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Posts posted by JediKalamarti

  1. I got off work tonight and was going to play before bed. I launched the game and it would go to the loading screen. Then crash. I ran Diagnostic and fix launcher exe. Once I did that it decided to launch and go to the log error everyone has been having issues with. Now I am sad and frustrated lol. I hope it is up and running soon, If not maybe do a clean reinstall of the game.
  2. What else is there to do when the servers are down. Either rage on the forums, or be entertained by the people raging on the forums. Same thing happens in every mmorpg..."The server is down - I must go rage on the forums!" :rak_03:


    true, i remember wow went down for 3 days and forms were over run. fist day i think forms hit 67 pages with in 4 hours......3 days later the form was taken due to high traffic. i know its them trolls from under the bridges. Their fantasy world gets ruined and they want people to be pissed off like they are because they have to wait. I blame trolls for the hamsters going on strike

  3. i got my legs blown off in the war, i have a **** load of time to play and i cant play right now yet im paying for the ****** *** service and im pissed too, there happy now???


    If your looking for sympathy for what happened I will only say this, I am sorry that has happened to you and I commend you and thank you for your service. I am talking about the people who just sit at home who HAVE legs and do nothing. I would be pissed too not having the ability to walk.

  4. As someone who paid extra money to move multiple lvl 55s to this server im going to have to agree.


    Now that I have to agree, something along that lines. If you paid a butt load of money into the game to move a huge group of 55s to a server and it constantly having issue I think that's fair, but if you sit at home and play this 18 hours a day and you have nothing going on in your life then yeah.....think its just wrong to complain about it lol

  5. ACTUALLY I am a charter customer and I DID get a 1/2 off month when their system failed last week, so there. :p


    Point taken and noted. So what I played in Swtor Beta . The matter of it is, it is just a game and all we got to do is grin and bare it. Nothing will change I mean if you get something out of it (Thumbs up for you). You have got what you wanted. I clearly dont care how long it takes as long I get to play today. Now if it happens that its not up today.....oh well ill go play diablo 3 and try tomorrow after work.

  6. It also seems to always be Harbinger, *** offer free transfers to anyone that wants them and let me and my family go elsewhere, there load lightened.


    Is it that bad? Come on think of your net as a server. Would you start yelling at your internet provider if the net went down and they email you a message saying "Sorry for the inconvenience" while you're not online.Would you yell at them demanding a free month of service? LOL

  7. I really dont see what the big deal is tho. It happens and there is nothing we can do about it. Alot on here complaining it went down ( Yes I know most were in Flash points ect...ect ), but what else is there to do besides wait and see. I mean I been a Old Wow player and other Mmo's before and sometimes blizzard take their servers down to fix. Its really not going to kill you to miss a hour of play time. Compensation usually happens anyways from what I have seen before. So just take a chill pill, dont freak out and let them work on getting it back on. :D
  8. I enjoy the game as much as anyone else but really...


    It is a game folks. The world is not ending, the zombies are not coming...


    I find it hilarious people screaming about servers going offline "in the middle of the day." Most people have jobs, or do something other than stare at a computer in the "middle of the day." I'm not judging, do as you will. Perhaps there are other things which can be done "in the middle of the day." Call me crazy...


    And yes, I understand the service for a fee bit, paying for a sub, blah blah blah. Let them fix the thing.





    -high fives DRD-

  9. This is ridiculous, you guys cant even keep your heavy servers up why do we subscribe if this is what we get. I mean seriously are the people on these servers gonna get some compensation for this?


    Well its a standard server by all means, they can take it down when they want. I noticed a glitch here and there and its not a good glitch. Like you cant move and the mob is beating you from far away. you try to shoot and you get killed because it says your too far away. So I can see how its not a surprise for a non scheduled downer

  10. lol I know how much more do he want from the game, It is free I used to play star wars galaxies and you wanna moan about this. I understand frustration. It happens I seriously don't know why People get so worked up on something that is really fun. If you have to re spec hey it means you don't have enough experience with the role you are trying to fill. Either start over or quit by all means. Do not come on here just complaining about bio ware, it is the person behind the character that needs to learn, not the Makers of the game
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