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Posts posted by DirtyStain

  1. Greetings,


    On my server, I am among the first and only people to obtain several Exotech Stim recipes. Owning most of the stim market, it made me very rich. With raids being cleared every week however, ever so slowly new players showed up in the market - small fries to what I had established by then.


    We would have our price wars, each going lower to than the other. I giggled at their pitiful attempts and sales. Until recently. Some of them have ( there are about 7 of us total ) became big enough to respect. With 1.2 looming I had a terrific idea. I messaged one and said


    "Hey, why don't we just match prices? Why don't we both agree to MOVE BOTH OUR PRICES FROM 25k TO 30K+ AND EXTORT THOSE FILTHY PEASANT CUSTOMERS FOR EVERY. SINGLE. CREDIT. THEY. OWN.?!??!????!!!"


    his immediate response, and I quote:


    "i have no problem doing that."


    So an idea was formed. Wouldn't it be sweet if we could form Coalitions? They would pretty much work like guilds except you could be in them regardless of your guild status, whether you were in a guild, or not. Heck maybe you could even be in more than one Coalition.


    None of the other merchants were in my guild, I believe we're all in different ones. Of course we could probably easily do something like this using tools/sites outside of TOR, but Coalitions would give people like me and my rivals a casual and easy way to stay in touch and organize. While we would be "Exotech Merchant's Coalition" a Coalition could be about anything. PVP, Alts, other areas of the market, whatever.


    I urge you to look past the fact that we'd be using to to more easily extort you swine and see it's greater uses!


    Thanks for reading.

  2. Hi guys, I'm planning on rolling a SI once Legacy hits ( Cyborg or Chiss..? ) and had two questions. First off I've heard the SI story is weak, is this true? Secondly, is playing a LS SI interesting, or does it ruin the potential fun? I wanted SI to be my LS Empire character as all my others ranged from neutral to very dark.



  3. SW - Male: I liked it. His superior sounding "noble" voice worked for me and really matched my characters looks. 8


    IA - Female: What is it about her that makes her so god damn amazing? Cause she is. My favorite. 10


    BH - Female: I thought she did a great job.

  4. I honestly think they should just combine servers. They have way too many servers at this point, pretty much just to alleviate all the problems they had at launch. Just half the number of servers they have now, and combine the low pops with eachother


    We'll have to see how 1.2 does to have a better idea, but I agree it seems like the only actual solution.

  5. I legitimately wish I had the same level of optimism.

    I truly do.


    I don't know if the "improvements" from 1.2 will be enough to bring people back and I've already had some friends/guildmates pushed over the fence and unsubscribe because of the sweeping class changes coming.


    It will make things better. My server peaks at like 140 right now, I expect it will go back to at least 200 for at least a few weeks. There are a ton of people who unsubbed sure, but there are a ton who are still subbed but aren't playing any more. This describes almost every single of my guild mates.


    A huge factor is that we've all had the best gear for over a month now and have been clearing the same raids over and OVER and OVERRRRR. This patch WILL boost populations for at least awhile. Maybe even only a few weeks. They will have to do transfers when 1.2 gets old or else.

  6. Biochem isn't getting nerfed, it's just not getting buffed. Switching could be a good idea, it depends on you. REing all the new orange mats and raid gear seems like it would be more fun than making stims, but I've made 10 million off stims and we will be able to RE all implants, so there's at least that.
  7. I do know that the Bounty Hunter receives a legendary (Deep purple in color) moddable gun from A class quest.


    What people say is that it was the very first moddable item in the game, so they let it keep the deep purple 'legendary' color as a sort of tribute. Pretty cool, people always ask where I got it.


    Too bad it was soon replaced with Early Retirement :p


    Coulda sworn that gun was just blue.. normal blue. ANd I vendor-ed it. What's it's name?

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