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Posts posted by NYzMikey

  1. I'm extremely annoyed and I didn't know where to post this but I had to say something!


    I dinged 47 after finishing the Voss bonus series and a new quest appeared on my ship over the holoterminal. I haven't gone to Corellia yet and so I have the last chunk of my class story to complete. I have avoided all spoilers up until this point wanting to be surprised by the ending. I clicked on the new quest not knowing what it was and it turned out to be the introductory quest from Darth Marr to send me to Makeb. That's all well and good except for the fact the very first line of dialogue is a significant class story spoiler. There was no way for me to anticipate that this quest was filled with dialogue after my class story finished as it was just a normal quest marker.


    I know this doesn't mean much to many at this point and I'm nerd raging about a spoiler but I think it was pretty sloppy of the developer to do this. I just had to vent and if any new SI's read this just avoid the level 47 quest on your holoterminal unless you don't care about spoilers. /rant

  2. Because it is by biowares design and their honest desire that you get your behind handed to you for weeks/months once you ding 50 and bring down the rest of your team that you joined before you can get the proper gear to compete.


    LOL spot on man!

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