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Posts posted by Contristo

  1. Hey folks,


    With the release of our Itemization in 7.0 article, we wanted to add some clarity around some of the details of that article in addition to providing some supplementary information.


    In addition to the removal of the Renown system mentioned in the article, we are changing the Social and server-wide Dark vs. Light systems.


    What will happen to Renown Achievements, Legacy Perks, and Boosts

    • Achievements will for the most part be moved to Feats of Strength, and have their point values removed (with the exception of Social achievements, as described below).
    • Legacy Perks related to these systems will be removed starting in 7.0.
      • Starting today, Renown and Social Legacy Perks will have their Cartel Coin price reduced to 1

      [*]Renown Boosts will be removed from the Cartel Market next Monday, November 8th. Until then, they will be discounted by 90%

      • Upon 7.0 launch, existing boost items for these systems (Renown and Social) will no longer work, and will be able to be sold to vendors for a small number of credits


    What will happen to the Social rewards?

    • We are converting the system from awarding points based on conversation choices to instead reward grouping for activities. Details of the changes are:
      • Achievements have been reworked to now require Group Finder activities rather than Social Levels.
      • The character titles which previously came with the achievements are now exclusive to those who already completed the Achievement. For 7.0 and forward, the updated Achievements will grant Legacy Titles of the same titles (rather than Character ones).
      • These Achievements will gate the visibility and purchase of the items on Social vendors. As players progress through the achievements, more items will become available.
      • The two fleet social vendors will be moved to the Cantina area on both fleets and have all Social items previously available.
      • The old vendors around the galaxy will still be available, but they will only have inventory based on the player's achievement progress.


    What will happen to the Dark vs Light system?

    • First, let’s clarify exactly what we’re talking about with the Dark vs. Light system. The individual character alignment system, where morality choices made throughout the story in conversations or via the Diplomacy crew skill in order to move a character’s alignment between Dark and Light sides of the Force, will remain unchanged.
    • The server-wide Dark vs Light meter which would pop up every so often to reflect the balance in the galaxy will be removed.
    • The small alignment widget in the UI will be removed
    • The alignment choice every time group finder pops will be removed
    • The DvL bosses that spawned in the world when one side was victorious will be removed temporarily. We plan on re-introducing them in a future update.
    • The DvL rewards vendors will remain in place on both Fleets
    • To compensate for the loss of constant alignment gain, character alignment levels and thresholds will revert to pre-Dark vs. Light system totals


    We'll be keeping an eye on this thread to answer questions that may have not been answered in the post.






    So, yet again you are going back to catering for the extremely small player base of elitist Ops players. 334 rating no longer available for the vast majority of your player-base. My subscription expires at the end of Jan next year...just enough time to play the new content through with a few characters, after that I will not be renewing.

    334 should be available every type of player, albiet a harder and longer journey for those who don't run MM ops & ranked WZ.

  2. Hey folks,


    One of the things we talked a bit about on the stream is that there are gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. This thread is meant to give you a few more details on some of the things that will be happening in KOTET, along with being a place that I can address questions or concerns you have with these changes. First, here are the details on how gearing will work at level 70:

    • Once you hit level 70, the source of end-game gear will be Command Crates from Galactic Command.
    • Most activities in the game will earn Command Experience Points (CXP), which will earn you Command Ranks. Each time your Command Rank increases, you earn a Command Crate.
    • The higher your Command Rank, the better gear that will drop from your Command Crates.
    • The highest difficulty Operations and Uprisings, along with Ranked Warzones are intended to be the fastest ways to earn CXP. This means they are the fastest way to get the best gear.
    • Both PvP and PvE gear will come from Command Crates. Their gear is now shared as Expertise is being removed (head to this thread to discuss PvP/PvE itemization specifically).
    • Gear will no longer drop from bosses as all gear will come from Command Crates. All cosmetic/unique drops will still remain on those bosses (Stronghold Decorations, Wings of the Architect, etc.).
    • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.

    That should cover most of the basic changes coming to itemization in KOTET. I know this is a lot to take in, so please ask any questions you may have in this thread and I will work to answer what I can!




    It's very, very, rare I post on these forums & when I do it's normally when I'm extremely pi**ed off due to an incoming epic fail on behalf of Bioware. As a constant subscriber since the release of this game there have been a few occasions whereby I have nearly un-subbed due to certain foolish changes/nerfs etc but I have to say that bringing back RNG for endgame gear is the biggest ever single idiotic mistake you will ever make....for gods sake did you not learn any lessons with the gear rewards that were part of 1.0....!!!!??? No one wants RNG...what ever crossed your minds...??!! What drugs were you all on when you came up with this decision...!!??

    Top rewards should be obtained via participation - not LUCK!

    My 5 year long sub runs out at the end of this year and this I have to say is the straw that has finally broken the camels back, in fact the vast majority of player-subs I have spoken too in-game are doing exactly the same.

    Revert this completely idiotic & foolish decision or I can guarantee SWTOR will be FUBAR. :mad::mad:

  3. Star Fortress (Heroic)

    Lvl 65 Deception - Assassin

    MAX legacy/datacron presence unlocks

    Ashara Zavros - influence lvl 50

    Full 208 augments on 216 gear (2 x pieces of 220)


    In a nutshell:

    So before the nerf I was able to complete the star fortress heroic, but not without it being a challenge. Also took about an hour to complete (sins get drawn out of stealth now). My plan was to do all of them & unlock the achievements & some decorations, then I would leave it there. Why? Because the reward for these heroics vs the time spent doing them was really not worth the time/effort.


    Post nerf: Still able to complete the star fortress heroic, but only just & not without an even greater challenge. Run time - over an hour.


    What I'm trying to say is with full augmented 216 gear & full presence & influence unlocks that have been grinded for over the years it should be a bit easier & not take so long (god knows how new players with very little presence bonuses get on)


    If I have the time and want a proper challenge in SWTOR I'll go into WZ, FP or OP....this should not be the case for a 'heroic'.


    I've been subscribed to SWTOR continuously since launch...mainly solo play now with a few WZ's every now & then (don't get much time for anything else anymore due to family & work), so that's my gaming style. From what I've read on these forums lately my playstyle/gamer type makes up the majority of players in this game.


    I've been close to unsubscribing on a couple of occasions...primarily due to some class nerf or another that was implemented indiscriminately.


    This I have to say has been the final straw & I have unsubscribed, at least until you revert the companions back closer to how they used to be. Bioware, if you read this allow me to give you some sound advice....when you have to balance/tweak things, please, do it in moderation. This was a 50 megaton TSAR nuke that was totally irresponsible & neglectful, and as far as I'm concerned totally unacceptable.


    And no you can' have my stuff :)

  4. It's worse now that it used to be. There was a time when Kira would always have her saber on, but at least it was in her hand. Now she puts it on her belt but most of the time it doesn't go off. The bottom blade cuts through her legs and the top one sticks out of her head. A Star Wars game that can't get the lightsabers working properly after all these months... :rolleyes:


    Ashara's lightsabers have been permanently lit since about February...its about time the graphical issues with these lightsabers were fixed.

  5. I feel your pain...fellow deceptionist! Ive been playing this game since release and have always been part of a large guild using the assassin as my main char. Pre 1.3 (when there were no rated's) I struggled to get guildies to group with me for wz's. Now 1.3 has landed no one wants me for rwz's :(

    I completely understand why as our survivabilty is a complete & utter joke.


    And yes everyone knows to jump on the glass cannon with that spinning lightsaber! ><

  6. I am not sure if I am the only one that gets this but theres a bug that really needs to be fixed, when in a pvp match if I get killed, and this is only sometimes it happens but sometimes i dont mind if were losing lol but a lot of the times is when we are actually winning. What happens is when I am killed I get sent back to the resurrection area and I am at full health but still on the floor dead, /stuck does not fix it nor does a player rezing me I cannot move or do anything but be forced out of the game by inactivity. I have put tickets in and no one has care to respond so I feel if I bring it to the forums someone might see this and hopefully fix this bug that needs to be fixed asap!


    This bug has been present from the start...ive sent countless bug reports but no fix. Dissapointed that BW hasnt fixed this yet.

  7. I have absolutly no problem with dropping out of losing WZ's now. There is no benefit in playing out a losing pug now. Win or lose you should get rewarded for playing well. Topping almost every parse and recieving the most medals in the match doesnt count for dirt now.


    This has hit the nail on the head.


    I am on a well populated server & before 1.2 I hardly ever saw ppl drop out from a WZ...it was a rarety.


    Now WZ's are completely ruined by players leaving...about 80-90% of all the WZ's I played yesterday had drop-outs consistently...myself included. Before 1.2 I never ever dropped out of a warzone...because even if you played well but lost the rewards were still worth staying for the duration. The rewards for being on the losing side now are a complete joke.


    I was quite looking forward to the new PvP content in 1.2 (even if my 3 month grind of full champion gear was being superseded by a pvp set anyone could buy for 320k credits - LOL) Now I'm left with deciding whether or not to re-subscribe as it seems PvP is the only aspect of swtor that BW keeps changing & cannot get right.


    Another win for the premade MINORITY.

  8. I've never done a single flashpoint in this game


    I've cleared the ops one time that is all


    I avg 100-130k valor a day.


    I always run a group of 4 and my faction is the dominant faction so we see alot of huttball and yes they only take us 5 minutes to win



    I appreciate the many gratz from you guys. Call it no life I don't care, that's how I chose to spend my time. This is my last response to this post just wanted to put my non exploited rank 100 on the record. Haters gonna hate but if you are doing this too, keep it up. You will get there.


    Do you sleep...?

  9. Personally i have never tried to mail the mods/enhancements to my alts. However I do sell most if not all of the ones i gain from daily heroics on the GTN...so i can only assume they are bound once equiped & therefor you can send them to an alt.
  10. Deception is more than viable. Great single target with a vast variety of options.




    Ive re-specced & tried all skill tree's with my sin and have found Deception to be the most fun to play in PvP. Darkness was about on par for PvE....the only problem is I don't do much PvE. Both Madness & Darkness imo could not deliver as much single target damage & control compaired to Deception.

    (FYI I started out in Deception...then tried the other 2...then returned to Deception)


    I can understand some ppl complaining about us waiting in stealth to pick out enemies that are already being focused and/or low on health...but at the end of the day if you had the skills at your disposal would you pounce from stealth onto the player with a full bar knowing it could be pretty much 50/50 or less, or would you assassinate someone on lower health? i know what I would do. :)

  11. Also as far as I know all the craftable items that use this mat are BoP. So you can't make them to sell. Something that should be changed IMO.


    So anything crafted using biometric crystal alloy cant be sold...lol this go's from bad to worse. Thanks for the update tho.

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