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Posts posted by Torenator

  1. Very little decline? :o

    I'm remembering pretty well the graphs from Torstatus.net and the two big drop on the population right behind may and august.


    But if you think so, we are fine.

    The lauch was good, sure, but there was to many bug around and the end game not ready. Bad, very bad, time calculation on how much time people take to level.




    I'm not telling 500k are low. I'm telling numbers of subs are dropping, that is not the same


    Source on number of subs is dropping?

  2. There's nothing at all wrong with the subscriber model, and there are games making plenty of money off subscriptions alone to support the game. Whether these upcoming games will be like the latter or end up changing their model as this one was forced to do remains to be seen.


    It really depends on the game.


    w t f is club penguin lol? And how is it more profitable from subs that TOR??

  3. I think you're reaching bro. I can sort of see what you're talking about, but only because its circled in that picture you linked, and even then I had to magic eye/negative space it for a second.


    I highly doubt it was done on purpose. Like a dog's butt looking like Jesus (google it), I really doubt it's intentional. Now that I think about it, dog is god spelled backwards...

  4. I really like the way the guardian holds his saber, even while running. As many have said, it is exemplary of the Jedi way. Check out Aragorn in lotr 3, he makes his final charge the same way.


    A light saber has very little weight, and its all centered at the hilt. Therefore when running, it makes sense to hold it the most comfortable way while maintaining a 2 handed grip. Grab a candlestick with 2 hands, and run with it. Do you hold it out in front of you like a goober, or trail it behind you with one hand? Nope. You keep it close to the body so its easier to maintain balance and be ready for action while running.


    I don't se what all the complaining is about.

  5. I have seen a lot of good ideas and have some of my own but in the end it's pointless. They've said time and again no more class stories, which I take to mean no new classes. The best you could hope for is more ACs on current classes.


    It may indeed be pointless, but I still think its interesting to think about. What are some of the best ideas you've heard?

  6. So a lot of folks would like to see new classes added to the game at some point with a future expansion and I'm curious what they could take the shape of. I have hard time coming up with ideas myself, as it seems all the iconic star wars characters can already be categorized into the existing 8.


    So post your suggested new class ideas here. I will update this post at some point to show the best suggestions.


    Off the top of my head ill say maybe a Pilot class. They would have mostly ranged abilities, but would primarily be a utility class that provides unique buffs and abilities to a group. Their ship would look a lot like the existing starfighter models. Advanced classes could be Starfighter or Captain, being tank/dps or heal/dps respectively. Its not a fully fleshed out idea yet, I'm just spitballing here.


    Any good ideas?

  7. Don't quote me on the this but i believe at a cantina tour just before GSF was announced, they said they were working on 2 expansion packs.


    Too late, quoted. This is now forum gospel, and official news.


    Hear that folks? They are working on TWO new expansions! See source above.

  8. Cross server queues would help the wait time for dps, not by shortening it per se, but my making it more consistent. By increasing the selection pool of all roles, you can more reliably predict your wait time because there would be less randomness in the availability. This is still an improvement imo.


    Therefore I support cross server queues, even though my main is a tank and it doesn't really matter.

  9. Really the almighty dollar will be the primary driver of when and what kind of content we can expect to see. If they are making good profits and see the potential for more, they will reinvest to keep people spending money.


    It seems to me that they are doing well considering the revenue they reported from the CM alone, as well as uptrending player population, so I think the outlook is good.

  10. When talking about hard modes:

    You can make a quick and dirty assessment of someone's potential performance based on HP.


    The fact is better gear has more HP. Therefore if you are wearing gear with high HP, then you have the potential to perform adequately in the OP.


    Is it true that you can still have high HP and not perform adequately? Yes.


    Is it true that if you have low HP then you have low level gear? Yes.


    You can have high HP and do bad dps, but you cannot have low HP and do good dps. Even with high gear you need more data to determine how well the player can perform, but if you see low HP it makes it easy to rule the player out.


    Why is this topic still going??

  11. so i started a new character last night (sith inq) and was expecting the servers to be pretty empty (i was on red eclipse). to my surprise i found about 60 people on at about 2 in the morning uk time on korriban. this got me wondering what the population is like in the game. are you guys finding your servers busy?


    without wishing to sound all doom and gloom i had heard population had dropped off after launch (which was when i last played the game) yet the game seems populated to me personally


    In my experience the servers are enjoying consistent and adequate population levels. Q times aren't bad, each planets general chat is pretty active (for good or ill), and the recent rakghoul event area was heavily instanced. The GTN is also very active.


    I think through a combination of condensing servers and resurging game popularity the outlook of the game is pretty good right now.

  12. I have an official announcement email for RotHC dated 19th December 2012. Early access began on 9th April 2013, and it was released to everyone on 16th April. That's just under four months between announcement and release. If they have a similar schedule for the next major expansion, there's still ample time to announce it for this year.


    This gives me hope!

  13. Doomsaying about the death of the game? Check


    Saying BW does not care about players? Check


    If you said it was a 'slap in the face' I could have finished my forum bingo card.


    LOL, one more though: saying the rakghoul event was horribly implemented.


    THEN you could have finished your forum bingo card.

  14. I'm purely speculating, but I wanted to get others thoughts. Do you think we'll see another expansion this year, with a new planet(s) and a level cap increase? I know GSF has yet to fully release, and it comes with a new bolstering FP, but that is only one aspect of the game.


    I feel like the game is regaining popularity, primarily because I and my friends have started playing again recently and the servers seem pretty busy. It would be nice to catch wind of another major expac in the works.

  15. Honestly, Dulfy has great guides in relation to beginner OPS etc, but using her guides for classes is more debatable, as several of their guides have some minor inaccuracies. I'd look more towards the guides here on the forums simply because theorycrafting on the forums has always been dissected and eviscerated with much more oomph compared to outside sites like Noxxic (ewww).


    94 M/R accuracy is the highest you can get as a tank without stacking accuracy, from the spec and from companion buffs.


    Good to know, thanks.

  16. I think you are misreading things, accuracy is great for DPS, but you should have no accuracy minus the accuracy talent as a guardian tank or any tank whatsoever.


    I must be misreading the tank guide on dulfy, I was pretty sure it had accuracy as the first stat to get till 100%.


    That's good to know though, I wasn't stacking any to begin with because it didn't make sense to me. Glad to know my instincts were right.

  17. So the guides I've read on the guard tank all say to prioritize accuracy over anything else until 100% is reached. But is it really necessary? I understand that it can negatively impact threat generation, which is essential in the early phase of a boss fight, however with a well timed initial taunt, is missing the rare occasional hit really worse than having less damage mitigation?
  18. I am simply going to stop posting and hope this thread dies now. I have no desire to be mocked for simply asking a question about the future of the game and wanting a discussion on the matter. Instead I get page after page of people attempting to twists my words and **** on me, it's pretty sad behaviour.


    Thanks to the very select few of you who actually read and understood my OP and gave real discussion.


    In your op you said more people hate it then like it. That's a pretty inflammatory comment to make, and because it was the basis of your post, it is completely valid and relevant for people to call it what it is: completely subjective and probably untrue.


    You even say that you base this assertion on threads in the forum and comments on general chat. That's a bad way to judge something's popularity, because generally ppl only speak up when they don't like something, not when they do. The sheer number of ppl in the event tunnels is evidence that the event is hugely popular.


    Any content that is hugely popular is good content.



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