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Posts posted by Yoda-Sempai

  1. The most exciting thing about SWTOR from the beginning for me was the Class Stories... I got bored of grinding the same freaking side quests for every character whose story I wanted to experience.


    If there was a Legacy feature that enabled you to gain enough experience from Class quests such that you only had to do a little PvP and side questing (say 20% of the original demand) then I would have stayed in the game.


    As it is, I lost interest a LONG time ago because I got bored. I've had my subscription just sitting for nothing because I paid for 6-months. How sad is that. :(

  2. We seem to have completely forgotten about the 10s of thousands, probably even 100s of thousands who dropped $150 for the Collector's Edition SOLELY to have access to the CE Vendor!!! We have been absolutely neglected!! The items available on the CE vendor are crap, even compared to the Security Vendor who you only pay $4 to access. :mad::jawa_evil::mon_trap:
  3. Are there any plans to implement In-Game Voice Chat? If so, when? If not, how can we convince you otherwise, because from my thread on the topic I've been seeing a solid 65+% support from those replying.


    Visual Feedback to players via party nameplates, etc, as to who is muted/listening-to-dialog/in-a-cutscene, and providing a universal solution to put all players on equal footing with voice communication which would enhance the experience of PvP/FP/Ops PUGS. :D


    If I may beg an audience, I would be elated to share my ideas on the matter. Strong with the force, this one is, says Yoda ^.^

  4. They said in beta that its not on the cards for this game. They see voice chat as a complete waste of development time and resources. They'd rather leave the voice chat to third party vendors who specialize in it.


    Claims like this hold no water unless the source is cited. Link it, or I don't believe it. Even if it is true, it seems to me there is enough support that we can hopefully give them cause to implement this feature anyway. Again, see my posts in my main topic "In-Game Voice Chat."

  5. Its certainly an interesting point for discussion. Personally I would be interested to find out if a lot of people are actually switching off/switched off their vent/mumble/TS in order to listen to the clips when questing. I know I have been. This doesn't promote the social side of a guild that well for me as other games without voice acting do.


    Exactly!! I'm constantly having to say "brb" and muting for cutscenes and dialog. It's the nature of the voice acted game which makes in-game voice chat such an attractive feature PRIMARILY BECAUSE, and this is the point that all the nay-sayers seem to be missing, of the visual feedback to those in your channel of your status, i.e. muted or not, etc.


    I'm currently working on some mockups of how I envision the GUI indicators and voice management in-game. I'll post them up when I have them done.


    It's wonderful to see all the support for this feature. I was a bit discouraged at first, but from reading all the responses in this and other threads, I would say a solid 65+% of them are in favor of in-game voice chat :D

  6. I'm so happy to see this topic being discussed elsewhere on the forums as well. Here are a couple other threads discussing this as well. Getting more support for this feature would be wonderful if we could actually get the developers to build it into the game. :)



    Give Light-Side Points for an UPVOTE! :)



  7. I'm so happy to see this topic being discussed elsewhere on the forums as well. Here are a couple other threads discussing this as well. Getting more support for this feature would be wonderful if we could actually get the developers to build it into the game. :)



    Give Light-Side Points for an UPVOTE! :)



  8. By my count there are at least NINE inquiries in this week's Q&A by different posters regarding In-Game Voice Chat, WOOO!!! There are also a number of other threads floating around the forums. Yay!! :D


    Here are a couple other threads on the issue:


    Hopefully we can funnel all this discussion into this thread and get the Developers' attention. With enough support from the community, they might actually listen :)

  9. :sy_lightside:


    There is one import aspect of in-game voice chat that people are either underestimating or not taking into account: it can actually interact with the game.


    Thank you MaverickXIV, this is PRECISELY my point. It's the interactivity and integration into the game that would make this such a valuable feature. This is the first major MMO with full voice overs which presents exactly the problem you mentioned with constantly having to mute... "brb"... "back"..."brb"... "back" etc etc... It gets tiresome for everyone.


    Wouldn't it be lovely to simply look at your interface and be able to see that the person you wish to speak to is in a cut scene? Or see the name of the person speaking light up? It would be a marvelous feature, especially for leading successful and coordinated group efforts. :)

  10. Another thing I wanted to mention on this is that many multiplayer FPSs have voice chat built-in too and it works quite well. Why shouldn't it be part of this MMO environment? It seems only logical. Multiplayer is multiplayer.
  11. ...It also tends to cut down on trolling and needless conflict escalation because people do not behave as badly when their voice is involved. It becomes more personal.


    Gilbara also made excellent points about the logical fallacies :p


    It really is about community, and when pugging or running WZs, you gotta be able to communicate to the people on your team. This is absolutely necessary for reliable success. I'm happy to see so much support for this idea.


    Additionally though it's also important to have ducking or muting of the voice stream while listening to quest dialog. This should be accompanied with a HUD icon indicating that the person you are in voice with is in a cutscene so you don't get frustrated trying to speak to them and not getting a response :)

  12. Thumbs up for in game chat,the chat window moves to fast at time and typing responses to what action to take ends up getting you killed.Why does the official headset have a mic if you can not use it?


    EXCELLENT QUESTION my friend. Excellent question :)

  13. POLL: In-Game Voice Chat

    Quite honestly, given Bioware's focus on the social aspect of the game, I'm amazed that they did not implement this one in the game at release. Perhaps it's something they have slated for a future update, and let's hope that's soon. Either way, let's show them the support of the community for this idea.


    HOW TO VOTE: See the little "Post Icons" just down below when you click to reply to this thread?

    - If you like this idea, begin your post with a Light Side icon like so :sy_lightside:

    - Bad idea? Then start with :sy_darkside:



    There's a wonderful voice app my guild has been using for some time called Dolby Axon and the way they implement the overlays is just beautiful imo. Obviously hosting voice in-game costs a whole lot more bandwidth, so I think if possible, it would be best to have the voice servers hosted on completely different machines and stream the voice through the game client. This way the voice can work completely independently of the game servers. There definitely should be optional and movable overlays to show who's speaking, you ought to be able to join voice chats such as your guild channel, party, op, etc. You also ought to be able to block people, disable it entirely, adjust the volume of individual users, mute them for meetings, etc.

  14. Glad I could bring a chuckle to someone today. I have an odd philosophy. Bring a smile or a laugh to at least one person, every day of your life, and for a few moments you make the world a slightly better place.


    Not odd at all actually. I actually have the same philosophy. I make it a point to never go anywhere without a noticeable smile on my face. I like to spread the joy wherever I go 365 days. What's odd are all these stinkin sour **** trolls who make the forums a dreary place for the rest of us.


    Go crawl back in your holes trolls :p

  15. I'm an old phart, I have issues even using Failbook... sadly, that is the only way I can keep in decent contact with my Nephews and Nieces, and my younger brother (only family I am on speaking terms with lol).


    I completely understand. :)

    You might like Twitter though, it's made to be super easy. It's literally just click and read. You don't even need an account to read "tweets" :p For example, this is SWTOR's official Twitter. You can get all their updates there in real time. Enjoy :D

  16. Never use, and will never use Twitter. Game information should be given out on the games forums. Not some random social media website. THAT is one of the problems I have with this launch is so little information actually being put ON THE FORUMS where one would actually EXPECT to acquire said information.


    Now.. i'm going to go gank me some more noobs in EVE while I wait till probably friday before I possibly get in (ordered in dec).


    Twitter is reliable, tried and true. That's why I prefer it to the dodgy coverage and issues that the official site has had countless times. I'm not blaming, I would just like a more reliable medium to disseminate important information. Cheers!

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