my flameburst + combustible out damage it AND ignore armor, slows and apply a heavy dot.


    15% crit on railshot owns.


    Nothing wrong. I probably shouldn't have used the word 'wrong'. It's more that I want to try a different spec for which Combat Tech is more suited. But if I stay in Assault/Pyro then ya, the Eliminator is better I think.

  3. I purchased the Battlemaster Eliminator set for my Tactics Vanguard. I thought the set bonus was the best so went for it.


    I now realize I want to buy the Combat Tech War Hero gear. The idea of having to re-earn the Combat Tech Battlemaster set first makes me sick. Is this the only way?


    Can I use crafted BM stuff to purchase War Hero?


    If not, I feel they should allow any Battlemaster piece be used when purchasing a War Hero item (ie: any BM chest could be used to purchase any WH chest) regardless of the exact set.


    Can anyone help? Is re-grinding BM gear the only way?

  4. VERSION 1.16

    UPDATED: 6-28-12


    Another important piece of information that people often forget is to make sure you remove your mods from your Battlemaster armor before converting the armor into War Hero gear. NOTE: There are multiple reasons to rip mods and will later be explained in future updated sections dedicated to Mod-Ripping.



    I don't understand the benefit of pulling out BM mods when you upgrade to War Hero gear. The War Hero gear has better mods so you no longer need the BM stuff. I just did that when upgrading to my first piece of War Hero gear and it costs a good amount to do.


    I do understand the post about maximizing stats with mods, but it doesn't seem you would do that by re-using BM stuff after obtaining War Hero.


    Any clarification would be appreciated.


    GREAT post btw!

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