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Posts posted by DarkAnnihilation

  1. Yes would be nice to get an ETA on the Darth Vindican's lightsaber getting fixed, would like to use this on my alts.


    One weapon per outfit. Well, can't say I'm surprised. Just extremely disappointed.


    No mention of the vindicate (sp?) lightsaber giving a double lightsaber when claimed from collections.


    No mention of the first boss in Ruins of Nul making you fall to your death


    No fix for gimini droid apparently.


    No changes to Conquest points for solo objectives.


    "Koth’s Crew is no longer hanging out on the Gravestone before being recruited in Chapter IV: The Gravestone - Knights of the Fallen Empire."


    About time.


    Overall a damn disappointment.

  2. Wasn't sure whether to post it here or in bug reports as it's not really a bug, but I noticed a clipping issue with the belt of the Callous Conquerer's Armor Set on female toons with B2! I am not sure whether this is also the case with other body types, however.


    With the Callous Conquerer's Belt:



    Without the Callous Conquerer's Belt:



    I can confirm that the pants clip through the belt on male body 2, and the belt flaps I believe clip through the butt area of the cloak on both male body 2 and 3. Hope that gets fixed.

  3. I'm calling BS on "forgot to put that in there" you hoped it would get lost in the event and new chapter. You(devs) got caught being sneaks and predictably got called on it. These pop in with the bland statements with the typical sorry for the confusion statements are completely unacceptable. Nobody is confused, they are pissed, pretty significant difference.
  4. Me, I'm just baffled by how long they needed to do it.


    The inflation was visible even much before 4.5 ...




    Why ... unethical ... ?


    I don't disagree that it is a problem, my only problem is when game devs just sneak in a pretty significant change and not put it out there that they are doing it, how hard would it have been to put a line in patch notes about the reduction in payout for heroics. To me this says they knew it would generate backlash and rather than take it head on which is what they get paid to do they decided to be sneaky. They want to be greedy? Fine, they want to push towards different content because of the event? not ideal but MMOs do it all the time, just be up front about it. Just the typical bumbling way they go about things I guess.

  5. what bother's me the most about the heroic payout nerf and the increase in price on the packs is the cowardly way it was implemented, left both of those items out of the patch notes, no general announcement. Just sneak it in and hope nobody notices. Am I really supposed to believe that the CM had no idea this was coming? So how long will it take for devs to even acknowledge it. Def will not be purchasing this pack. Grow a set and be up front with the player base and take the heat that comes with it. At the end of the day its Bioware's game and they can do whatever they want with it, but I also have the choice to do whatever I want with MY money. Really poor move on their part.
  6. I'd like this as well. Kinda disappointed in Yavin, the lack of doors is particularly concerning for a stronghold. Not much of a fortress if anything and everything can walk through the front entrance. Beautiful map great environment but you'd think adding blast doors would be a priority after moving in.
  7. More agro ability, less healing, and zero armor... That's not a Tank, that's a Corpse waiting to happen


    Unfortunately the issue with zero armor is not limited to tanks, applies to healer companions as well, I stated earlier that at 63 healer has 23.16% in damage reduction and 4799 armor rating, at 65 it goes to zero, the armor issue seems to apply to all stances, not just tanks unless the healer was never supposed to have any damage mitigation at all which I doubt.

  8. Currently at level 63 Lana in healing stance has 23.16% damage reduction and 4799 armor rating, on my 65 lana in same healing stance has 0% damage reduction and 0 armor rating. Hardly noticeable obviously with the great heals(some say OP) currently being done, however with the nerf to heals that 23.16% is all of a sudden probably going to be noticeable. My question is why if you have not fixed an important feature like damage mitigation would you rush to "fix" heals. Would it not make more sense to reserve the fix to heals until you have also fixed the issue of damage mitigation?:confused:
  9. I'm sure this has been mentioned already but I would really like to see hoods be compatible with a lot of the helmets out there. Think Revan with the helmet and hood. Also in the trailers for this game you can clearly see sith warriors wearing a hood over their helmets when they attacked the Jedi temple. Just somthing to think about.
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