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Posts posted by Taleek

  1. Please be trolling. This is a BLATANTLY obvious reference to Episode V, specifically where Chewbacca carries around C-3P0, complete with him carrying part of the droid on his back. Rag on minor EU characters all you want, but the only two things the Wookiee in Manaan and Lowbacca have in common is that: A. They are Wookiees, and B. They use translator droids to communicate, which, I might add, would realistically be almost required for any Wookiee travelling the wider galaxy, due to their difficult to understand language and physical inability to speak more common languages. Their personalities, professions, etc are all completely different. I get that you wanted to rag on EU stories of potentially questionable quality, I'm just not sure how you made this connection.
  2. It doesn't feel like its part of the game.


    Its very much a mini game that is not part of the bigger wider Star Wars Universe. As such its hard to get excited, it doesn't offer the option to build a community that SWGs did. Its a nice place to show off your interior design skills but could easily have been a mobile app for all the real impact it has.


    We're literally one day into it, I wouldn't be so sure just yet. We'll see.

  3. Basically, housing adds an alternative thing to do in gameplay. A house gives you a place to not only relax and hang out with friends, but also allows those who enjoy decorating to go nuts and decorate in all kinds of different ways. It gives you a space that is "yours", which you can modify in a huge number of different ways. In one sense, you are right, housing does not directly contribute many tangible benefits, but that's kind of the whole point, it's there as another thing to do, to give you more reason to log on other than to just quest and then log off, since if you have the decorations and resources, you can pretty much redecorate your house indefinitely.


    Also, it gives you a place to show off what you've done, and gives your guild a place to show off what they've done too. To me, housing contributes a way for an individual or community to express themselves in-game in a way that your character customization alone simply cannot.


    To me, the change in our guild when the update came out was incredible. We have been very active for quite a while, but our activity was mostly centered around ops and progression, as this was one of the few activities available to us in which the majority of players online could participate. When we got our guild ship, though, everyone was crazy excited, and we managed to get 20+ of our members in one place (and even having that many people online is quite rare for us), not for gear, not for a challenge, just to take an awesome picture on the bridge, with the "maiden voyage" of our flagship into hyperspace serving as a ridiculously cool backdrop, with everyone laughing and joking with each other the whole time.


    Then, spontaneously, we looked at our conquest options and decided to go to Alderaan, where we eventually reached House Thul with a group of 17 people, stormed the palace, and posed for a picture surrounding the throne of Jorad Thul. And it was awesome. To me, the strongholds and conquest system are a way to integrate coummnity content into the game, and conquests allow guilds to basically look at the list of conquest objectives and say "Okay, we are going to do something ridiculously fun and awesome, and also get conquest points for it.", then everyone interested in it can port to the guild ship and be on the planet to do whatever awesome thing it is they want to do in a matter of minutes.

  4. How on earth do you go from a hook based static housing system, to player made content?!


    I sure as hell hope they don't. I've played enough crappy player made mods, levels, maps, dungeons etc to last me a lifetime! For every ONE decent player made piece of content, there are 300 crap ones.


    So you're saying that players being able to create their own content is.... bad? :confused::confused::confused:

  5. I'm good with multiplicative so multiple slows can have benefit, but how does that cap out? My big concern is how slow even one of these things makes you right now. 55% is a huge slowdown for any ship, and that's just one. I want slows to have an impact, but I don't want just one hitting to ruin your day.


    I'm not quite on board with saying these slows are difficult to apply, either. Mines, okay, you have to get in close to them. But interdiction missile has a laughably low lock on time when compared to... EMP, for example, which should be a comparison point, since it debuffs as well (and Sab Probe is 3 seconds, pretty fair for how much it dings you). And ion railgun is, let's face it, derp to hit with. Yes, you have to have some aim (and your aim is ridiculously spot on, Xi'ao), but it has a huge range and is not difficult to apply.


    I'm not sure where that leaves me for what numbers seem fair, but just one application seems too easy and too strong at the moment. Maybe reducing one would help, besides the stacking.


    Agreed, being helpless is the worst feeling in GSF, because survival is based around your reacting to stuff, and reacting in the right way. I know it wouldn't help PuGs, but what if Tensor had the effect added to it that it removed any and all snares on any friendly ships within range? That would give it an added use beyond accelerating to a node.

  6. I know this isn't exactly related to what you've talked about so far, but if this is your first time tanking in this game, I do want to give you one tip, you do not have to hold aggro on everything, and should not try, generally it will either get you killed from too much incoming dps or your threat will be spread too thin. Of course, the whole getting killed part mostly applies to group content, not solo play. Pick up elites first if you can, they have higher health, and any dps will burn down strongs very quickly unless some other factor is interfering.


    Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much, elara can handle herself against a few npcs, just make sure you've got most of them. Use mortar volley to pull, make sure to position it to hit as many things as possible, storm in, use your two free explosive surges (you will get a talent for this later), drop a sticky bomb on an enemy that's right in the middle of everything, and line yourself up for a pulse cannon. And of course, use stockstrike on everything ever and put the ion pulse debuff on whoever is putting out the most damage.


    Later on, you will get an AWESOME talent called pulse engine that will make your next pulse cannon free, finish its cooldown instantly, and make it channel and tick twice as fast. This is going to be your primary AoE threat generator.


    Basically, with tanking, and especially vanguard tanking since you have both a pull and a leap, you need to look at the group before you pull and figure out which enemies you need to prioritze, and how best to group as many of them as you can for AoE. Check who's melee and who's ranged, generally use your harpoon on a ranged, melee are nice because they are very eager to clump themselves up for AoE for you. Use your taunts when you need to, generally to pull off of healers or to quickly grab a group that's gotten out of your control.


    It's also important to note, and never stated anywhere in game, that taunting generates aggro by setting your threat to the same number of whoever has top threat right now, and then a certain percentage extra depending on how far away you are (taunting from longer range gives you a higher percentage), this also applies even if you're the one who has threat, so if you know you'll mostly just be on a single enemy the whole time you can feel free to use your single taunt whenever it comes off CD. Be careful when you do this though since things can change very quickly.


    The reason Elara pulls off you on groups is because healing aggro is calculated by taking the aggro generated by the heal and then dividing it by the number of enemies involved in the fight, and distributes it evenly to all enemies in combat with the healer. Thus, on especially large pulls you will need to let the dps pick up the slack and keep a few off the healer. Anyway I've gotten carried away so I'll shush now and just respond to any questions.

  7. I've read a lot of this thread, and I may very well get into territory that's already been covered here, but honestly I just cba to read all 30 pages just to see if maybe my suggestions have already been brought up. Anyway, I was noting that someone said that Ion mines are bad, and also others said that shield regeneration makes non shield piercing mines way less effective since shields can easily be regenerated in a short period of time.


    Now I noticed that while Ion Mine does have some things going for it, it's mostly overshadowed by Interdiction Mine, and has a TERRIBLE t5 ability that does all of TEN DPS to shields over 9 seconds, which I believe is less than sabotage probe does to hull, and sabotage probe's damage is usually considered negligible. So why not replace this perk with something useful, like say something that reduces shield regeneration rates considerably, or disables their shield ability for x seconds, or maybe even increases shield bleedthrough by x amount on affected targets for y seconds (this last option would also mean charged plating would still be very useful against bombers).


    I'm not suggesting this be the only change of course, buffs to EMP would definitely be appreciated, and I'm sure there's other things that could be done to balance bombers. What do you guys think about that specifically though?

  8. @Trinity I like the idea, although I think it would work better with the goal for the defenders to be to help the defenses destroy the enemy ship, rather than delaying it for an arbitrary amount of time, which would, I imagine, basically just result in the attackers all ganking a defensive battery all as one to overwhelm it then moving onto the next.


    Rather, why not have multiple defensive positions, each of which will target specific sections of the attacking enemy ship. perhaps with the defenders able to augment these positions in some way by hanging out near them. The attackers' role would be to neutralize or weaken defensive positions causing the most trouble for their cap, taking pressure off of specific areas of the ship under fire, preventing critical damage to important systems, as well as defending their capital ship from attack runs by the enemy squadron.


    The defenders, meanwhile, could defend the various batteries and weaken or destroy defensive systems on the attacking enemy ship. At first, attacking the enemy capital ship would be nearly suicidal and inflict little damage, but as the battle wore on and it sustained more damage, the defenders could target defensive systems like local shield generators or point defense weaponry to allow turbolaser/ missile batteries to do more damage to specific sections of the ship.


    Basically, divide the attacking ship into a few sections, each with their own unique health pool. Once a certain section of the ship has sustained too much damage, the attacking ship would either be crippled in some way, or outright destroyed, depending on how large these quadrants were made. Would probably want to keep them fairly large to avoid having the mode become overly complex, and to keep the number of things the defenders need to defend and the attackers need to attack down.


    Once the round ends with either the attacking ship destroyed or its target being destroyed, the defenders and attackers would swap places in a second round, with the winner being determined basically the same way it is in Voidstar.

  9. I definitely agree, it's no fun flying circles around people who are so helpless they don't even know how to switch targets. On my server the difference in skill between the average Republic pilot and the average Imperial one is staggering, the Republic almost always wins games against the Imps, there are good Imp players and a few premades will sometimes win games here and there but overall it's a curb stomp, to the point where I can sometimes get myself in a situation that should be way over my head, like a 3v1, and still come out on top.


    New players should DEFINITELY be forced to complete the tutorial before queueing, and I think it would go a long way to have a tutorial that at least covers the basics of player vs player combat and makes recommendations on viable builds for different ship classes. I'm sick of seeing people who think that hydrospanner is a worthwhile co-pilot ability for their scout...

  10. We'll have to disagree on that one.


    The big difference is that before bombers, Scouts were great at _EVERYTHING_. Their speed, maneuverability, evasion, and of course Burst Lasers made them the best satellite humpers AND the best at pretty much everything else.


    Bombers, on the other, are basically good at fortifying and holding positions, which includes satellites. They've displaced the Scout in the "humping" role and serve as a counter to the scouts.


    This is a GOOD thing, as it re-establishes game balance: there no longer is a role that is best at everything. Each role is great at some things, and vulnerable in others (except Strikes, which are decent at everything, but not as good as the specialists, and of course they're just as equally vulnerable).


    And to be honest, I find bombers a lot easier to handle as sat humpers. They're a lot easier to hit, and despite their tanking they still go down fairly well under fire. Yes, the mines and drones ARE a challenge, but if you're not a scout they are quite manageable. I've cleared minefields before, and it's perfectly doable if you're careful.


    So yes, scout sat humpers were replaced by bomber sat humpers. If sat humping was a problem, then I guess it isn't much progress... but it certainly helped balance scouts and more clearly defined their role. As for the bombers, well, I do believe there should be something to prevent or weaken bomber stacking (can only have x number of mines active in an area, or mine explosions should set off drones and mines nearby, as Nemarus suggested), but overall I think the change was a positive one.


    This, basically. Excessive mines are a problem, but this could be fixed. Minefields can be cleared, and bombers are fairly simple to destroy as sat humpers once you've cleared the defenses. Sure, they have tons of shields and health, but then they're also a lot slower than scout sat humpers which makes them much easier to target.

  11. I think bombers could use SOME balancing, but I disagree wholeheartedly that they have ruined GSF, in fact they've vastly improved it, and this is coming from a Flashfire pilot. No longer can I simply circle a satellite, laughing at the 7 people trying to damage me as I constantly circle it. Now all that has to happen to stop me doing that is for a bomber to drop a few mines and suddenly I develop a fatal case of explosionitis.


    I will agree that the reliance on AI probably needs to be reduced, but of course the fact that the drones are AI also makes them very vulnerable, since as we all know, AI are about as smart as a rock with some moss on it in most games, and they are stationary which does not help them any. Strike Fighters actually serve a purpose now, gunships have been given something fat and juicy to shoot at, and the game is no longer completely dominated by lolscouts.

  12. My build is somewhat similar to Silenceo's above (I fly a Flashfire, which I'm PRETTY SURE is the counterpart to the Sting, correct me if I'm wrong), although I prefer to use the evasion shields instead, and use regeneration thrusters as a compromise between maneuverability and downtime on my boosters, as opposed to the turning thrusters, although I reconsider this almost every time I see the turning thrusters sitting there and I may give them a try at some point.
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