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Posts posted by Xtro

  1. They offer EU servers located in the EU, run on EU time. The can be patched separately to the US time frame without a problem. They are separate servers, they can patch one server at a time if they want (the reason it's not always all servers up or all servers down...........).


    We have lost 1 day of the early access that we pay for, making it a 50% loss.

    Give me one other reason to subscribe. Early access is the only thing that can't be bought with cartel coins.


    As for taking the day off work, get you *********** priorities straight people. It's a *********** game!


    As an added bonus from this it would be easier to patch the US servers later since they would already discovered the problems when patching EU servers.

  2. why do they even give an eta if they know it's going to be extended?


    Maybe because they know that we know that it will be extended?


    No ETA == I have no F-ing idea what is wrong or if the game will be up any day soon.


    They probably sent someone out to buy new hamsters........... :rolleyes:

  3. Even prior to 4.0, Treek never struck me as a great tank - her big advantage was that she had a modicum of healing even while she was tanking; which was important for characters who didn't get their tanks or healers until later. Post-4.0, I pretty much use her as for crew missions.


    She was a great tank companion since she could cleanse herself from DoTs, which causes a lot of damage in ToR. I used her on an old gunslinger alt before 4.0 and she was the best. :)


    Not any more though.... :(

  4. OK, I see what the problem is....


    Gather up all those hamsters and put them into the wheel that powers the server, and don't forget to chain up the cat when you put it in the box to make those hamsters run for their lives.


    If you forget to chain up the cat it will eat the hamsters and you will not only need to get new hamsters you need to get a none fat cat. :D

  5. So, i picked up ashara today, whom i enjoy as a companion.

    However, trying to run her in tank or damage roles is a nightmare.

    The healing role, is MASSIVELY stronger in comparison, i can pull large groups of silver and gold mobs without a care in the world. With damage or tank, ill be lucky if i down a couple of them.


    Either the healing role needs a nerf, or damage and tank needs a buff.


    Healing=Invincible juggernaut of i win

    Tank=fair fight

    damage=lol go home


    Funny, when I tried it out I get:

    Healing = kills just about anything that is not made for a large group.

    Damage = My companion kills about anything with good DPS

    Tank = ....... Eh, is this really tanking? Low damage compared to other roles and the healing strike does not heal all that much on tank. Damage mitigation is rather low as well. Can not hold area aggro.


    In defence of my tank companion I should add that I mostly play gunslingers or snipers, so they have a lot of aggro to handle. Most companions can handle single target aggro reasonably well (with exception of the Nexus that is broken in tank role).

  6. That's actually my experience with all companions so far now. Setting them to Healing makes you a godly killing machine. Setting them to DPS is a deathwish.


    Naah, a death wish is setting the Nexu companion to tank role. :rolleyes:


    For those that does not know:

    Nexu companion come with the feature tank role had at release of 4.0.... multie-grapple attack that effects all foes (no matter of they are in a fight with you or not) in a cone in front of the Nexu. It also have fun way of not keeping aggro in Tank role (guess it does not like to be hurt :p ).

  7. Sooooo, are tank role for companion being fixed any time soon? :confused:


    It is really sad when companion tank better in healer role then in tank role. :(


    But the tank got hit by the double whammy when companions got nerfed, less healing = less aggro and less damage = Less aggro as well. :rolleyes:

  8. Planet syncing as a concept is good, since they could add later content that we can go to even if we are at high level.


    Practically it is still not working perfectly. Things are silly easy up to and including Alderaan and then things get harder and harder until you reach your own level when it get easy again (for some unknown reason).


    And since we are supposed to do all these heroic 2+ each week it is nice that they at least are not grey for us.

  9. It is what it is. In the end of the day, even if gets feathers ruffled, BioWARE asks for a time investment from a player and nothing else. It's up to a player what to make of it. When one prisoner looks at the window, she sees bars, the other sees stars.


    I am still enthused about my brilliant idea that Pierce/4X should take wz comms as well as the valor or zone #. I am so incredibly proud of myself for thinking it up! problem solver, that's me.


    Well, they can take that time investment and show it where the sun don't shine.

    I will never ever get past that chain of companions........ but since I get HK-55 in two weeks I am happy anyway. :D

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