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Posts posted by SWFTW

  1. Sidious got stronger from ROTS to ROTJ + Beyond. Even if you subscribe to the idea that Yoda was equal or slightly stronger than Sidious the fact that Sidious only got more powerful would mean he'd be above Yoda. Even ignoring the Dark Empire comics. Including those? When he essence transfers into a younger and healthier body he was stronger, faster, and more powerful than ever. He also learned how to use and master force wormholes capable of destroying entire fleets with the potential to destroy worlds.


    Makes sense, thanks :)

  2. The most compelling argument against Yoda is that if he really was stronger, he wouldn't have ran away and put himself in exile. He confronted Sidious with the intention of killing him, and it doesn't make sense for him to retreat if he was still capable of doing that. Even less so for him to never try again.


    The problem Lucas was faced with was Yoda had to lose, but he didn't want to taint Yoda's memory. The result was a fight that makes no sense, where Yoda flees despite supposedly having the upper hand.


    Anyway, OT, great thread Aurbere. I'm a massive Yoda fan and I love it.

  3. Keep your target locked on the emperor, ignore the numerous clones that pop up. I don't remember a one hit kill attack, but as a guardian I could basically interrupt everything which is what I did (two stuns, one aoe stun, and your normal interrupt iirc). To be honest as long as you don't panic when his clones appear its a very easy fight, almost too easy.
  4. Before I start off with, pleeeeeease no spoilers :)


    I'm about to start the Imperial Agent story, having finished every class other than Trooper and Smuggler. For most of the classes, it seems to me there is a certain alignment that gives you the best experience if you stick to it throughout. By that I don't mean LS/DS, but rather a certain personality that seems to fit best with the story. For example, I found the rational, pragmatic personality seemed to fit much more in the SI story than pure LS or DS.


    My question is, for most of the stories its not clear until late on what path you should have chosen. Since I want to be consistent in my personality throughout, I wanted to ask if there's a particular type of Imperial Agent that fits the best in the story.


    Any help would be appreciated!

  5. Been leveling a sage with the 12xp, now at level 32, just leaving Alderaan.


    I have two midlevel characters, a juggernaut and a powertech, and a level 53 assassin. In all my time playing, I've almost never had trouble in solo quests, beating most bosses on my first try.


    With sage though, it seems I have to take 2 or 3 tries to beat anyone even remotely more difficult than normal. I tried to take on two silvers once, died. Haven't beaten a single gold on the first try, and the most recent boss, that Jedi diplomat you're sent to Alderaan to save, took about 10 tries.


    My gear is up to date, and I almost always run things with Fess and then Cedrax, and it makes no difference either way.


    My rough rotation is as follows:


    Force armor


    Force Slow

    Telekinetic wave



    Telekinetic throw


    What am I doing wrong?

  6. Deception Sin here.


    1. Most people I know consider Deception to be an unloved and overlooked spec. It seems like a flashy spec that was a bright idea but was implemented badly and feels unfinished.


    2. I love my Deception Sin. I really do. The problem is, whenever I depart from the beloved realm of solo play and do anything whatsoever with other players, I gimp the group. It's a schizophrenic spec if you ask me. Hit and run without the run, glass cannon without the cannon, all in all, a disappointingly unfinished spec once you venture into group play.

  7. Considering that the SI is considered by myself and some others(no idea if we count as a majority or not) to easily be the worst story out of all 8 in multiple regards, I don't think you can really say that Imperial storylines are "simply better". Some of the Republic stories are better than some of the Imperial stories. Some of the Imperial stories are better than the Republic stories. And a lot of it simply comes down to personal preference.


    I highly doubt you're the majority. seeing as how myself and every Inquisitor I know considers it one of the best if not the best stories in the game.

  8. I think that QA response really shocked everyone. Everyone thought that the deception assassin might've just been ignored or that they screwed it up on mistake or just basic incompetance. This guy seeems to be saying that they designed it horribly on purpose.


    Pretty much this. The fact that Deception sins haven't been touched since launch with the exception of the Hybrid nerf was puzzling to me to say the least. When they finally gave us some attention...It was to say this? Really? My confidence in BioWare devs was severely decreased when I read that.

  9. O.O


    People actually don't like her? I mean, I knew you were out there, but I've never actually met one....wow.


    As you can tell by my reaction, I'm a fan. I love her novels (she sparked my love of Mandalorians), and I love her writing style (especially the unique (AFAIK) first-person prologue/third-person chapters thing). And the Legacy of the Force novels she wrote were some of the best in the series, all three being trumped only by Invincible. In fact (and I won't tell you where so you guys don't break the doors down), there's a website basically dedicated to her Republic Commando novels. And then there's the group called Mandalorian Mercs, who use the Mandalorian culture Traviss wrote. I also DESPISE both the hippie "Mandalorians" from TCW and Death Watch - both are nothing but wannabes, IMO. So there may not be many Traviss fans on this website, but trust me, we probably outnumber you haters. Traviss forever! :D




    You can count the number of people on these forums that wouldn't kill here if they were together in public on one hand.




    I didn't even know there were SW fans that could stand her, let alone actually like her.


    EDIT: The tip of the iceberg concerning her hater base

  10. How much were they ranging??? (At work... details Plz! )


    For the character perks at least...


    Rank 1: Legacy level 5, 20k credits.


    Rank 2: Legacy level 10, 40k credits.


    Rank 3: Legacy level 15, 60k credits.


    Rank 4: Legacy level 20, 80k credits.


    Rank 5: Legacy level 25, 100k credits.

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