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Posts posted by Darth-Piranha

  1. My standard 2k damage attacks will all get 100 bonus damage vs you. All day long. Your standard 2k attacks will all get -100 damage, all day long. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but that's the equivalent of 500 power.


    So the PvP has the equivalent of +500 power (against a PvE toon) and also has more HP. And more mitigation.


    This ^^ Plus augment your +power with purple 28s? You're practically a freight train.....

  2. Stealth is quite an advantageous ability to have. The more stealth on your team, the better your chances are in getting control of those turrets. Its a pretty wicked kill coming up behind a victim and knifing them to death almost instantly while keeping them laid. Its also a good ability to have as a last resort to evade an otherwise certain death. For those guarding a turret its an instant stun dart out of nowhere.


    But what about those who can't stealth. Is it unfair to them, that they're completely oblivious, to an incoming stealth enemy and by the time they can see, its too late. Is it fair that those classes that can't stealth have no way of sneaking or evading. If a sage tries to rush a captured turret, the enemy guard is gonna spot him a mile away and call for reinforcement. So he's better off rushing in with a crowd. But with stealth its just one or two to sneak up from behind, stun - knife kill before backup can arrive.


    To me personally? yeah its a bit overpowered but this really isn't a "please-nerf-pvp-stealth" this is more of maybe we should consider giving the non stealth classes an enhanced ability to sense better and possibly better immunity to the so-called ninja stuns or ninja knifing. (imo)


    So I ask the fine & skilled pvp community: Is stealth in pvp fair or unfair?

  3. I'm having major fps drops when going into warzones then I have to restart the client to fix it. The frames are smooth while in the first warzone but then after getting killed and respawning, the frames drops exponentially from there on out. And after about 3 to 4 wz matches, its a major lag and slideshow for me.


    Don't even have a chance, when camera panning is lagged, frames are chop and some imperial operative is pidgin dancing me to death. :mad:


    Get this crap fixed, Bioware.. I'm a subscriber and I DEMAND you give me my money's worth or I take my business elsewhere...And then come back in 6 months.

  4. He doesn't? I still haven't gotten around to going after him, and this certainly doesn't make me want to start.


    Trust me, you definitely wanna acquire him. I felt the same way and was a bit upset that it wasn't hk-47. But after spending about two weeks searching for his parts and I say two weeks because I had to roll a inquisitor to get that one piece from Dromund Kaas, and finally after seeing him come down from that machine, I was pleased and truly felt rewarded... HK-51 is total boss. Not saying he's gonna win all your boss fights but you'll be happy you got him. Seeing him fight is truly fun to watch.


    Revan programed or modified HK-47's personality matrix(?) to use the term Meatbag as a joke to annoy Darth Malak. But I guess the HK-51s are using the original personality template. I could be wrong but I think that's the reason why there's no "Meatbag" in their comments.

  5. Extremely fast, agile, clean well oiled machine. Moves like a Ninja! Glad I actually spent the effort in acquiring him. Totally worth it!


    I'd personally update his mods with the same mod stats preserving his over all balance but that's just me.

  6. It sounds like you are confused because perhaps you don't have enough clarity on how to use all the tools that we have to kite and how the melee classes have their closing counters and how to deal with them.


    So as a Balance Sage - who says he is dying too much consider changing the non-core points for example and pick up Humility. Just as an experiment, the old guides would tell you that you need both Force pool extenders but if you are dying...a full force bar is useless at death.


    Now kiting tools - Sever Force, Force Slow, Force Wake, Force Speed, Force Stun, and Alacrity are the primaries - but you have your lovely instants to play with as well like instant Mend, Force Barrier, Force Shield etc.


    The whole idea is to do 2 things...keep them dotted - keep your space by slowing rooting and running away . The other thing you want if the terrain allows is an LOS breaker. They can't jump to you if they can not LOS you. Your plan is to dot them long enough to wear them down. If you get stuck, you are dead - so plan your travel routes. Also vary your routine. Jump has a minimum distance - if you see them backing up to jump run at them!


    Don't expect to be able to stand and TK throw a lot...you can use it when they are rooted or stunned or you have a lot of health. But if it is close, then use instant DoTs and FiB and take your time.


    Ok thanks, yeah its because I just don't fully understand other classes. but thanks for the info about minimum distance on jump, that was my absolute demise.

  7. I opened my ebook copy of The Old Republic: Revan and ran a search for all mentions of the Ebon Hawk. The last time I can find it referenced in the book was after Meetra Surik landed in the Kaas City spaceport. I would assume that at some point the Imperial Navy confiscated the ship or it was sold off to a private Imperial citizen.


    There is no mention of it having been destroyed "above some alien planet."


    Well there ya have it... BW needs to get started on this..

  8. Thank you for this explanation!!! I haven't played for some time and don't expect to until Dec, I'd like to get into some PvP but don't have the gear, I'll just grind my way to Partisan.... This post helped! Cheers!!


    Check your currency, if you already had a tone of cent, champ and battlemaster comms from previous grinds, then they got converted to war zone comms.. You might have enough for a partisan piece now.. :)

  9. Thought maybe in the future we might see a new expansion or update that involves one of the most favorable iconic ships in the expanded universe. 300+ years later, what became of the Ebon Hawk, where is it now? Is is floating in a debris field somewhere in the outer rim? Is it in pieces scattered in junkyards on multiple planets? Or has been repaired and continued on more epic adventures carrying new owners from smugglers to bounty hunters to explorers within the 300 year time period up to the SoC.


    For your consideration Bioware, let us old school SWKotOR fans have some closure on our first home-ship with an epic in-game story.


    Thanks :)

  10. ^--- Is mad because they're beat by people just starting PvP. As for the Gree thing,


    Nope! I'm mad because bolstering exists and it shouldn't. And no I'm not mad at you for making such a juvenile assumption.. Its not your fault. I've been there back in my jr. high school days :)

  11. Okay I'm just gonna rant for a sec here..


    Bolster needs to go!!! And yes I'm speaking as a lvl 55... Lowbies should NOT have their stats raised to endgame level.. Neither should fresh 50s.. They need to work for it, earn their right to be high and mighty.


    I've worked hard and long to get to where my sage is now? I've earned the right to go back to a low level planet and pop bubblewrap like a BOSS!! If I wanna take my sage to gree, I should only be challenged by other lvl 55s geared in op pvp! Don't need to waste my time dealing with bolstered lobes who haven't even completed story....


    This isn't about real skills.. Its about spending countless hours of my day and night working effortlessly, grinding and working my *** off to reach that goal.. to POP Bubblewrap!


    I've paid my dues, climbing up the pvp change, they haven't yet started... EARN IT!


    end rant.

  12. Im not exactly sure how the math works with this new system but, i do know that those older sets have smaller amounts of expertise and simply don't keep you alive for very long. but getting full with partisan makes a huge difference in your dmg and survival in warzones. That i know for sure speaking as a squishy sage dps..


    If you wanna still use that gear.. and I too still have some of my favorite champion stuff, Just replace the mods, and it'll become partisan/conqueror gear with all the bonus abilities too.

  13. Hey all,


    I played this game when it first came out, had a lvl 50 sith sorcerer then I quit for more than a year. I just recently came back and lvled my Sorcerer to 55, so Im a fresh 55. I had a question, Im using a Champion's Force masters armor set that I got back pre 2.0 version. It has good stats and expertise rating on it. However when I go into PVP, howcome my expertise is so low? Its only at 1070 whereas everyone else is above 2000...


    Im getting absolutely slaughtered in PVP, can someone seem to help me with this?


    The old centurion -> champion -> battlemaster system is deprecated. Using that gear now will just render you pvp fodder even against lowbies in the gree event.


    Okay..but if it was removed from the game, then how am I still able to equip it on my character?

    Just have to do what I did, go through the indignant process of starting at the bottom with no expertise..working your way back up.


    The new system is now: Bolster(no pvp gear), Partisan and finally Ranked. I think this new system is horse-dung. Bolster just needs to go, and it seems that we only have two tier of pvp armor at this time, that go no higher than 65... But whatever... that's my QQ for the day.

  14. You, Dear Harbinger, have become a cesspool of smash bombing marauder wannabe ranked spam-tards infesting your WZs. BW needs to get out the nerf spray and fumigate these little teenage p**s-ants back in their place. So the rest of us can enjoy some actual PvP time.


    That is all... :)

  15. I'm a bit confused about this.. Being a sage with 3/7/36, I figured thats proper for pvp however, being a range caster as I'm supposed to be... This doesn't seem to be working out especially when going up against a marauder where no matter what rotation I use, just can't keep my range and my hp gets chewed faster than I can heal. which btw I've been noticing allot of marauders more than normal.. ("Has the double wielding saber class become the de facto choice to roll for pvp?)


    Anyways, So far I'm geared up in all partisan mostly power/surge and some of my stuff is augmented. Need to replace a few alacrity pieces as those are just.....yuck. But seriously grinding for this gear? I was under the impression that my sage would have a better chance of survival and.... She's not. She's getting slaughtered, no matter how ranged I desperately keep her. I just cant kite in this tab-lock combat system.


    After doing doing warzones for quite some time, I'm convinced that the Sage dps is just PvP fodder and Its probably because (Coming from Tera Online) I just don't quite understand what Bioware's definition of range casting is and what they consider the right way as opposed to the wrong way. So yeah its my confusion that I'm not doing too well with it.:(


    I always thought that range was all about evasion and to keep melees back by use of kiting, dodging and knocking which is something thats very lacking in swtor with this class. So could someone help clear up what the Sage DPS is really for? :confused:


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