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Posts posted by peterpangelo

  1. I know this has come up a lot, but I'm still not seeing any updates, so I'm posting to (hopefully) get attention back to this, but long story short, where are our missing companions? (Kira, Jaesa, et al...)


    I'm sure the devs held them off since they were the popular ones and can only suspect that they wanted to bring them back with more of a bang. If this is true, when is this "bang" coming? Will we have to wait a year for the next expansion? Are they even coming back at all? I understand that circumstances can change (I remember reading rumors that the voice actress of Jaesa won't come back), but it'd be nice to get something a bit more than Ranos' "teaser" that they still exist somewhere in the galaxy.


    Sadly, my interpretation of this is that they aren't coming back. Let's be honest, if they were, then the devs would tease us more and keep us on the hook. (Same goes for all the other beautiful things we'd like to see *cough* new ops *cough*). I can only assume that if these things were in the works, that there'd be more news about it, since that would only encourage us to stay.

  2. Please point me to a forum where I can talk about the game without these people clawing into threads spreading their hate speech so I can stop coming here.

    I'd like to read the forums of the game I love, **** me right?


    OP, you're absolutely right with your thread. It's funny how the hate speech people whine when someone says "hey, don't be so negative," and tells them to go somewhere else. So I guess according to them and the post above this one I quoted, hate speech is ok, positive criticism is not :p:p


    But to answer your request, IMO the Reddit thread for swtor is much less toxic (although it does appear), so that's often where I go for more meaningful discussion.

  3. I'm wondering what the newest state of the server is... especially after the transfer sale. I feel like over the last month we've lost a lot of good pub-side pvp'ers. I hope they come back or something because this is getting tedious playing pub pvp with a team full of non-pvp'ers against imp premades. I miss the days a month ago where we held our own, and I had at least a 50-50 win/loss ratio!
  4. I played WOW for 5 years and they have repeatable events and in that time I never experienced the problems and fail in that game as there are in this games.


    Well mate if that's your perspective, it sounds like you have your priorities and you should head back to that game :cool:


    ...Or maybe you're just a Blizzard employee that's here to continue adding fuel to the fire :p


    In any case, it would be nice to get some more detailed info on what's going to happen in regards to this issue. I just want to get that next Alliance companion out of the way!

  5. The scariest part is what some of the people were saying in this thread about BW´s plan: they said early summer. Does that mean soon after June 20th?? As in, anywhere up to mid-July and still be within their promised time frame. Ok then, let's say it's somewhere around July 10th. What if their solution was just to allow one character xfer from pre-selected servers (by them) to other pre-selected servers (by them again)?? Would that fix the problem? My best educated guess is no. But we waited since February for it.


    Now I love this game, and want to continue dumping money into it. But I have to set some minimum standards. And what's funny is that before this server decline, there were other probs (one of my big ones was the lack of a hood toggle for JK's. Remember that one guys and gals? Well, it's now eclipsed by an even greater problem, but it's still there too... yay.)


    Please BW, don't wait till "early summer" to do [insert unknown but promised plan here]. Merge the servers next week so we can all readjust and play a healthier game this summer, and that way when 1.3 hits, we're in a much better position to take full advantage of it!!

  6. I ask myself often whether or not this game can be saved, and I really hope so. It's hard to say at this point, because judging by how things have gone, it doesn't seem BW is able to keep up.


    Now, if it is saveable, I think there is one major thing that BW needs to do: PICK UP THE PACE. They've got some great ideas, but this whole "later in the year" thing (remember a couple months ago when they were talking about new races? That's one idea). IMHO, their main problem is that they didn't produce enough initial content to keep us exploring and what not while they worked on this stuff.


    So, the information is out there. I've been following these forums since way before launch, and even I've been able to get a taste as to what "really" needs to be done-- if you follow these forums, there are some AWESOME ideas out there, as well as some fairly identifiable trends as to what the players really want, and legitimately, too (not just your typical nerdrage that a class needs to be nerfed because that class beat me in pvp). That being said, I dare to think that this game's saveable, as long as BW speeds it up a bit and gets us busy again.

  7. In a February Q&A, it was mentioned that the infamous "Hood Toggle" would not make 1.2, but would come soon after, and even mentioning extending it to companions. Then in an April edition the question was raised again, but the answer became more vague, this time indicating in a further off future. Will it make 1.3? If not, could you give us some more insight as to what to expect? Thank you!
  8. I just found this post, and am extremely excited about it! I'm in the process of getting it integrated with my toons, but I wanted to post ahead of time and be another voice that cries out in excitement!! Now I'll finally be able to start making sense of my combat logs :D A big TY to the developer!!
  9. I haven't unsubscribed, but the idea's on the table. I really like this game, and want to continue liking it, but of course it's up to BW to pick up the pace a little and deliver. Here's my humble list:


    1. Servers!!! Just like EVERYONE, this needs to be fixed. The game's a ghost town. It was so awesome in beta and just after launch seeing so many people! I don't mind having to compete/wait for respawns to finish my quests-- I actually like it. The game feels alive that way. And of course all the other issues like not being able to group for content, uber long pvp queue times, etc... are also reasons to address this. I don't know is transfers are going to fix the problem, nor can I say that mergers are the best option either (I don't want to lose my name for some toons, for example) but *something* needs to be done.


    2. PVP: Come on! This is WAR! Why on earth do Repub and Emp quest in different areas most of the time? Throw us at each other! Let's have some world pvp!!!


    3. PVE: I love the stories/quests, but it *does* get a little repetitive having to repeat the same grind for each alt. It would be nice if there were more planets/areas to quest in and different chains to follow. I know that would mean doubling your content, which doesn't seem reasonable, but maybe add some different content to your planets... IE, when you arrive on Alderaan, you could choose a house to quest for and support. But that of course would means adding tons of new content, which means more voiceovers, more time... and probably not realistic :(


    4. Legacy: First, I LOVE it. I think it's a great idea that gave this game an awesome uniqueness. But of course, you gotta execute well. I don't feel you're supporting it logistically. Example: you have to lvl a toon to 50 to unlock that race for other alts. Fine. But with 8 toons max, not entirely reasonable. I want a Chiss Jedi (and a Sith pureblood Jedi would also rock). To have them both, that's 4 slots. And since this came late, I have 5 slots already taken by toons I don't want to delete (and shouldn't have to). So that's what I mean by great idea, but not logistically supported. And that list can go on... But I feel BW gets the point. I'm not the only one posting on this, lol.


    4.5: Crafting and Legacy: I love the crafting system. No complaints. But it *is* a pain in the neck to manage between alts... why couldn't you guys have a common Legacy bank? I know it's been posted about before, so I just want to be another voice shouting out for some more attention to it.


    5. "MMO Variety" I'm not a pro gamer, so I don't know how to call it, but I switched to MMO's in recent years because I love the variety they *potentially* offer a player: you can customize appearance, you can heal/tank/dps... etc... all the way down to mounts and pets. It's one thing I say that linear games lack... you just play through the storyline, the way the designer intended. That's one of the reasons I LOVE Final Fantasy 5... I loved the job system. I remember back when the western world got its hands on that gem like 12 years ago or so... I remember loving the fact that I could customize my team the way I wanted (now of course you had to be strategic with your jobs to play effectively, but that's a whole other can of worms...) Anyway, when I realized that MMO's allowed personalization and variety to the way you play, and what you play, and how you play it, I signed up. So I think that BW needs to add tons more "random stuff" so to say, so that the game has more variety. IE, barber shop, more gear designs, more mounts... that list can go on to infinity as well.


    5.5: That darned hood toggle!! What happened? Some months ago people were up in arms about it, and I believed in one of your early Q&A's you promised it, or something super similar, was on the way. WHERE IS IT and WHEN will it come???


    Lastly, BW, I'm no programmer/developer, and know what it's like for people who don't know how to do your job tell you how to do it... so I don't mean to come off that way... but please, though, you gotta pick up the slack a bit and deliver faster. If it takes months and months for things like a guild bank and ranked pvp, then the game will die before these promises can be fulfilled. And no one wants that, especially me. I love this game. SO much better than the competition... but my love is fading, albeit slowly, but it's fading nonetheless. I'm running out of things to do and places to explore...

  10. Our guild, <Guardianes de la Paz>, on Trask Ulgo (Euro RP) is doing okay, not super wonderfully great, but okay. We lost some people earlier in the year, but then recruited others, and some of those people even came back. Apart from the typical ebb and flow of a guild, one thing that makes our situation tricky is that we're a Spanish guild, so we have a much more limited scope in terms of recruitment. I don't know if that's helped us (as in, Spanish community sticking together) or what, but we're still working on HM ops and trying to get into nightmare, as well as doing lots of pvp.
  11. I don't follow the forums down to every last post, but my periodic thread surveys seem to show evidence that this idea could help. I believe that if you allow the community to make addons (aka, do some of your work for you, BW, and for free!!) then that will free up more of your time to get to other important game changes that you feel necessary in order to guarantee a long life of this MMO.


    A nice example would be the thread you guys started on feedback for UI customization. Would be absolutely unnecessary if you just let the community handle it!

  12. I've seen so many great ideas for fixes/improvements to the UI customization that there's nothing new I can add... all I can do is just nod along to the more acutely observant players' ideas. Now, out of all the wonderful ideas I've read in this thread, this one's the best: Open up the game so third parties can make these changes themselves, and for all of us!! Like one of the posters said, it takes work off your shoulders, and lets ALL these wonderful ideas instantly come into the game!!


    ...This would allow you more time to focus on other important things like that blasted hood toggle that should've been implemented ages ago!!

  13. I'm don't think I'll be here after 3-6 months because of the way BioWare develops and communicates. I'll give couple examples that come to mind which are fundamental design flaws.


    1. The complete separation of faction in the game world.

    2. The unability to play with more than 16 people without significant performance loss.

    3. Cutting of corners in stead of making better. (no swimming, 1.1.5. taking any reason away to go to Ilum, Imp fleet being exactly the same as Pub fleet, sith corruption turning my black toon white. etc)

    4. The absolute worst customer service I have been forced to deal with ever (yes I said ever).

    5. Devaluing of accomplishment ( 2 months later valor gains have been doubled and effort needed to do so removed.)


    I'll stay around as long as I can. I agree with this post, but not to the extent to unsub. I was really disappointed when I realized that the fleet would be our capital city... when I entered my first beta trial, I expected to see some magnificent, breath-taking, 2011+ designed awesome capital city that WOULD BE RAIDABLE BY THE OTHER FACTION!!! When I got the fleet in beta, I was like, what's this?!?! ...and I told myself, don't worry, when you get to a higher lvl that magical cool capital city will appear...


    Long story short, I'm really enjoying the game despite some of this "shortcomings". *IF* the game evolves, and grows beyond its limits, then I will stay. If in several months it's still pretty faction separate, RP unfriendly, ugly utilitarian capital city, etc., then I may have to pull the plug, but I'm hoping that won't happen!!


    So yeah, as long as it evolves in a "horizontal" way, so to say, instead of just vertically/linearly, (as in only releasing new dungeons/raids every several months), then I'll stay on board. I want to see new fun content (along with that "linear" promised stuff, of course) like holiday events, RP friendly things like interacting physically with the environment, and more fun places to hang out other than that ugly fleet, etc.

  14. I am going to have to strongly disagree with this. I started a guild the day the pre-launch guild system went live and since that time I have made many, many friends, both within my guild and outside my guild, some of whom have become RL friends after meeting them in person (such as during our Guild meet-up at Disneyland).


    I agree that the primary reason we play an MMO is for the community. But, over time, this sense of community within MMOs in general has diminished greatly. People no longer seem to want to go out of their way to get involved and make something of it. Part of it is the developers fault for making MMOs that can be played as a single player (and ALL modern MMOs are designed to accommodate single players). So a good portion of the player base tends to want to keep to itself and never shows any interest in actually being a "team player" (even many PvPers prefer to go the lone wolf route). In my humble opinion this just smacks of conceit or laziness.


    But please don't try and say there is no community if you haven't even taken the effort to join the community yourself and be an active participant. The only way we are going to fix the problem is if people actually care and do something about it.


    That is SOOO cool that your guild was able to do a meet up! And I agree on that community aspect... it is what you make of it. I haven't had THAT good of a community experience, but I have made online friends in game that I chat with and group with regularly, and what not. So yeah, to be a part of a community really depends on your personality... and a little luck wouldn't hurt either (as in getting lucky and meeting like-minded people).


    Now I stray from your thinking about the solo aspect. I personally like it. It's nice to group and all, but sometimes I'm just not feeling like socializing. So for me, the balance is good. There are plenty of heroic quests on each planet that give better rewards and thus are worth doing, which allows for the social aspect. Now, I do think that not enough people group for them, so there's a problem (not always, though. Please don't take this as a black and white statement). So yeah, I like the idea of us people being grouped up more, and more encouraged to do so, but I'm satisfied with the ratio of solo:group content the game offers.


    So to not deviate too much from the OP and topic, my opinion on that is that I see where these reviews come from, but I don't feel as strong. Yes, there are lots of things that need to be fixed, but I'm gonna hang around a while longer and see how it evolves. Patch 1.2 will be a big indicator for me as well.

  15. Well, I posted earlier being worried about a similar bad-luck pattern. Since then (I'm Cybertech) I've RE'd about 5 green earpieces and got a blue (still no purple after 8 blue RE's)... So that seems normal.


    But as for armor, I've now RE'd 30 lvl22 Armor pieces, and still no blue. That seems odd, but okay, I can accept that it just hasn't come yet. I saw someone else post about having RE'd 44 (I think) and finally got a blue, so there it is. I wonder if maybe there's a discrepancy between things like armor pieces vs. earpieces vs. other green crafted items' RE return rate...


    No response from the OP to the "numerical data" I provided? Shocking.


    How many different patches is it that people think reduced the RE rate? Every. Single. One. At that rate nobody anywhere should be getting any schems.


    Now as for this bad apple, I usually prefer not to feed the trolls either, but I'm weighing because I feel this is an important issue. You need to understand, Larkie, what a "watchdog" (or any authority, big or small, metaphoric or literal) is, and what their job in society entails. In this thread, an upstanding and highly contributing community member saw something that caught his/her eye, and wanted to blow the whistle on it, JUST IN CASE (key word, hence caps) something fishy was going on that the devs need to see.


    Now understand this: a watchdog, Larkie, ISN'T ALWAYS right. Look at any first world county's police: if you were a police officer, and you saw two individuals in the park shouting at and pushing each other and surrounded by a small group of people, you'd probably go up and break up what you think is a fight. Well, what if you go up and it turns out it's just a local drama class practicing some scene for their upcoming play? Oops! You made a judgment call and it wasn't correct, but you were just trying to do your job and help.


    Well Larkie, this type of thing is what I see here (except there's no "official" resolution yet, it's still speculation). We're all just watchdogs in our own way, much like the friendly police officer who broke up a drama rehearsal in the park in my goofy example; and since we pay for this game, we want to always be performing our own quality check on the product we keep forking out money for. So yeah, if I ever come across *any*, and I mean ANY, inconsistency, or suspicious result in this game, I WILL go to either the forums and check and see what others have said, and/or post about it myself. And that's what ALL those people you cited in your "numerical data" did... now, of course there was some whining involved, but that's just part of the process. We all have different ways of reporting what we think might be a potential problem. So just look at the big picture, people are just trying to make sure things are running well, even if they do it in a less than "mature" way. Just don't pay attention to them if you don't like it.


    So I'm sorry if I've wasted your, or anyone else's, time on this silly tangent, but I think it's necessary to keep things sorted out and remember what our roles in this community are :)


    So thank you again to the OP for this post, because I was worried myself after my suspicious "bad-luck" streak with RE'ing over the last couple days. And DO please keep posting, I've actually read (before seeing this thread) your other guides and posts, and have found them very helpful. :)

  16. Yeah, I'm not sure either about rate changes, but I came to the forums for the exact same reason. I have no statistical data, since I didn't bother writing it down, but I feel like up till now I could RE 4-6 greens and easily come up with a blue, and maybe 6-9 blues to get a purple, so I'm wondering the same thing. I've so far RE'd 20 greens, and still no blue. Since there is no word on the rate being officially changed, I wonder if the patch inadvertently bugged it? I'm not too keen on calling it bad luck since up till now I've had fairly consistent results and "all the sudden" I've had this super bad luck streak... but hey, anything's possible. I'll keep an eye on this thread in case any useful info pops up, and I'll contribute as well if I come across anything worthwhile.

    Damion Schubert: This is in the works now. It won't be in Game Update 1.2, but should get done in the next major update after that. And yes, we will extend this functionality to your Force-slinging companions as well.


    I'm also ecstatic over this. Now, let's start splitting hairs: he says the next major update after 1.2... all signs point to that being 1.3, but could it possible be as soon as 1.2.1?? I know, I'm getting too antsy :p

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