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Posts posted by monegames

  1. adding a larger wheel to a car doesn't change how far the seats recline though.


    but on average, a new automobile has over 100 recalls at the 6 year mark.


    also, if you know anything at all about working on cars, the more they have the more they break. how honda was making cars in the 70s is how ford is making them now. tighter and more precise tolerances = better longevity. honda was getting a lot out of every liter of engine even in 1980. most other companies, especially US companies, were still going with loose tolerances and trading reliability/durability for a low tech, cheap solution to better power.


    the evolution of a car and even the philosophy behind them is anything but linear. not even really comparable to a computer game.



    but if a company came along today and made decided to make a car today they would have to have the same features as the other cars coming on the market built by Honda, Ford, or GM if they expected to compete with them on price point. Which SWTOR is doing with all other major MMO titles.

  2. That's a terrible analogy and you know it.


    You discredit how long WoW has on SWToR because, why? It's a huge reason (not to mention no competition at the time WoW launched).


    There is only a finite of time a development company has.


    You pick out what you want, do that well, put in as much as possible before the money dries up, and then launch.


    It's how MMO's work. Having an extra 7 years for more content, bug fixes, new features, is enourmous.


    If you think the next game is going to launch with all the good features from EQ onward, with Voice Overs as well, think again. They'll do the same thing SWTOR did. They'll launch with as much as possible, and then hope they can patch fast enough to keep up.


    no they will almost certainly be able to port over most of the features that they already have in wow into "Titan" or have new features to replace them.

  3. Without any clear reason?


    Do you need it lit up in neon or something? The explanation I read was pretty clear.


    ok so what was the reason? i have checked out the test forum and can't find any gambreaking issues. if you can please point me to it.

  4. Would I like to have this? Yes.


    Do I think it should be in this game? No.


    The choice holds weight in its current form. I rolled an Sith assassin and at level 13 I realized I really didn't like it at all. So now, I just don't think I can take re-rolling the same class again.


    With that said my fix was trying something different. I rolled an agent and enjoy it. Now when I go back and re-roll the assassin to sorcerer the story won't be so fresh, thus not being so bad.


    but you realized it early enough that its only a day or so of work to get back to where you were. but some of us waited to see if it got better(like so many on these forums say about the game) till 30 and went through 4 planets, like i did, and guess what i wont roll another consular just to play a seer.


    they have way to much in common for me to wade through it again. story is the same, side quests are the same, companions are the same(and have no life to them), even gear is the same at least till that level.

  5. Well kind of....but a commado doesn't need defense. A vanguard doesn't need alatricity. So the argument kind of falls apart there.


    a dps vanguard doesnt need defense either. the only real class that would be effected would be JK/SW since they dont share the same armor, and only one way really from juggernaut to marauder.


    weapons would also be a issue but a quick run to the GTN would fix that.

  6. You wouldn't even have the correct gear for your new class.


    almost all gear for each AC is interchangeable. atleast on a playable degree. Aside from JK/SW wher each AC has different gear they still have the same primary stat. So you could roll a Guardian/Juggernaut Dps in medium armor just fine till you were able to grind out a heavy armor set, since you have to do that anyway at level 10.

  7. I'm amused that so many on this forum will simultaneously complain about how fast and easy it is to hit the level cap, yet balk at the less than one hour investment it takes to get a reroll back to level ten.


    but you arent rerolling back to level 10 you are rerolling back to level 20-30 and for some that can be a few weeks of real time. I dont want to replay the same story just because i want to try the other AC. I just wont try it. especially when i dont have any choice of where to level since you have to follow the same path on your first character.

  8. This was a subject of a post a few weeks ago and I agreed there as well.




    here is a quote from that thread on how i thought it would work, with a few minor edits to better explain my thoughts.


    it would work like the bolster system. items the alt/main was using would level down or up to the equivalent gear quality of the level of the character being played. after first use of the alt, it would be saved as a companion and items would work just like all other companions and would neend to be upgraded as you level.


    the abilities would be a select set of abilities based on AC. Sorcerers would have lightning and heals like Talos Drellik, while assassins would have stikes and tanking abilities Khem Val.

  9. Clearly you weren't around to see what that other game was like for the first couple YEARS...or perhaps you've forgotten over the course of SEVEN YEARS of redesigning and expanding and tweaking.


    yes, we all forgot just like Bioware. They made a carbon copy of wow 5 years ago(with Star Wars skins) and added VO. they did not add any of the advancements that other mmos have made or had at launch since.

  10. Hardcore MMO players who need tools and addons to hold their hand? Carebear much?


    What you call Hardcore MMO players I call pansies in tights, seriously.


    You want a Hardcore MMO? Go play Darkfall (Admiteddly dying in the build up to DF2) or Eve, or Everquest. Anygame where you actually lose a whole crap load of stuff on death, see how long your "Hardcore" MMO players last. LOL.


    your definition of hardcore and his/her definition are totally different. the way they were using it means someone that plays for more than just a casual experience, raiding or pvping seriously. you take hardcore to mean only difficult.

  11. I guess my point here is: once you have done the story, does this seriously just deteriorate to running heroics or pvp, or logging in just for Ops?


    no you re-roll, because that is Bioware's answer to everything. server queues: roll a low pop server and leave your guild, low server pop: roll a high pop server and deal with server queues, at 50 and no one to pvp or group with roll an alt and wait on people.

  12. I haven't played the whole game yet, but I assume that lightsaber crystals of equal stats are available at all colors. In that case, it would seem like having stats on color crystals only adds more chances to customize your stats to your own taste. The only way this wouldn't work would be if only a certain color crystal had a given set of stats or vice versa. Are you sure there are no other color crystals with equal stats to the magenta one?


    even if all colors had stat equivalent drops why should i have to change the color of my saber because a different color dropped with better stats. its either that or gimp stats till your color dropped. neither is a decent option when you could just have color be a style choice only, just like KOTOR. and either add a seperate mod slot for power crystal, again like KOTOR, or just roll the stats into other mods.

  13. IMHO the only people whining about this are the people who just found out about it and now can't do it. If that's not you then why are you? and get on with your life it does not affect you. But for all the "getting banned for looting chests!!" people here is an off site artice cause some people can seem to navigate beyond this site.




    it tells what they did and how now **** and get on with your life your wasting space here


    then bioware needs to clear up their OP and come out and say the people that were suspended were using exploits.

  14. They were banned for the fact the they would clear all the chest and nodes, then Flip the planet with the PVP combat. As soon as the planet fliped, fighting stopped and they porcedded to clean it again ... They would lather, rinse, repeat. There are videos of people doing this. There are video's of people being flamed for fliping the planet as soon as it is fliped back so people can not clear it.


    if bioware would come out and says that the people suspended were u using exploits such as flipping or other methods to make the chests respawn faster then fine. but they have not and gave a very vague description of what they were doing. it said they were "exploiting the loot containers"(not using an exploit but exploiting: taking advantage of) and were systematically and repeatedly looting them and it was detrimental to the in-game economy. that was decided by the devs as an exploit, not that the devs decided they were using an exploit.


    if farming is an exploit then the devs should come out and say so, or if the people were using exploits they should come out and say that.

  15. I just read every post in this thread... (Blinks eyes)


    All I can say is that I am amazed at the quality of trolling going on in regards to the purposely obtuse ranting about the OP. Any sane person with common sense and a little intelligence can understand the only people that got warnings or suspensions were those that either willingly or unwittingly took part in a massive collusion to gain advantages above and beyond the scope of the normal metrics allowed.


    In laymans terms... they cheated.


    I for one applaud Bioware for acting quickly on this matter and look forward to playing for many years if this is the quality of support they will be giving the game from now on.


    To be clear once again to those falling for the trolling :


    You will not be warned, suspended, or banned for simply sitting next to a chest and looting it. If, however, either you or someone else enables you to do so in a manner that is not normal gameplay (like botting or refreshing the spawn timer repeatedly) then expect action to be taken.



    then you do not have the "common sense and a little intelligence" that you speak of correct. reread the OP and the other response and quote me where you got the collusion or that they cheated please. its not there. the only exploit that was done here was systematic and repeated looting of containers(farming) by low level characters, that Bioware decided to consider an exploit. There is no mention of using exploits to make chests respawn faster or anything else other than excessive farming.

  16. Again, not at all what was happening. The players in question were BOTS. If you saw them you knew this to be true.


    and if they were bots they should have been banned not suspended. they have ways to find out if someone was botting or not. but being suspended for over farming an area is insane. especially when we do not know where the line is.

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