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Posts posted by Kaladorei

  1. As a long time MMO player I have this to say to you. Grow up and learn some patience! I have played MMO's since the release of the original Everquest and have played WoW, EQ2, Final Fantasy XI, Age of Conan, and Now SWTOR. This game is actually a ton better than all of those at initial launch..... granted, some things could be learned from the current state of WoW (which it seems they are working on a lot of it for the upcoming 1.2 patch). So I say again to you whining about "unsubbing" because a lack of this or lack of that........Be patient! Appreciate the great parts of this game as they are and remember that this is just the start of what this game has to offer.


    This game has excellent lore, story-lines, and is just a blast to play when you surround yourself with people that know what they are doing. I am planning on sticking with this game for some time. I want to experience all of the core class story elements from 1 to 50 and that will take some time.


    Just can't believe all the negativity I see here.......I takes way too much effort to be that negative....channel it to something useful and stop posting here please.


    bull ..i played all of these in betas and most of them were way more polished by release and worked.

  2. Fixed it for ya


    i have played 44 MMOS since 1997, played almost 17 in a beta of some kinda, 6 in full closed BETAS.

    i've never played one except FF14( which i wont count for obvious reasons) that has been so so bad on release.

  3. The game is basically a paid beta test...that feels more like late apha early beta stage.


    look on republic fleet does it not feel like soemthing missing, like i dunno a atmosphere?


    Oh wait you cant cause the servers are down.


    KK BAI>>>

  4. First off its a 2 hour shut down. Second, there are other things to do for the 2 hours of downtime, like i dont know watch ****, work out, go outside, bang your GF or what ever. Third it has to be a very important patch for it to be shutdown in mid day (East coast NA) and peak times in europe.


    no it doesnt...did you see patch notes on tuesday that warranted 8 hours of maintenance? lol

  5. Unsubbed...disgraceful service, sub par game, rubbish PvP, endgame easier than cooking my dinner in a microwave. Terribly balanced mirrored classes (they arent mirrored).

    Unbelievelably bad CS. Terrible maintenace times.


    Basically im paying the same as WoWs costs, for 0 content, rubbish gameplay , and overall poor service.


    Aiming your game at "MOAR EAZY MODEZ NAO PLZ" kids is a bad idea from day one.


    Thanks but no thanks.


    Note:if you think people cannot discuss these points contructively, you are wrong. you can discuss anything constructively, and censoring your forums is the worst way to retain customers.


    GL HF

  6. Leveling = Good (great some times, bad others = good overall)

    End game - BAD (total disconnect, blah typical MMO end game)

    Crafting - BAD (why bother, money is easy)

    Story = Great (THE highlight)

    Gearing = Meh (bland costumes, but I do love me a light saber)

    Combat = Meh (had to find work arounds for a lot of things - too many skills really - and too much like WoW)

    Multiplayer - Meh (on a few occasions it worked out fine - too hard to find groups for fp's now)

    Chat/social - Meh (too many cut scenes for continuity - segmented - choppy - loading screens)

    Carrot - Bad (no rare pet drops to grind for, faction reps, player uniqueness, etc...)

    Addons/macros - BAD (love me some customization)

    UI - Very Bad (no explanation needed)


    Overall - Average (a few things are very special - others are baaaad)



  7. I am on a low population server and doing anything endgame is neigh impossible. Even queue in 50 Warzones can take 3 hours or more at peak times or no matches at all happen that day.


    The population at 50 might be more healthy if people didn't immediately reroll an alt and abandon what they had grown. But that comes down to people might play only for story, hit the end of that book and pick up a new one, so I cant blame them for that. I did it too with a Smuggler and then Jedi Knight.


    Axial Park is fun and I love the guys there but there just isn't enough of them.


    I unsubscribed until I can transfer off or merges come. I might stay if I could queue warzones cross server to at least let me PVP every night.


    i think, there literally must be less than 200k concurrent players online at anyone time in swtor, the lack of queues' guilds, communites is terrible, its killing an already deaded game.

  8. Everything and anything you want to talk about swtor basically, i cant create a threat for constructive points because they say its not ifyou put one negative thing.


    So discuss the good the bad and the ugly here.


    Personally my experience of leveling...OK


    my experience of end game...POOOOR


    my experience of travel system pvp ilum and ops....POOOOOR.


    what are your thoughts...

  9. Looks like Rift. What sets it apart? But, before you can answer that, this thread will be closed! :D


    have a read mate, combat is weay different, you have to aim, dodge, etc USE YOUR BRAIN IS KEY to tera.


    Its been westernized to suit US and EU needs, less of grinding etc, its pure quest leveling with some very good sstems like the political system, and some very good pvp ideas.


    it aready has more endgame than swtor and its not even out lol.

    Sign for beta :) 19th april it starts.

  10. Yeh, all that voice can't do you any good when the game plays like crap... Its pretty tragic how much was spent on this, and how much wasn't spent on making the gameplay even decent...


    99.999999999999999999999 million on voice over


    0.0000000000000000000001 on gameplay

  11. Once upon a time bioware made games like baldurs gate..epic games, then they made swtor...failgame. then they moderated forums harder better and faster than they fixed their broke *** game. then the game went F2P, with micro transactions, then they cut their loses shut it down and ran.


    The end...


    this is just one story that could become true. Just one epic adventure you can unlock by being level 50 and seeing the game.


    (see what i did there, those who remember the advertising will get it)


    The other end is it goes onward and upward (which i doubt) and they end up re desiging swtor to fit a better style of MMO gameplay and forget 100 million dollars on porno grade voice acting...




    anyone else agree bioware should focus on gameplay now and stop randomly announces patches wich havent even been tested, I.e. i went on the PTR and you have to re level to 50 for every patch, not only that there isnt even enough players to even test end game content or any content really. You are blind to your demise and its a shame. you took what could have been great and turned it to poo.


    PLEASE save ur game fix it, work on gameplay, add WORKING content, make the travel system more accessible, fix the PTR so more people can test.


    Add planets worth re visiting, give us a UI that doesnt look as if a blind person made it.


    Explore the idea of not so ugly gear and mounts, add collectibles and misc stuff to do, find, collect etc.


    just stop advertising your game as something it isnt you are shooting yourselves in the foot.


    And finally, PLEASE never ever ever ever announce copies sold, your basically telling you playerbase your subs are dropping but its ok cause you took 2million copies sold. to and player with a brain that means you have less than half that in subs and dropping or somewhere along those lines.


    your doing it all wrong and going further down hill.


    Also your customer service..i mean..what?i dont even?how did?just fix it..really.

  12. To every single guy/gal in the world of SWTOR who wants to leave the game...


    GO with a full heart and my blessing. I'll still be playing this GLORIOUS game long after your chosen username is dust on the canvas of history. And I don't want your stuff.


    playing on what? itll be shut down in 12 months, maybe as someone said in a previous post cameron might make a movie s you cvan relive your "glorious" moments lol, but i doubt this game will be open much longer atleast as a P2P

  13. My opinion of TOR is a long one. Do I think the game is challenging? Certainly not, but I've been gaming since the NES. Do I think the narrative of the game is engrossing and engaging? At times, but generally no. Do I think Bioware could have made a better game by getting rid of the story completely and appealing to 1337 d00dz such as that guy in the video? Nope, not really.


    I think this game suffers for alot of reasons, but being omgqqEzmodez isn't one of them. A video game can absolutely be an interesting medium to deliver a compelling store through (despite what your friend in the video seems to think, see Bioshock, or even some of the earlier Final Fantasy games), and it can absolutely be something that encourages player community and "fun for fun's sake" gameplay while still providing a healthy challenge. (See WoW circa Burning Crusade)


    The problem, imo, is that TOR fails to meet any of these marks, though why it fails to meet them isn't because the game caters to "n00bz" or any other such nonsense. That kind of oversimplifying is just absurd. It's not "us or them."


    i like this comment. i see both sides.


    I suppose my problem is this game feels empty. nothing in it. nothing to do. nothing to explore, collect, achieve, find, do. just 0.


    i also AGree that certain games based upon story within the right genre are and can be well done, FF7 8 and 9 for example perfectly represent good gameplay and story mixed together. The problem is story today as the video mentions a 6 hour B movie experience with porno grade voice acting...its going the wrong way.


    It lacks anything outside the box and feels as if its upside down and the wrong way round.

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