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Posts posted by muzzle_flash

  1. so a company that has been around upwards to 12+ years in a realm where gaming studios are closing down and chalking up losses.


    you claim they have ZERO not a single talented developer on board at bioware.




    regardless how people felt about mass effect 3 ending it sold over 3.5 million copies in like 3 days. then in a total reversal of actual point people have raised over 30,000 dollars to change the ending to mass effect 3 further enforcing how popular some bioware games can be.


    why don't we look At NCsoft's Record for gaming you know the producers behind the fabled and illustrious Guild Wars 2.


    Stop wandering about the forums trying to counter the ocean of abuse that swtor is getting. Face it, the game is a travesty and will be dead within the year. Being bitter to the people who realize this isn't going to help...


    Also in terms of GW2, yeh maybe people are hyping it way way over, but it doesnt matter. Nothing could possibly top the failure that is swtor...


    The entire market is reeling as a result of this game turning out to be garbage...

  2. .......

    I would love for 1 or 2 hard core, crazy talented devs to stay late one night and get the MANUAL process of character copy done through some SP so we can all go and help with this. So we can tone down the ************, me included.


    The above highlighted is why the whole game is a train wreck, they dont have any... Not in terms of mmo producing talent anyway...

  3. this may or may not be on topic.


    but when GW2 is totally average. i'm going to enjoy reading the forums here, on the WOW forums and maybe if NCsoft throws a bit more money in between paying Richard Garrot out his 28 million dollars he won in a lawsuit on their website.


    i'll be on those official forums as well. trolling away with this big grin on my face saying i told you so in every post.


    Lol if those turn out to be the garbage we were handed as swtor, you'll be absolutely right lol

  4. Its all gone horribly. horribly wrong.


    I was translating an ancient summerian cruciform text, when I came acrossed a passage that speaks of the one game that will rule them all. Using delicate translation tools, and mah cat, Buffy I was able to determine that this game will release on December 21, 2012.


    Coincidence. I think not.


    Now pardon me, I must go add tinfoil to my hat.


    lol :D (also pretty sure its cuneiform and not cruciform your talking about :p )

  5. Unfortunately unless they were to tear down the entire engine and rebuilt it from scratch, your stuck with this current garbage..


    Worst engine I've seen put into a game in quite some time. Also its not even the engine, just how it was modified/optimised.


    Just move on like the majority of players are, this travesty will only be a distant memory in 6 months..

  6. Speech is one thing and so is an opinion but slander is illegal


    Yeh, I'd agree (pretty sure its libel for most of whats out there). Though most of these people offering reviews are simply giving their opinion on the game, at least the credible ones are.

  7. Yeh its getting kicked around by the masses at the moment...Though you think User reviews should be taken down? What are you high lol? You want to infringe on a persons right to free speech/expression for the sake of some video game no one will remember in 3 years? Oh no sir, oh no...
  8. Not true if you have twitchy hands...but the keyboard turns are smooth and precise


    Thats sort of like saying using a ps3/xbox controller is better for FPS's than a keyboard and mouse :confused:


    Kb turning and moving view with a controller both have a finite speed, your arm really doesn't...

  9. In this day and age, a feature like this should be included without charge. I mean come on, I need to be sitting at my comp to change some auctions/crew skills?? pfft, its just silly considering the times.


    Ah well, I suppose I'm stuck to remote desktop or the like for now... :mad:

  10. Lol, most of the time people can make up for the fact that clicking is less efficient by taxing themselves far more than someone using keybinds, this doesnt mean its a good idea though :D


    In swtor you can get away with a lot of clicking, because the pace is fairly slow. Jump into a game where things happen at a lightning pace, and the clickers will just get mauled. Not only from being slower on the draw, but because a portion of their attention is elsewhere.

  11. So in other words, Bioware is fine with people with a G15 or similar keyboard having an advantage over those that don't.


    I'm completely OK with this.


    Yeh this seems to be the way it is...


    I can understand how its frustrating. A friend of mine was sitting next to me playing swtor on a standard kb and mouse, and he was not happy while watching me use my G19 and Naga lol.


    I must have been pressing maybe 1/3 the buttons he had to

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