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Posts posted by Dansu

  1. There is a tank shortage overall. No matter when or what level I queue with any of my tanks I get an insta-pop.


    I think the appeal of PVP (tanks aren't exactly the preferred class to PVP with) and lack of dual spec compounds this issue.


    Personally would like to see BW phase out the Holy Trinity

  2. So, because some people might really want it for a certain look, they should be made to grind double (Space and Social) to get it, while others can just craft what they want or run a FP or two to get it? Yeah, that makes sense. :rolleyes:




    Maybe they should just give us everything the first time we logged in? That would be a blast!

  3. There's no excitement at all in these forums about the future of this game. And that's not our fault. We haven't been given anything to be excited about. A new operation next month, yes, but any details at all? How many bosses? What about the loots? HK-51 teased how long ago? Any class changes coming, based on our feedback in the polls? A new WZ, too, but no idea when that'll be. Some say earlier than the op, some say later.


    Bioware's Marketing & PR really need to figure this out soon. Whoever is holding things back needs to realize if this keeps happening eventually nobody's going to care.


    For the new OP, easy content strategy to build excitement and actually help people understand the story behind it:


    1) Reveal a boss each week / every few days and include how they tie into the story. You don't have to give everything away, just connect the dots a little bit.


    2) A few cryptic screenshots of the gear.

  4. Rework datacrons in the codex. It's very difficult to figure out if you have done them or not, especially with alts.


    Instead I think the way the Chevin even listed the components is a good way to rework it. List them all and gray out the ones you have done or vice versa.

  5. I think I found a solution to the uselessness of commendations after you leave said planet- trade them in for a higher tier commendation, IE- trade 2 tatooine commendations to get an alderaan commendation.


    Or allow these to be shared/mailed to alts.

  6. Change the default roles for Group Finder to be unchecked (making people have to select them).


    Have been in groups were people didn't realize they were supposed to be healing because it was defaulted on and they didn't change it.

  7. Nice to see someone asking something other than softball questions like all the US based fan sites do.


    They are all too scared that Bioware won't talk to them ever again to ask anything important.


    Also good to see BW actually answering some of these.

  8. Here are the ones I wanted to emphasize:


    My biggest issues and I hope they address above all else, given the supposed recommended specs to play this game:


    - Load times are too long, and too frequent at times. It makes it undesirable to go anywhere outside of the fleet/main hubs. I also end up restarting my game after a while because performance gets bad if I load too many planets/areas, or relog too much.

    - FPS freezing when opening various UI elements, leveling up, discovering a new area, companion dialog triggers when traveling and so on.

    - Logging in invisible and staying that way, or logging in and having others invisible. Usually during peak population hours.

    - Few pants for consulars/inquisitors and a general lack of variety (ie: too many re-textured armor models) and styles to wear per armor/class type. No robes/dresses for anyone non-force using outside of a few social items?

    - Social points being too hard to earn without mind-numbing reruns of Esseles/Black Talon. There is a Social X apparently?! Does anyone ever make it that far?

    - Hood up/down toggle for you and companion.

    - Need more hairstyles, faces and other customizable options available to all applicable races (not just humans!) What about a height adjustment? A truly round female, like the males get? A short female? Etc.

    - The /who list/search function and window displaying the wrong results, duplicate results or even characters from the opposite faction!



    - Mailing items and currency between characters in my legacy is cumbersome and annoying.

    -Shared currency between the characters seems pretty straightforward, so I shan’t expound upon that too much.

    -Shared bank tab between alts would be great.

    - Stop closing my inventory window.

    - Many styles of armor, especially level 50+ pieces, are too elaborate or unrealistic for the purposes of combat. Some seem difficult to move around in while wearing.




    - No ready check, despite promises in March.

    - Ashara Zhavros reputation gain bug from gifts, despite reports in January and community team responses in May.

    - The new lag spikes introduced in 1.3. Not sure if it was related to the disconnects many experienced, but now instead of a disconnect there's a 30 second lag spike that happens regularly (at least 1-2 times per night.

  9. Hey Joveth thanks for answering some questions today.


    Here are two specific issues that I think are examples that have been a let down despite official responses given from BW:


    1. Initially noted Jan 7, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=144521

    Community post on May 9.


    Still nothing.


    2. Ready Check. Mentioned at guild summit 5 months ago.


    Still nothing.

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