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Posts posted by Kehdar

  1. I have slicing since launch, it didn't need any nerf.

    5k per hour is ********, you could do 5k only with a blue case, that's mean a critical on a mission and btw Belbullab you may want to review your math since you pay to send companions on missions.


    Now you send 5 companions out for 1 hour you pay 7/8k and if you have luck you get back 8/9k.


    The ppl who comaplined before the nerf, were not using their brains.

    With every other skill you send your companion on missions and you receive some rare materials/items/gifts that you can sell on AH for a lot more of what the mission cost.


    if you choose slicing you have to give up a harvesting or mission skill so you have to buy materials on AH at crazy price from the same guys so vocal about slicing, the nerf was uncalled for.

  2. In the last week I noticed an increased drop rate of gears with aim, around 60% of my drop are for BH (my class is assassin).


    I even soloed the first boss of Red Reaper and it droped a BH gear, most of the greens I drop and most of the drops I saw in flashpoints are for BH.


    Am I the only one with this problem or there is something wrong with the loot table?

  3. Again because RPG's are games where you generally explore a game world.


    For example look at diablo which is considered one of the best games, they have no maphack and random maps and people love the game. Im not sure about wow, but i think it has no maphack either.




    This helps to keep people existing.


    The power of diablo is not the lack of maphack (btw the word maphack was born on diablo...) but the random generate contents.

  4. Well, in MW3 this issue occurred as well. A mouse glitch, where out of nowhere you would do a 180 somewhere and end up staring at the sky. I turned my mouse polling rate down to 125 from the 500 or 10000hz i had it set on - and it never did it again. This game was doing the same, so I turned it down to 125hz, and hopefully that fixes the issue


    Interesting i'll try this.


    PS: Are we all, with this problem, using logitech mouse?

  5. yeh got the same , on some moments occasionly its like mouse speed is set to double speed for 2 second wile turning and makes me do i 360 turn ... its anoying, but not gamebreaking ..


    It's not gamebreaking if it happens while you are just running around, but it's totally another matter if it happens while you are tanking in pve or fighting in pvp.

  6. Same problem here since beta, I already sent some bug reports and posted in the support forum.

    Some time when you try to turn the camera with right mouse button, it just take a sudden turn in a random direction...

    If you add to this: the really annoying auto follow, the smart pivot that's not so smart, I think BW should fire the guy responsible for the camera coding.

  7. Collector's Edition gets 7 days

    Digital Deluxe gets 5-6 days

    Standard Edition gets 3-5 days.


    Simple way to Stagger a pre launch. No matter how are the percentage of CE,DD,SE.



    No it's not, since you can preorder a collectotr's use the code and then cancel order and buy a standard instead.

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