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Posts posted by kivanos

  1. Maybe you just need to practice your keyboard gymnastics more. :rolleyes:


    Seriously, though, I personally don't find it too difficult to hit the left alt key with my thumb and then hit one ot the number keys with my ring or middle finger, which lets me keep my index finger on the home row. Though stretching for the 6 key does tend to slide my index finger ove to the G key, instead of staying in its proper place above the F key.


    FWIW, I use a Microsoft Natural keyboard. (My wife, who's a far better touch typist than I am, absolutely hates the thing. But I've been using them for decades, and don't like using a "normal" keyboard. And don't even get me started on laptop keyboards. :mad:) I also have longer hands/fingers than a lot of people I know, so that may be a more difficult stretch for you than it is for me.


    If only it were that easy. I have physical limitations that don't allow my hands to stretch that far. Not to mention doing so slows down reaction time significantly if I wanted to do that. I am a touch type all the way, so if I use the keys on the keyboard it screws with everything. (I just replaced my keyboard because the home row nubs were worn off.)


    I may have to explore other modifiers if nothing else and use the software to create macros. Ugh what a pain.

  2. I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. Are you referring to the number keys on the keyboard, or on the mouse?

    By "software", do you mean the game software, or the mouse software?


    It may be that the mouse's software conflicts with the SWTOR software - particularly when it comes to detecting the "alt" key.


    In any case, I would think that Sticky Keys should be off.


    Can you run the mouse software in Admin mode? (or not at all?)


    So I have 1-12 keybound as normal. I also have Shift+1-12 keybound. All of those work totally fine. However when I use the alt modifier it only works about once every 6 times and rarely on the first attempt.


    If I use the number keys (Top row, not num pad with numlock or without) they work just fine, but that completely defeats the purpose of having keybinds anyway if I am gonna have to move my hand off the homerow, or my mouse.


    As far as the mouse software goes it is complete junk. In order to get the number pads to work you actually have to write the macros in the mouse software to get them working.

  3. Hello,


    I am having trouble with the mouse listed above.


    SCIMITAR PRO RGB Optical MOBA/MMO Gaming Mouse — Yellow


    Any other game I play I have no problems with the mouse. For some reason SWTOR doesn't let the alt modifier work reliably. The only way I can use it is if I mash the number button repeatedly and it will (Most of the time) eventually respond.


    I have run the software in administrator mode. I have tried removing the key sounds in my sounds setting. I have run it in windowed and full screen. (Currently full screen to avoid the beep) and disabled and enabled Sticky Keys. (Currently enabled).


    I am out of ideas after scouring the internet for hours.

  4. It is likely this may have been posted already but here goes anyway.


    I just started running my Vanguard through Wz's and for the most part it is a lot of fun. My biggest concern is the issue of guard damage interrupting me while I am trying to capture an objective. This seems like it would be a bug, but can anyone verify if it is a bug or WOI?


    If it is working as intended then it is going to be something to discourage tanks from doing what they do in PvP because if they try to capture a gun or disarm a bomb and their guard target is playing distraction then it could mean the difference between winning and losing a match.

  5. It baffles me when people are complaining how the sin's have the same tool box as a sorc/sage. That is simply not true. Yes they can do many of the things you do, but the range on it is horrible. The damage isn't that great. If it was, you would see more sin/shadows standing there spamming force lightning.


    Another thing that baffles me, and maybe this just comes from my time spent as a healer. Yes, the sin can spam force slow on you and you know what? You can remove it with purge. This matters. Why? Because if they spend all their time trying to close the gap with you using ranged powers they are going to run OOF. Yes it comes back reasonably quickly, but when they are slowly chasing you while force is regening that is when you have the time to unload on them.


    The dots you have as a sorc will shred them while they are at range. Yeah, they have the same dots (but again, you can remove them with purge.)


    If they decide to smoke all the cd's they have just to kill you they will likely win. But next time you should beat them like a red headed step child if you use ALL of your tool box.


    This game's PvP is highly objective oriented. There is no death match WZ's. You don't have to win the fight to win the game; which should be your focus. Winning the game with your team.

  6. Any idea if the functionality of the macro buttons was disabled in the recent patch? I had mine working before 1.2 but now they are not working. I did have to rebuild my OS to a new HDD, but I found the guide I used the first time and went through it step by step and it still isn't working.
  7. if any body has advice on the best way to counter the fury reborn buff that the harrowers get I would appreciate it, it triggers at about 3500 hp and I can not burn his hp down before he kills me from there


    Not sure if you are still struggling with this or not but the easiest counter is to run away while this buff is up. It sounds stupid but they get a huge damage buff, and take almost no damage (in face I think they might be immune all together. Don't remember for sure)


    It is still a difficult fight, you will be limping along the finish line but you can do it. Unfortunately companions are going to get trashed by this ability, but you just have to make sure you have enough gas in the tank to finish up.


    As far as general tips go there was a lot of good information. I struggled with my sentinel at first, but now it is my favorite character. I still die when I run mental auto pilot but that is part of the fun.


    I'll just give my few tips in for general leveling.


    1. If you are getting hit every 5 seconds or so hit rebuke. It is best used when you can get the full duration out of it, and it is one of the most important abilities you have.


    2. Stuns are absolutely vital. You have no decent CC unless you are fighting a droid so anything you can do to interrupt damage sources use it. Force sweep on cool down for any pull with more than one standard or weak enemy. It will help hedge off damage


    3. Master strike. Use it. Most often it is best used on targets it will also stun. Not only will it stop them from hitting you, but it will likely kill them, or bring them to near death in the span of 3 seconds, at no focus cost.


    4. Use your defensive CD's liberally. The only CD I didn't use all the time was blade ward and that has got me killed a few times because I have a habit of trying to "Save it for something important". Usually when you find you are in that moment it is already too late. It is better to survive and have to wait on a cool down than to keep dying and get frustrated, because then you start to make mistakes.


    5. Elites are a gamble, but it is a dps war. Use your important tools early and often. Rebuke, pacify, force stasis, blade ward. Also use cauterize no matter what spec you are. It's a low focus cost DoT and will make a huge difference.


    6. Finally sents become exponentially more powerful as they get more talents to support their base skills. All classes show that to some extent but it is more true with sentinels than any other class I have played. Once you get that level 40 talent power you start to feel godly.



    Keep at it. It is one of the hardest classes to play, as you are a single target melee class but it is a hell of a lot of fun once you start crushing things.

  8. I see threads like this hitting the forums more and more.


    There are some serious problems with this idea, and suddenly people are seeing the sent incarnations shine. Mainly the watchman spec.


    First thing you need understand is Sents have one of the biggest learning/difficulty curves in the game. Notice how you are seeing less "Nerf commando/Sorc" threads and more "Nerf Sent" threads? It has little to do with game balance and more to do with information becoming available, people putting the time in to learn classes and counters, and somewhat to do with the upcoming patch changes (Which have not even hit live yet so it's fairly fruitless crying for a handful of reasons beyond the scope of this post)


    Second off you need to understand how playing a Sent works. You do not have inherent survivability like several other classes do in forms such as heavy armor and shield generators with dodge and deflection or the ability to do significant damage from ranged, or high forms of control such as stun locking. The entire survivability scheme for Sentinels is based off of keeping up a series of cool downs, while maintaining melee on your target, while dodging their stuns, disabiling and high damaging effects, and trying to kill them before your tricks run out.


    Frankly, roll a sentinel and play it in the lower end of the level span where you lack both your dps potential, and the majority of your cool down pool and you will see what will happen if you just start stripping away all of the powers a Sentinel has. The class becomes severely lacking in the ability to do it's job.


    The largest problem and the most relavent to this particular OP's post has to do with the design of the game. You have base classes (Which cannot be changed without a reroll) which get a very weak set of abilities. Then you build upon that with an advanced class (Which cannot be changed without a reroll) that has a slightly better set of skills but still seriously lacking. On top of that you get talent tree's some of which are good, and some are not and apply the defining characteristics to your class. The main problem this creates is classes that can perform more than one role and but are not as good at some roles as others. Or are so good at both they are just really strong in both roles and hard to counter.


    Yes guardians and Juggs have two DPS tree's but they are both fairly weak as the advanced class lacks the ability to support them. Most of your survival tricks are in the tank tree. So this gives you a choice of trying to DPS without the right tools in either capacity, or to play a tank.


    Sent's right now still rely heavily on a series of short duration and short CD survivability tricks, AND talent tree's keeping their potency in order to make them competitive. Any changes that would have impact would likely have too much impact. Such is the nature of how one of the two pure classes is built in the game right now.

  9. I have always used Master strike a lot in PvP. It is situational to some degree, but more often than not someone will stand there and eat all 3 seconds of it. It really is a game changer if they let you finish it.


    It has some counters, the easiest is just interrupting it with a KB or a lockout. Most people don't do that however.


    At least with the people on my server they usually blow their stuns and knock backs right away when they see a sent on them.



    Master strike is even more useful now that I rolled combat. Drop Precision slash + MS on a sorcerer and they are so low on life they are usually done. Kick that last desperate heal and game over.


    Also it sort of makes me giggle when I see Mara's/Juggs that I have just beaten come up and use Ravage and I kick it and they stand there confused.

  10. So I have been playing combat in Wz's and really enjoying it.


    At first everything was going great, but after a couple of hours my root effects starting being unreliable. Sometimes they would work, and sometimes they would not. This includes force leaps normal root, Displacement talent effect from crippling throw, and debilitation's effect from Master strike.


    I hope this gets cleared up really soon. I would hate this viable option to stay broken.


    And in answer to any questions that may come up resolve bar did not seem to play a factor, it didn't matter if the resolve bar was full, or not. The abilities would still fail to root on about 25% of the time and seemed to happen in a row.


    For example Crippling throw would fail to root, but leap would CD, and I'd leap, then leap would fail to root.

  11. Op:


    I see what you are trying to say. However several points of your argument are either "assumed" or simply misinformed.


    The first point I'd like to tackle is the "Healers can heal forever"


    This is true; to a point. If you let a healer stand there stock still never pressure them, never interrupt their casts, never CC them, basically just leave them alone AND don't focus fire anyone... You are right a healer can sit there and heal forever. However your example is 1 on 1 so I will also address that.


    In an equally matched 1 on 1 fight where both players are equally skilled and equally geared and no one makes any mistakes the healer should come out ahead. Why? Because the healers job is not designed to just sit there and spam heals on a single target. In both PvE and PvP healers have to heal more than just the tank, dodge various effects, account for burst and movement. However PvP is an entirely different beast than PvE. Often times in PvE someone with more survivability is taking hits thus mitigating damage and allowing you to heal more efficiently.


    Having to heal yourself against a skilled DPS does not allow for efficient healing. You have to blow cool downs at a much faster rate, have to heal damage differently.


    Also one final point. Healing AND Dps require resources. If you are trying to DPS and heal at the same time you are going to burn through your resources in a hurry because you lack the resource management tools for your DPS talents.




    Ok Next point: I can't out DPS their life.


    I understand your point about their effective health being through the roof and you are correct to a point. However killing a healer is not about just blowing them up in the span of a few cool downs. Killing a skilled healer is about forcing them to make a mistake. Applying pressure and knowing WHEN to use those big damage abilities, stuns, interrupts. If you don't do this correctly and force them to do what you want them to do so you can time your abilities correctly you are going to lose. Period. They can just beat you with their low resource dps powers it will just take forever.


    In basic terms? Force them to make a mistake, capatiliize on it, and win the health bar race.


    They also cannot max heal themself and max dps you.



    Next point: 1v1


    PvP, just like PvE is not balanced 1v1. Don't expect this to ever change. There is nothing more to say here.




    Last point: your 'race' scenario


    Not bad as far as painting a picture with words goes but you run into some logic flaws. The main one is you want to limit healing output to x amount of someone's health pool but you do not do the same with DPS output. According to this model all you are doing is swapping the equation. Why? Because the DPS character is going to kill a healer every single time. Even if I can heal my life bar 3 times you are going to be putting out damage leaps and bounds faster than I am as a healer because you are specced DPS. Your abilities, your resources are all focused around killing your opponent. Hell you might have a couple of heals yourself as a DPSer depending on AC. While my spec is based around healing. While I am healing I am doing little to no DPS (You could be dotted) And my damaging abilities are as base line.


    You are putting pressure on me, interrupting and locking me out of those precious 2 or 3 heals, and I am not even putting out enough damage to force you to use a defensive cool down.




    I think that is the highlights of what you put out. A lot of what you said made it kind of obvious you have not really played a healer often so you are not speaking from personal experience.



    So I'll highlight a few things other people have said. I freely admit I am too lazy to quote.



    First point: Focus fire the healer.


    It doesn't matter how good of a healer you are. If you are being jumped by 3+ DPSers you simply cannot sustain yourself for long without help from team members. You might survive for a little while, but you are burning cool downs faster than I eat twinkies. Get your ops leader to mark the healer and take said healer out back to the wood shed with a few buddies. Problem solved.



    Second point: A healer healing himself


    A healer standing around healing himself is as useful as ******s on a man. Put some pressure on the healer and even if you don't kill them you should be able to put enough pressure on them by yourself to keep his attention on getting away from you and the end result is almost the same. He isn't healing his friends and people die.




    Well I think that covers a lot of points and was at least a source of entertainment. Enjoy.

  12. Actually there is nothing wrong with a trade skill giving a combat advantage to the person using said trade skill. They should ALL give an advantage of some kind. that is the the real problem.


    Ever play any other MMOs? I'll use WoW as an example. Jewel crafting gives access to better quality gems you can ONLY use as a JCer. Blacksmithing gives extra gem slots. Alchemy gives flasks a longer duration and increases effectiveness.


    The 'problem' with Biochem vs say Synthweaving is the increase in combat effectiveness declines with level and attaining end game gear Either via PvP Or PvE. Where as Biochem is a static increase in effectiveness. It does not become less effective with gear increase.


    Biochem is not broken, just well designed. The other crew skills need improvements.

  13. It's slightly difficult to give insight into your problems as you haven't given us your current level, build, or the content you are trying but I'll give what help I can.


    CC if you can. It is not always an option but it is possible and do not discount stuns. As a healer it is easier to throw a cryo grenade at a mob attacking you or another dps to give the tank time to grab it, then it is to heal the damage.


    Always go into a fight with a full 30 stacks of OCC if possible. It doesn't do much to enhance abilities until you get adv medical probe, but disreguarding all the other effects? when you pop it it gives you 2 free cells.


    Prioritize your targets: You simply never will have awesome AoE healing. You know your tank is going to take consistent damage. DPS can usually get tossed a heal and then use hammer shot on them to top them off. If they are taking consistent chunks of damage more than likely your tank isn't doing a good job, or your DPS is doing something he is not. Keep to the healers motto. "You can't heal stupid"


    Don't be afraid to use medipacs for yourself instead of wasting cells on a heal. All other classes should be doing this too.


    Observe the fight, figure out what is going wrong. Is there something that should be interupted that is not? Is someone standing in the fire?


    Keep in mind almost every class has some type of DR skill at low level. Saberward, reactive shield, ect. If a DPS is getting focused, they need to be using these abilities.


    Unless you are in an extremely tough battle, you can do about 70% of your healing with CSC+Hammer Shot. You don't have to keep people at 100% life, but that is usually enough to stabalize the life bar, or mitigate lost life enough so you will not have to throw heals as often.


    It will get better, don't forget that, but it is not impossible to do either. Chances are somewhere in the group someone is not doing what they are supposed too.

  14. PvP in this game is extremely popular and people get very heated about it because they enjoy it.


    Most of that PvP is done in the absence of gear disparity.


    The argument that being a slave to the grind means you are just better is flawed. Every end user has different skill sets, learns at a different pace. I could spend 8 hours a day playing PvP matches, and someone else could spend 3 and we could be on the same skill level simply due to human factors.


    I understand why they put PvP gear in games like WoW. I played the game since the beginning and I was there when the MCers started rolling wsg like it was nothing. PvP gear is not a measure of skill, it is a gate to seperate those who want to PvP more, from those who like to raid more.


    No one that really enjoys PvP needs to be led by the nose to do it. There is plenty of PvP action at lower levels where there is virtually no reward you could not get outside of PvP (Xp, Credits, some minor gear)


    However, this game has the most promising PvP system I have seen in an MMO. The bolster mechanic works amazingly well. Granted you still have an advantage over a level 15 if you are level 40, but the difference is not so glaring your chances of winning are almost nill.


    I don't have a problem with people wanting to grind out PvP gear. Great, set up a rated system where you can do that. For those of us who would rather focus more on a pure skill basis make normal Wz's apply the bolster effect to adjust everyone to the same stat level just like you do at the low end. The tech is already in the game to do it, and it solves a lot of these debates.

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