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Posts posted by Mathenaut

  1. You do realise the hypocracy of this in the context of this thread right? This is your agenda, you are pushing it right here.


    My opposing belief is that the changes made in 1.2 have hurt PvP healing for the following reasons:



    • Across the board TTK changes reduced reaction time for healers and reduced the effectiveness of non instant casts.
    • Across the board TTK changes reduced skills level for DPS to perform (now spike > a long term rotation / interupts)
    • For sorcs/sages specifically these changes are exaccerbated due to the nerf to DI cast time (which magnifies both of the above issues)


    Obviously the class hurt the most by these changes is sorc/sage healers as they are the class with the most long term potential healing output (ie better in long fights) and the least mobile.


    Apologies but the devs posting "L2P" responses to random points (eg suggesting resource management is the main nerf to sorc/sage) does not help. It simply comes across that the dev team do not understand their own game.


    I agree with this.


    I'm also afraid I'll have to jump on the bandwagon and disagree with Walsh.


    Jedi owning everything may be true to the IP, but if that is what I wanted to play, then I'd play some other game where I roll faces with a Jedi. Or just stick to the story. To expect this sort of concept to hold up to competitive play is absurd. It didn't work in SWG and it sure as hell won't work here.

  2. Actually it shows how weak the community is when the first four posts are repeats of thousands of posts from the WoW forums.


    What's sad is that people apparently think memes spawn from WoW now.

  3. 99% of the QQ about Mara/Sent being overpowered is coming from bad casters. Sorcs and Sages who were comfortable healing through Mara/Sent DPS and are now frustrated because they have to actually use their abilities rather than stand there and just heal and giggle at the damage.



  4. I think it's great, it allows nodes to change possession without having to wipe out the entire area + respawns in time. Even so, it can also be countered. Just have to be more diligent about it.


    We don't need another WZ which consists of AOE raining down on doors/turrets so no one can even attempt to cap them for extended periods either.


    That's exactly what this is. AoE spam still blocks it just fine.


    The ONLY difference here is that you need a specific camera angle to see the node.

  5. I see you aren't familiar with the concept of melee-ranged balance. Allow me to elucidate:


    Melee classes are designed to have periods of uptime in which they burst and periods of chase time in which they chase.


    Ranged classes are designed to have low but steady damage with limited access to burst and 100% uptime to offset (i.e. no chase time).


    In order for these two competing forces to be balanced you must compare burst potential, steady damage output and uptime rates to give both an even chance at winning.


    Right now, the "balanced" uptime percentage is around 35%. That means that if a melee gets to spend 36% of the fight in melee range he has a statistical advantage that will contribute to his victory. If he spends 34% of the fight in melee range then he has a statistical disadvantage that will contribute to the ranged player's victory.


    If you allowed Roots and/or Snares to grant Resolve and be subject to Resolve immunity then melee uptime would increase dramatically (could go as high as 100%, depending on the length of the fight and whether the melee class starts the fight with full Resolve). In this wildly unbalanced uptime scenario you propose, melee burst would have to be completely eliminated and both melee and ranged would have low but steady damage (since both would have 100% uptime).


    Fact is, you are trying to mix two completely separate aspects of the game into a single aspect that would complete unbalance both of them.


    Don't most melee classes have spammable short-range abilities and closers on short cool down for anyone outside of it?

  6. The post shows a distinct lack of perspective.


    That blissful land of pre-1.2 PvP was *way more* grindy and imbalanced than its current state. In fact, for the first month, geared out 50s were farming lowlevels in quest greens. After that, you had to play lots and lots of Champ bag lottery and then Battlemaster bag lottery before you were geared. Now, a week of dailies and you're in full BM or as close as doesn't matter. If Ranked WZs were actually live, you'd be in full War Hero amazingly soon after that.


    My guess: he was an early leveler and PvPer with his previous character, and missed how nasty it used to be to start PvP a few weeks or a month after everyone else. Being a recruit-clad newbie is much, much more forgiving.


    This. 1.2 brought alot of improvements to PvP overall (minus the Sorc changes).


    It's far from being ideal, but that only speaks to how much worse things were pre-1.2

  7. There is no sense in picking up Force Suffusion. It will not improve your not-often-used Force Storm by a significant factor, and you don't have an AOE heal.


    Fadeout might be a better investment.


    20% slow is bittersweet. For those wondering about fighting melee (who have FAR more tools to keep you rooted/slowed than you do a means to escape them) , it might do better to shift those points into Life Surge to round off crit bonus to 5%, or even offset them to Haunted Dreams for you guys who miss that instant Whirlwind.


    I've tried this out. It's a VERY survivable build, and very viable 1 v 1. Though, it's very unsatisfying how slowly targets will burn down. How viable this is in WZ is debatable. On defense, it's nice. On offense? If you don't have help, you'll take forever to kill anything on your own.

  8. Unstoppable/Unremitting only lasts 4 seconds, and the countdown starts the instant they cast force charge/leap, meaning only 2.5 seconds of protection once you land. This actually gives you a window of 0.5 seconds to stun them right before the 3rd hit lands. Difficult to time, but if I'm up against good PvPers, they know this, and will still stop my third hit.


    Unstoppable makes a "Schwing" sound and is a very visible golden shield icon surrounding their body. Once that shield vanishes, they are susceptible to CC again.


    ...I had not considered this. Though it might just have more to do with my not understanding how MS works.


    The thing is, if you have resolve bars shown, it will pop full for the duration of Unremitting/Unstoppable, so it can be timed near perfectly. I just never figured that there would be a window before that third strike hits. I'll pay attention to this and see if I can take advantage.

  9. Here's a tip about your CD's


    If a guard leaps to you and is vig spec, this is exactly what happens


    Pop adren + trinket, leap (they will all have unremitting if they have purple buff so you can't get away, even if they have green buff they will most likely still be vig and doing the right thing like guarding a healer) then MS.......so pop your CD that reduces dmg or gives insta dodge (if you don't have a stun up) = MS wasted (for the first one at least)


    *Oh and save the KB for when their can't touch me buff wears off, otherwise you deserve what you get


    Unless there is something I missed, a stun won't do anything?

  10. The 'magic values' for both crit and surge are roughly 30% and 75% respectively (Crit rating will vary with willpower and talents, but surge at 75% is roughly 300). Those are about when you will start to eat the brunt end of diminishing returns.


    By the strict math of it, Power gives a more consistent damage return over the long term, though that is mostly a concern for PvE.


    In PvP, burst damage rains supreme. You need to crit often, crit hard, and spam controls to keep your opponent from doing the same. I know some that gun for roughly 40% (45 with buff) at 75% multiplier.


    The only 'ideal' answers you will get are with respect to PvE, where the environment is predictable and controlled. In PvP, you'll mostly have to throw money and comms into the grinder until you get a performance that you are comfortable with.

  11. From my experience, the key is to keep them at what I call the 'sweet spot'. Just out of melee range, but too far away to force leap.


    This is easiest on a Madness Spec, with spammable roots/snares that do considerable damage in lieu of the death field debuff.

  12. Incorrect. Master strike and ravage have a 10m limit once started. If you get more than 10m away from the attacker, the last hit will not land.


    So if a guardian with unremitting up starts it you have 2-3 choices. Burn you CC break and get 10m away (assuming force leap hit you and you are rooted), burn your combat stealth (assuming you are a stealth capable class) or eat the entire attack. In any case, being faced with this choice is fair if you understand the rest of the strength's and limitations of the vigilance guardian.


    Fair? Mileage may vary on that, since a CC break leaves you at the mercy of Force Stasis and other controls. Not to mention, Force Leap isn't exactly a short cooldown, Force Push doesn't make the resolve bar so much as flinch - and it denies kiting within the sweet spot prevent it. Not to mention Saber Throw/Blade Storm.


    Ironically, I've been able to solo a Marauder/Sentinel on my Sorc; or at the very least it isn't something I'm just completely at the mercy of. This little bit here is something that is rather just one sided. Moreso when cooldowns factor in.

  13. While I understand the desire to use such a thread as a personal soapbox, I'm going to attempt to re-rail the topic.


    Unremitting talent from the Guardian's Vigilence tree essentially provides a CC immunity that outlasts the cast time of Master Strike. I appreciate the pair of replies addressing it, however. Though, non-operatives do not have Evasion.

  14. He's talking about after a force charge from a guardian with unremitting, you can't stun/kb them.


    Always amusing watching people telling someone else to l2p when they have no clue what they're talking about.




    Was wondering when someone might actually address the amended point in question. Insofar, the only options I'm aware of are ccbreak and force speed - then hope something breaks LoS.


    Not sure if alot of these people have actually faced this down. This isn't a 'nerf' thread, it's a simple question of what viable tactics there are to break this once it starts.

  15. This is what's wrong with all the qq'er here, they don't understand game mechanics and yet they still cry NERF!


    The word 'nerf' doesn't appear anywhere in this thread, outside of your post. You're on par with demographic you're complaining about.


    Yes it does you have to run to about 11 meters from your opponent


    Not true in my experience.


    You do know the difference between a stun/mezz/knockback/knockdown and an interrupt right?


    I think that I got caught up on this. The specific instance I'm having trouble with involves the Unremitting talent from the Guardian's Vigilence tree. If it's possible to break this by circling around someone, then I suppose I can deal with it via a break. Not sure if that root can be cleansed.

  16. stun, knockback, stealth, los, 5 steps to the side


    Master Strike can't be interrupted. Not to mention guardians with the cc immunity after force leap.


    Stealth is handy if that will break it. Los isn't available at convenience, as expressed in the OP, and I'm not sure what '5 steps to the side' is. No amount of distance will stop this once it starts.

  17. Greetings Alkirin,


    I am Protocol Droid W6-J8, Human-Cyborg Relations.


    Thank you for contacting us to report this issue.


    We have investigated the error you reported, and have confirmed with our specialist team that in fact this is not a bug, and is working as designed. As soon as the first hit strikes within range, the attack will continue to deal damage until the end of the animation or if the ability is interrupted.


    If you feel that this aspect of the game could work differently, we strongly recommend posting your feedback on our “Suggestion Box” forum, located here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349


    Our Development team actively monitor our forums, and are constantly looking for feedback from our players. The thoughts and opinions of our community play a key role in helping them to improve the Star Wars: The Old Republic experience and to shape new features and content.


    Thank you again for contacting us to bring this issue to our attention, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience it may have caused.


    Galactic Support is our specialty...




    Protocol Droid W6-J8 (aka Matthew)

    Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


    I'm not understanding a part of this. Have I missed something, or is there a way to interrupt Master Strike outside of hoping there is something nearby to break LoS?

  18. Not sure what to say.


    Healers make or break a group, and a smart group will cover it's healer while focusing down the counterpart.


    'Stunzerg' is interesting. If you're getting locked out and swarmed on your own like that, you need to change strategy.

  19. Hard to say about rogues.


    Fighter, Healer, Mage, Rogue are the stable 4 food groups of an adventuring party. Every game usually involves those classes, or derivatives/hybrids of them.


    The thing is that standard Rock > Paper > Scissors gameplay isn't dynamic enough. So all manner of variables are introduced to turn convention on its head, so to speak.

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