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Posts posted by Garrem

  1. On my keyboard I have a small button at the top of the keyboard which says 'Print Screen'. So push that one (making sure it isn't locked) and you'll take a screenshot (Hint: Press Alt+z to make your quickbars etc. disappear), There isn't a notice saying "Screenshot has been taken!" or something like that.


    The pictures will then be saved in: Documents --> Star Wars the Old Republic --> Screenshots

  2. This sounds like fun!


    Imperial Agent: Chiss male

    Name: Traec'alaro'nider

    Age: 38

    Likes: Loyalty to yourself, logic, being respectful to the Sith

    Dislikes: Fighting for glory/honor, incompetence, self-sacrifice


    Primary stat: Cunning

    Weapon: Blaster pistol and vibroknife


    Gifts: Luxury, culture, Imperial memorabilia and technology


    Smuggler: Human male

    Name: Jarrel

    Likes: Gaining credits, helping women, loyalty to those who help

    Dislikes: Unnecessary cruelty, the Empire, being loyal to the Republic


    Primary stat: Cunning

    Weapon: Two blaster pistols


    Gifts: Underworld goods, trophies and luxury


    Sith Inquisitor: Human male

    Name: Melchin

    Likes: Being selfish, violence, cruelty to the Republic

    Dislikes: Thinking of the greater good, flirting, helping without gaining for yourself.


    Primary stat: Cunning / Endurance

    Primary weapon: Double bladed lightsaber


    Gifts: Luxury, technology, trophies, Imperial memorabilia

  3. I agree. So far the IA has the best story (although smuggler certainly has more witty one liners.)

    Chapter 3 and Corellia especially was awesome!


    On romancing Watcher 2: Your race doesn't really matter. What matters is if you're beginning to have something serious with Kaliyo. Also the answers you choose, of course, but if you try to seduce her (while you are smooching with Kaliyo) she'll respond with something like "I know how you and Kaliyo are seeing each other."

  4. How is it not a question of changing classes?

    A sage is played quite different from a shadow.


    I do agree that some sort of change might be nice, but at the lower levels. I'm thinking around level 15? At that point, you haven't really had any opportunity to get all that with the gear and you should have a decent feel of the AC. But post 20? I think it'd be really tricky to do...

  5. 1 - Best RP Server?

    - As the others have said, it is rather subjective. It is all a question of your style etc. Try rolling alts and see what you like! Sometimes it's a few people who keep you on the same server.


    2 - How is it done?

    It CAN be pure heroes who outshine each other. But that really isn't all that fun, at least in my opinion. What I usually do is make a normal guy. A watcher, for example or a "normal" sith, who isn't the most powerful, but can still play along with the other sith. From there, you can work upwards or downwards, making him stronger or weaker, depending on your own idea about how he should be.

    The only thing I can say is: Don't go around yelling out "Hey, I'm a darth / master and you must all bow before mah powah!" - no one wants to play with someone like that. RP is a mutual experience, it is something with requires cooperation with another player to make truly great. It must be fun for both parts!

    On channels, it is mostly agreed that /s, /y and /e are IC (In Character) and should be kept so. If you want to add some OOC information, form a party or use a whisper. That might just be a personal taste, but I never did understand why putting a pair of brackets around the OOC would stop it from breaking the immersion.

    /g, /general, trade etc., /ops and /p are usually OOC, unless otherwise stated.


    3 - RP Clan?

    Again, a matter of taste. I find a nice mixture of random and planned RP is the best. Random RP can give some interesting twists while planned RP with people you know allows you to do things which you might be comfortable with in more open groups. For example fights. On fights, some want to duel others use the /e to emote the combat and possibly add /roll (not existing in SWTOR at this time) to do the D&D way. My personal favorite? Merely doing /e and then try and make it realistically. This is often only possible with people you know...


    4 - Character Parameters

    Rule of thumb: Stay within the lore, don't take ownership of large cities, villages etc. and don't proclaim yourself to be in relation to a major lore character. That is often frowned upon. But otherwise, no. If you make a Jedi Consular, you don't have to be a consular IC. Anybody using that against you, where they just look at your class and thus deduct you to be a consular, is meta-gaming (using OOC knowledge IC). Just don't go around with a lightsaber and wear fewer robes - and voila, you're not a JC. The same applies to all classes. Note: I'd advise against rolling, for example, a smuggler and go around saying you're a jedi who uses pistols. Why not just roll a jedi class?


    5 - Lastly, Where do I Make A Character?

    I can only repeat the others and say http://www.swtor-rp.com. Everything should be there. But instead of you just directing people to your character on that website, try and act him! Let his story be known through the way you play him! Perhaps he has a limp from a war? Make him limp when he walks. If someone asks, tell them what you want them to know. If your character is playing a lord, act like one. If someone then asks "On who's authority" merely reply "Mine." and shoot lightning at them.


    All there is left to say is: Welcome to RP! Hope you will enjoy it and can use this! :)

  6. Just wanted to give an update.

    This morning I went and upgraded Qyzen's gear - got a few oranges, used their existing mods (I think they were from Alderaan and Tatooine - Chestpiece and legs). Now it works like a charm! He hardly dies at all!

    All in all, I used commendations on the oranges and used around 5000 credits on other upgrades; so it wasn't all that bad. :)

  7. Is it really so terrible for a Telekinetic sage to go with Qyzen? I'm asking because I've solely been upgrading his gear and it would seem a tad annoying to have to upgrade Theran at level 32...

    But yes, Qyzen is giving me a bit of troubles right now. His health is dropping fast - even though I shield him and try to heal him. The insectoid elites on Balmorra almost always kill him...

  8. I dislike all PvP. It's disruptive... And frankly, I suck at it. I'm the type of player that just goes "Eep!" when attacked by another player...


    I once tried to RP-PvP servers. I kept getting ganked while walking around in my RP outfit (low leveled) outside the cities. Wasn't that fun. On RP-PvE servers, I get to focus on the more... roleplaying aspect of, well, RP - instead of the I gotta be ready for anything while taking a stroll.

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