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Posts posted by DiegoOnasi

  1. Just now, Nee-Elder said:

    They  listen (read) , but they (BioWare + EA) have their own agendas, mandates, & deadlines....all of  which supercede  any responsibility to placate the community.

    You can find most of them here within the stickied thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/925874-class-balance-changes-feedback/

    Doubtful , since in checking your post-history  it would appear you're a pretty solid & skilled player.

    Therefore, i'm guessing you'll  decide to do what nearly everyone does after combat changes:  Adapt or un-$ub. ;)


    Thanks mate I hadnt seen the PTS post on changes, but am reading it now.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hey Hunty, Im done with PTS on this game no one ever listens to feedback anyway. Im curious though what changes are they making to Anni? It's not my main spec but I main maras, sounds like I should be bracing myself for a rough time?

  3. On 11/19/2022 at 2:07 PM, DeannaVoyager said:

    It's not just 4v4 premades, it's all premades that are problematic when they are being put against solo players. Premades should be eliminated completely, or they should remain in queue until another premade group queues as well. 

    yes... remove the ability to play with friends from an MMORPG... genius! I'd love to see them try and then I'll come back here in 6 months time to find people whinning that queues for regs takes too long because no one is playing.

    • Confused 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    Quick correction, since you seem to be just slightly misguided and being that i was a Dev/QA on another SW mmo, i might be able to help shed some light.  So --> Devs/Coders  didn't (and don't)  "ignore"  bugs.  They prioritize certain issues that are either most urgent, most important, or most gamebreaking.  Your  very minor  report  unfortunately doesn't fit into those 3 catagories.

    Secondly, if you expect  BioWare to  reply to your threads, particularly when you made duplicates just for the sake of re-posting or re-pinging, then you're gonna be disappointed lol  (they rarely  ever reply to ANY  threads in this section,  since they are too busy  coding  and barely have enough time for regular patches much less forum exchanges)

    p.s.  i actually  agree with you  about  how  it was  wayyy better (and more fun) with the previous  *activate*  Legacy buffs  clicky  version.  I'm still not even sure why it was changed.  (other than the usual  Devs like to nerf  conspiracy  theory  :( )

    Thanks for that. I'll defer to your experience. It wasnt just me reporting it at the time though there were loads of posts about it that seem to have just been forgotten about, thats why I was raising the issue again. It just baffles me why something like that isnt even on the known bugs list. I don't expect a dev or a moderator to reply to me directly but they do have people gathering bug reports on the forums so what I cannot figure out for the life of me is why that particular bug isnt even on known issues list. It's not so much that it was more fun before, but Im going into war zones most of the time with mastery or power and crit buff missing. So my dps is down 30% before the match has even begun. thats just painfully frustrating and its been the cause of me cancelling my subscription and spending a few months away from the game.

    I guess they changed it with the best of intentions but the fact is like the rest of 7.0 they did a piss poor job of implementing that change. Yeah a lot of my forum posts on the last year have been a bit salty, can you blame me? I love this game ive been here since the very beginning, I hate showing up for public test rounds give them solid feedback and then get ignored.

  5. 1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    A request that you be more specific does not prove your point.

    The fact you dont know anything about a bug that has been widely reported for months does. Also If you actually read the my opening post it describes exactly what the problem is, but seeing as you've taken to negatively commenting on all of my posts Im just going to ignore you going forward. Thanks for playing.

  6. 1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    OK, that's interesting.  I admit that I haven't played PvP since 7.0 dropped, and if I had, it would have been on a Trooper/Commando, so perhaps I wouldn't have noticed.  But regardless, OP should have been more specific.

    There were various threads on this issue months ago. Devs ignored it and hoped the problem would go away.. it hasnt. Thanks for proving my point.

  7. Why is the class buff bug not on the list of known issues. It has been a major complaint of the last expansion but it seems to be getting ignored. It's really frustrating to go into any kind of content and have 1 or more of your class buffs missing, particularly in warzones where this puts you at a distinct disadvantage against other players.

    I know you know about this. Can we please have some assurance that it is at least being looked into? 

    My suggestion for fixing it is; and has been since the first day i reported it, very simple. Roll back the way that class buffs are applied and make them an active ability again as they were prior to 7.0.

  8. Shouldnt have to disable anti virus or firewalls. So this is not a viable option. Downloading the game on steam worked for me but i dont want to go through steam because of multiple reports of issues with paid subscriptions and cartel coin purchases not being credited to account. All glaring issues that need to be addressed.

  9. Yeah this has been an ongoing issue since 7.0 but ive noticed recently I appear to be the only one on my team missing a buff. At least before what ever changes they made it was everybody, now its just me I'm less inclined to play until it gets the attention we deserve. But it wont get sorted because hey we got the outfitter now and thats what people really care about right?
  10. I wrote a week ago when you released patch 7.0.2 that my game is not patching because of an error/bug : "Unable to retrieve patch data. Please check network connection (206)". I was not able to play since last tuesday ( april 26 ). Since I am trying everyday to see if this is fixed : I delete and try to install the game but is not working since that 206 Error.

    I am a subscriber and at this moment I am getting nothing for my money.

    More than that now I am one week lacking with my Season Two weekly missions to unlock stuff.

    Sadly It seem you dont give a "duck" about this.

    Will you do something about this issue ?! Or should I just end my subscription and move on ?!


    Do yourself a favour, end the subscription and move on. I quit for about 2 months and came back for friends. That was stupid of me. This game really is a dead duck, the devs don't give a damn, they resent the player base and think were all idiots. EA are quite content to continue taking our money until more people realise this and move on. So you may as well get ahead of the crowd.

  11. I main warrirors and have done for as long as i can remember. Ive completed the warrior story line multiple times over i have unlocked all 4 of the class buffs on imp side and a couple on rep side to boot.


    I am still going into warzones and seeing that my Might (warrior class buff) is being removed. I was mad enough about this before but in the last 2 warzones ive played tdoay i was the only one on my team that was missing a buff. So every warzone i play now i know going in I am at an instant disadvantage losing 5% of my power outright.

  12. Jackie,


    Respectfully, can you put into writing that BW will actually listen to our feedback this time? If not, why should anyone waste time downloading or testing. We have tested in the past, given feedback and watched as everything we said was ignored.


    Also, no offense but I for one do not care much for testing the Operations bosses. Can we just worry about fixing all the other issues first? From BW's track record, releasing additional bosses means additional bugs.


    I agree

  13. Hello everyone,


    Lastly, I understand that there are many topics to debate on the forums, but I am asking you all to please be civil with each other and toward members of the team. Attacking, harassing, and wishing harm against each other and against staff is not permitted. I and the moderation team try to find balance with allowing players to voice their concerns freely and enforcing the guidelines. We ask you to be respectful. Please contribute to the forums in a meaningful manner that promotes healthy conversation.


    Thank you,



    You've sabotaged your own game and you disrespected your own player base. If people are angry it is for good reason, were angry because we love the game, were angry because you disrespected us.


    We tried to have healthy conversation with you, we gave you our feedback on the PTS. You spat in our face as a reward for our time. The onus is now on you to put that right!


    Take a long hard look at the feedback you have been receiving from players not just after 7.0 but before it. You're lucky this is a Star Wars MMO, if it were any other brand the game would have died years ago.

  14. I have enough to upgrade 5 pieces. I have not done so.


    There is literally no point in going from 320 to 322 or 324...or any other IR.


    The scaling is garbage. You will see zero increase in actual power. Combat will take the exact same amount of time. My friends and I timed it. One at level 75 put on 280 gear and fighting took the exact same amount of time as at 306, 318 and 320. This is not in Operations or PvP mind you. Open world combat, elite missions instance combat and Flashpoint combat...all the exact same. No benefit at all.


    Gearing no longer has any meaning for most of us other than perhaps a bragging point.


    This! There is no reason in gearign up due to the massive down scaling in all areas of content. Because there is no advantage to gearing up there is no reason to playany of the content in order to get the gear. For that reason Ive not played for 2 days and cancelled my sub. Am currently waiting on word from devs about what fixes are going to be implemented and when but as it stand Im looking for another game to play and even considering going back to world of warcraft.

  15. Founder...played since first beta. Just cancelled my sub. Taking away renown and jacking up conquest to be insanely time consuming was STUPID. Bye alts! Bye main who has completed pretty much everything cuz guess what? they also gonna piece-meal out the "expansion" to draw out subs. wanna run that fp for the 800th time? no? weird. i've been wondering when it was gonna start to feel like an EA game instead of a bioware one. guess the wait, for that at least, is over.


    Couldn't agree more. Also a founder, cancelled my sub yesterday. It hurt like hell to do but Ive started to feel like Im in an abusive relationship i need to get out of.

  16. This is ridiculous. You're asking good players to teach bad players how to play, so that the "community can grow." You know that's never going to happen, even if pvpers were "nice guys."


    Actually you are completely wrong there. I have been running a small guild where for the last year I have been doing exactly that. Ask anyone who knows me, I run heroics without companions because I believe they are bad for the game. I have my own rotation system that while not optimal, gives visual queues and helps people understand how their abilities work in tenden and I offer help or advice to anyone who needs it. I recently sent a lengthy and detailed in game e-mail to a random player who was asking for help with making Carnage work after 7.0


    Here's the interesting thing. The guy I e-mailed about carnage never even bothered responding and the guild I started and tried so hard to make work collapsed a few months ago because people either got bored of the game or are just not interested in understanding how the game works.


    Fortunately I am part of another guild, a small group of friends and we almost exclusively play regs. Those guys all know their classes and we help and support each other.

  17. I've been doing a lot more regs since 7.0 to gear. So have a lot of other players I think....


    It's clear that premades are the solution to pvp. Premades encourage more competitive play, not decentivize it.


    I'll give an example. I was in a premade last night trying to finish my weekly. We got Quesh Hutball and we decided to full cheese it. My friend would grab the ball, get pulled by my sorc healer, and pass to me sitting in the endzone. We got 2 goals in before the enemy team realized what we were doing. The enemy team did not have a single premade, but once they realized we were in a premade they instantly shifted strategies, grouped together, and focused us. They ended up winning the game, in part because our teammates had no idea what to do, but in large part because they realized they would have to play together to beat us.


    This is just one example of how premades make the game more competitive. I have a ton more examples that I can think of over the past couple weeks where premades made the game more fun and competitive, not less.


    I absolutely love this post. Well done you are bang on the money! I almost always play as part of a 3 or 4 man pre made. Why because its more fun with friends. The guys I play with have kept me playing this game far longer than I would have had I been playing solo.

  18. I agree this is incredibly frustrating. Whats the point of going to the effort of levelling up and gearing a character just to have ALL your stats knocked back down to level 20. I'm getting really tired of this **** now, the game has been ruined by incompetent devs... I'm being polite here and assuming incompetence over malice.
  19. You should have left class buffs alone, there was no need to temper with them and now we have a situation where there are a number of issues:


    1. Upon joining or leaving a group Ive had as many as 2 class buffs dissapear from my buff tray and now that they are passive i have no way of getting them back.


    2. I've seen players with 2 of the same class buff.. i.e. Player has the warrior buff as well as the Jedi knight buff


    3. Can no longer buff other players in group content. This utility has been a core mechanic of MMO's as far back as I can remember and you managed to break it.

  20. and killed my UI. It also now has more bugs in it than my first apartment...


    People lost billions, across alts, and crafting toons, on amplifiers...billions. I know gaming experience is supposed to change over time, but this is a real bite in the arse. What was the tradeoff? What did we get? Then you pruned abilities, resulting in ridiculous choices that, no matter what you decide, you get left missing something integral to your experience. My def guardian, perhaps the most iconic star wars archetype, has to choose between saber reflect...kind of iconic...or Awe, important...or blade blitz...also very important and something that was IN EVERY SINGLE BUILD before this nerf fest. Got that? ALL THREE of those abilities were in EVERY SINGLE BUILD. Now I get one. Genius. That isn't choice, that is unlawful carnal knowledge.


    Aren't you supposed to leave abusive relationships? Asking for a friend...


    You're not wrong. and guardians weren't the worst hit either.. by the end of the week they've created a new meta in which all you get in warzones now is sorcs and stealthers. Being any kind of melee class is painful to play at the moment. A special mention goes to Carnage Marauder which has been sent flying back to 5.0 levels of awful.

  21. cut them some slack.
    No! they are undeserving of slack. They have disrespected the player base by ignoring al our feedback and implementing changes no one wanted and everyone who played on PTS told them was a bad idea.


    We need to see a major U turn on a lot of these issues by 7.1 or there wont be enough players around to fill a flashpoint queue let alone a warzone

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