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Posts posted by pondz

  1. oh yea thats also a reason to buy champion bags over the single overpriced champion comm lol


    lol i do agree with you ......... but sure is nice if your lazy or lacking in time to play to go and buy 1 champ comm when you have 66 and need 67.

  2. ive noticed you can now buy champion comms for 120 warzone comms each.

    but ive also noticed a huge problem with this and a reason that was pointless.



    champion comms cost 120 warzone comms each,but what is the point in spending 120 comms each on a champion comm when you can get them from the champion bags for lower the cost.



    1x champion bag 800 warzone comms



    1x champion comm x7 = 840




    so instead of buying the champion comms for 120 warzone comms each it would be alot smarter to buy a champion bag.


    champion bags


    x7 champion comms

    x15 centurion comms

    and a small chance of getting a full champion token.



    so in order for that system to work champion comms would have to be baught for around 50 warzone comms each or 15 centurion comms each to give players a use for centurion comms.



    sort it out bioware :/


    you ar correct but i think you missed the point . After completing dailies/weeklys have you ever been 1 ? 2 or 3? comms short of a peice of gear?

    Rather than grind out a whole extra bag for 800wz if you 1 champ short you can just go and buy one for 120wz .........well at least thats how i see it , dont think it was meant to be easier of cheaper.

  3. Just gonna put this out there.


    If it is in other threads my bad. I am a War Hero and former leader of a larger guild Deception (170 members) on Wound in the Force Server.


    How stupid is it to make the cap for expertise lower than the max you can get with the best PVP gear out there (i.e. Battlemaster right now). That is a rhetorical question.


    I have to wear Rakata gear to max damage.. because right about 9.5% pvp bonus it becomes worthless to wear the rest of my BM gear. I have 2 sets of BM gear but only wear a partial set because it is much better to mix Rakata with BM. The math does support this. So PVP people have to grind PVE to be better at PVP and the rewards for PVP become worthless to PVP'ers? Change this now idiots.


    Also stop making it easy for people that suck at PVP to get good gear. The new changes coming with the 1000 + 1000 comendations to buy BM tokens is really dumb. Make it hard. NO ONE wants to see everyone with the best gear it should be earned not given.


    I can grind that many commendations in a day. Ridiculous.


    Bioware you need to fix this and should pay attention to this post.


    Just gotta say you spent 200 million on this game. Don't be stupid. People are leaving in droves because of stupid stuff you guys are missing. There is lots of good stuff in this game but I know many really good gamers that have already left because of the PVP errors you are not fixing. I have already cancelled my account and I am advising other people to cancel.


    The only way I will renew is if the changes to rated warzones fix all of this. Do not make PVP gear easy to get. Also I hope that you have to maintain a rating in PVP to get the gear. No good PVP 'er wants to see every scrub have the best gear.


    And could you please fix it so that we do not get disbanded from our pre-made groups every EFFIN warzone, this is basic and a huge annoyance in the game. And make it so you can have full pre-mades. And implement penalties for leaving warzones please.




    sorry but i dissagree with just about everything you say.


    First off pvp gear is for pvp obviously , adding pve gear to your setup to suit your own prefrence just shows diversity in the game.


    Secondly what real pvper gets any satisfaction out of beating under geared players? so the quicker they gear up the better and if they suck at pvp as you say then what difference does it make anyway?


    third , I dont pvp to get gear , thats a bonus , I pvp to win under all circumstances and to do the best that i can do i have good games and bad games and its the skills i learn that make me better proberly more so than my gear.


    at the end of the day they are trying to balance the game ......if your a good pvper it wont make any difference what they do .....you will still be a good pvper and you dont need gear advantages.

  4. I have a few characters i play and as a rule i only normaly play 1 on any given day apart from crafting . yesterday i played 3 and something i noticed was rather odd to me.


    Now i want to start off by saying that i think this is just coinsidence , but would like some opinions .


    1 . i played my sage , got into warzone and while i wait for the game to start i think' damn there are a lot of sages here ' lot of healing power but not much in the way of dps as it turns out 4 of 8 are sages +1 commando and 2 gaurdians and sorry cant remmeber the last one...... oh well .


    Now this is not the first time this has happend as i know there are lots of consulars .


    2 .I start to play my commando , off to a warzone .......looking around im thinking hmm .. lot of commandos here ....as it happens 3 commando +2 vanguards a smuggler and a shadow........ then another commando joins to make 4...... now again i know there are a lot of commandos .



    now this seems to me to happen a lot .... is it just random? or do they somehow get grouped together as there are lots of them? we have all seen screen shots of score cards where one class completley outnumbers? is there no way other than premade to mix it up a bit?


    and do the imperials have the same problem? like i said it seems odd but could just be random...... so any thoughts people?

  5. before patch 1.1 or whatever it was i got 3 champ pieces in 15 bags on 1 lvl 50 character . since 1.1 nothing in 30+ bags on 2 lvl 50 characters ........do they still actually drop?


    Im not complaining though as the increase in tokens has been a good thing , BTW what do you guys do with centurion comms you dont need? gear up companions? or did i miss something else?

  6. thank you for the reply .


    I wasnt just worried about staying alive a bit longer ....... just looking to be a bit more useful to the team etc .


    Funny enough i found a post by 'Secured' about a hybred setup , which after switching to im doing a fair amount of dammage still but im defenately staying alive longer and more useful to the team .I guess the setup just suits me and the way i play a bit better than full dps.

  7. Hi all ,just turned lvl 50 and im gunnery commando , had enough wz coms for 6 champ bags which gave me all tokens......so got a couple of centurion peices and a champion implant , the rest of my gear is lvl 40 pvp armour modded to lvl 50.


    I head of to a WZ and splat .........my performance was appalling and I die way too quick. Now this is my second lvl 50 , I have a sage healer that does more than ok for himself and well on his way to BM.


    My question is should i switch to combat medic until ive built my gear up a bit? I mean unless im doing something wrong Im struggling to cope in WZ . Any advice would be great.

  8. I would imagine that when the teams draw , they BOTH get Deafeat? as ive done a lot of WZ and every single draw comes out as defeat .....


    Can someone comfirm this please?

  9. Yes, I am a warzone quitter. And very proud. I do not get paid to play, therefore i will not play warzones which i do not like.


    Whenever I end up playing the ones I dislike, it is purely due to Queue times being longer than they used to be. And even then, If I get overly annoyed, I quit anyway.


    I not only quit as soon as an unfavorable warzone(Voidstar, sometimes Alderaan) pops up, but It Is also not uncommon for me to quit during the match if i am stuck with a usual terrible imp pug team.


    I have no control over which Warzones I end up in, despite the fact I pay to play. I am a quitter and coming to quit plenty of WZ's near you.


    I dont quit myself but I no longer have a problem with people that do .....


    but reading this... its troll right ?

  10. yes i realize this fix wasn't in the patch, but this patch did fix one of those most abused items in the game, so it wasn't a total failure.


    I hear you and agree , and it is only my point of view that they are not fixing what is one of the worst bugs/exploits in the game , people complain about the medals earned by frozen shock water , but how many medals they earning when we are so outnumbered its almost instant death when we leave the safe area? a damn lot more than they ever earn with the water

  11. The bug definitely sucks. But to all the Pubs that think only IMPs use this... Consider it payback for the Pub only exploit of climbing up on your dropship and jumping the gate for almost 2 months in every single Voidstar match.


    every single voidstar match? must have been big on your server ........ i didnt see it happen that often and when i did it was the one time i got fed up and quit the WZ , ok i was pre 50 so their was no dailys be well......

  12. >.> Is this your first time stepping into a bugged warzone? This has been a known "bug" for awhile. There's an exploit that lets you get more players on your team (not sure how to do it personally), but sometimes it happens by accident.


    Side note: This is not a bug on Empire only. I've seen it happen on my Republic team, but again, not sure how they're doing it. It may just be an innocent bug that happens randomly, but I've heard otherwise.


    been playing warzones since early access , this has been going on way too long and should have been fixed ..... I and many people know exactly how it is done , the reason in most cases it favours the empire is because they have soo many more players , like i said we are lucky if we got 7 on our team let alone finding another 6 or 7 players to exploit with

  13. *Ahem* both sides are doing it there skippy.


    true , but the worst offenders will always be the ones with larger number of players which in 95% of the time is Imperials ....... i mean hell ......for all i know maybe the got no real intentions to cheat , they just found themselves a way to get into a warzone quicker instead of queing for ages.

  14. yes their is an easily exploitable bug to get more people on your team.


    and sadly (on my server at least) it favours the imperials , since the reps are lucky if we actualy get 7 players let alone more than 8

  15. not to burst your bubble but this happened before the patch as well so....


    and my point is ???


    tada........... yet another patch goes by with no fix


    get it?

  16. Just went in to a warzone and guess what ........the imperails had so may players I couldnt keep count !!!




    im like what the hell we got a full team of 8 !! how many players they got ?let me see? 8 on middle turret , 4 on left and 2 attacking right ....... they were the ones i could see lol

  17. In beta they had 12v12 Huttball games. It was horrible. Nothing but pure chaos. Way worse than 8v8, believe me, you don't want 12v12 Huttball.


    ha that made me laugh .....personaly my heart sinks when i join and see its hutball , but i might add that not once have i quit , i just get on with it .......... but realy i dont like hutball and i would have to agree more players in hutball would be chaos

  18. had a match there yesterday i capped our left turret at least 5 seconds before they capped their left turret , we had a hell of a match and the middle never got capped the whole game ? the first time ive ever seen a game like that ............ result ? we lost by 5 points
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