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Posts posted by Echuu

  1. People are not using half the tools they are given and claim the class is broken.


    I don't have any tools



    but I use all the skills on all of my characters and I find the marauder/sentinel broken because it is much weaker than any other class with similar level gear and on the same level.



    you can solo ONE mob of any power / level but you can't solo two because of marauders/sentinels actuall lack of damage output next to his unability to take damage and healing companions can't help because the damage you recieve surpases by far the damage the companion can heal so please spare me your I'm awesome, you all L2P and marauder/sentinel doesn't need any fixing because it's fine broken for my <put your class here>

  2. If you think the Marauder needs any kind of PVE survivability buff then watch this video.

    If you think it's underpowered, then watch this video.



    video of a 31 Marauder w/Quinn easily killing a 34 Elite mob on Taris.

    Seriously people, stop the QQ about the class,it's not broken.


    I lol'd


    a mercenary bh can take on 2 elite mobs with ease and a 50/50 chance with 3



    and can solo champion lvl mobs 3-4lvl higher


    yes, I played both and I believe that it makes your point invalid along with the L2P thingy.

  3. The people spouting learn to play is just self righteous and opinionated, don't pay much attention to them. ;P


    Most people aren't having learn to play issues, they're having problems surviving at all in PvE. Which has entirely nothing to do with 'learning how to play your class'.


    The smug L2P people are merely amused because they're not having a hard time and they take great satisfaction in rubbing that in people's faces.


    Well I got to level 50 in 7 days, which is great and I love playing a Sentinel, but just because you're good at playing a badly designed class doesn't give you the right to be a ***** about it.


    you sir get an internet cupcake because are one of the few people on this forum that actually have some skill and know what is wrong with this profession

  4. Did you not, a page or two ago, say your problem was solo'ing NPCs and waiting on all of your cooldowns?



    because it IS frustrating to wait 20 minutes to get the "call on the force" cooldown to go down before you can fight anything that is yellow and close you your level and not with a 100% chance of success - other professios use those skills at the end if they have to meanwhile you are forced to use them every time. Sentinel USED to be fine, before it was nerfed in the beta because of the cry provided by sith inquisitor players.




    if you find it fun waiting be my guest

  5. at this point I'm quite sure you'd find something negative to say anyway



    ofcourse I will - since every single proffesion out there is working better than sentinel



    you can say whoah, i soloed a golden mob yeah - just a second ago I (lv40) soloed a gold boss (lv42) and both me and my companion survived the encounter



    and that's not the problem




    the problem is that every single proffession fighting at the same focus to skills level as we do can take on bare chest two of those golden bosses



    and if you're deaf or too ignorant to understand the problem why are you saying that it's ok and everyone plays it wrong?

  6. actually the Sith Harrowers can EASILY be killed by a solo sent if you are smart in how you do it... if you stand next to them when they are immune you will die which is what most do... after the immune ends you do force stasis followed by pacify and they are easy mode.


    but then again you have to be a good player to figure that out.


    The class is 100% fine, the problem is people do not want to learn to play it right and use ALL of the abilities. THey are not a class for a lazy gamer.



    please, let me show you the door



    If I'm forced to use ONE companion and wait for ALL my cooldowns to be ready for a fight with ONE npc meanwhile every other class out there can use ANY companion, not wait for ANY cooldowns and solo that losing just half the hp than yeah, SENTINEL IS NOT BAD, ACTUALLY ITS OP AND LETS NERF IT.



    quit QQ about how skillfull you are, I don't know how you play and if you are really good. Frankly, I don't care - I myself am not a newbie, I'm preety much used to melee classes and actually PLAYED other classes in swtor and reached 40 as sentinel - THAT gave me the opinion that sentinel is the WEAKEST of all classes in swtor, it's a dps that is outdamaged by literally anything that 'thinks' - the tank guardian can EASILY outdps a sentinel simply stacking armour break so please, next time either THINK what you write, have some EXPERIENCE or don't write at all



    the most possible thing is that you haven't really played a sentinel and are just trolling - I on the other hand tried both sentinel and marauder.

  7. sentinels don't do the ammount of damage they should really do, and their armour is basically made of paper meanwhile everyone is armed with a flame thrower




    they can be 'on pair' with any class - for 9 seconds - because that's how long the 50% defense buff can be activated, after it ends you get hit for 1/4 of your hp



    same thing goes for the marauder, it's weird that both the sentinel and the marauder can easily build up focus/rage and use a lot of specials meanwhile being outdamaged by the guardian/juggernaut that uses less specials


    I hope that bioware has plans to give us the ability to change the specialization, I was pushing myself further and further hoping that 'it's going to be better later on' and nope, it wasn't

  8. dps rota...WHAT?



    Im a sentinel, beat him while I was one level below him and concentrated only on using 2 defense buffs, choke like thingy and the 90% enemy damage lower skill on the right time from the begining keeping him unable to deal serious damage for as long as I could



    all based on their lenght, enemy current target and reload times

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