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Posts posted by Kalabakk

  1. I agree that this cxp rate is more like what it should be by default. You actually feel like you're making some progress and it actually encourages dusting off some alts and playing them.


    As nice as this double cxp event is, though, I can't help but feeling it's being done to distract us from the real problems. CXP is the symptom, not the problem.


    Let's not lose sight of the real problems that still lurk behind all this:

    • RNG as a gearing system (how about unassembled components for PVE, too!)
    • Horrible drop rates on anything useful in the crates.

  2. I'm not crazy about Lana, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate her. If they dropped her from the story tomorrow, I really wouldn't miss her, though.


    I do give her lots of credit for her role in all the recent game events. Without her, our characters would still be frozen in carbonite. She was pivotal in our rescue and for getting the Alliance started and running properly. She is also very pragmatic, which is appreciated, but the Sith in her still shows.


    What I don't like about her is that she is a very bland and uninteresting character. They've given us very little information about her and there's no reason reason for me to care about her. She's just a robot to me. Also, she has been forced on us for over a year now (Lana, Lana, Lana!). She got old very fast and constantly having her pushed on me isn't helping. I can think of many other characters who would be far more interesting to me to have in missions.

  3. Thanks for the info, I was able to kill Quinn with my Sith warrior and savored every second of it. Even recorded it so I can watch it over and over again.


    The only sad part was that part of the cut-scene glitched and I didn't get to see my lightsaber sticking out of Quinn's back.

  4. I was kind of bothered by Acina. The story previously spent a lot of time showing that Acina wasn't like the previous Sith Emperors/Empresses. She was more pragmatic and reasonable, a bit like Lana. Now all the sudden she's acting like every other Sith.


    I get that she's a Sith and has some ruthlessness/lying by nature or she wouldn't be the Empress otherwise, but it still seemed a drastic reversal of her previous personality.

  5. My Sith warrior has waited years to kill that backstabbing waste of oxygen known as Malavai Quinn, and it sounds like he'll finally have the opportunity. I've seen bits and piece of this scattered around, so I have some questions to make sure I don't miss my only chance at this.


    1. Do you have to be a Sith Warrior to get the option to kill Quinn?
    2. Do you have to align with the Republic during the Iokath mission?
    3. Are there any other specific things I need to know to make sure I don't mess up the conversation path that leads to this option?


    I'm still trying to figure out in my head why my warrior would align with the Republic, as he's been a super-evil a-hole since day one. All I can figure out is that he thinks the Empire is weak now and that the strong should destroy the weak.

  6. They aren't bleeding any more players then any other change to the game in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble. You must grind in a mmo. It forces you to be online everyday. You might wanna learn about mmo's since you seem to be new to them.


    It's not so much the grind that's the problem. It's that you have absolutely no guarantee of getting anything as a reward for all that grinding. The risk/effort vs. reward equation is majorly out of whack.


    They keep addressing the symptom (slow cxp) but refuse to acknowledge or do anything about the problem (RNG gearing).

  7. As a strictly PvE'er with a commando since beta, I really hope any potential changes in the class are done only for PvP. They have a very bad habit of making drastic changes to classes that punish everyone because some PvP players are unhappy.


    Every thread seems to imply that all commandos/mercs have just hopped on the bandwagon because they are the class-of-the-month. Please be aware that some of us have played it since day 1 because we loved the class, not because we're trying to "cheat" in PvP.

  8. There have been a few responses talking about leveling the characters, but that wasn't really what I was getting at, since xp is so easy to get. It was more a matter of finishing what I started with these toons and giving my impressions on the process. For me, it's not all that fun, and I am barely playing the story at this point because of that.


    The question I was asking was how you all felt about alts and this story. We may not feel that same way, and that's fine. I wanted to see what others thought of their experience.

  9. I am in the process of dragging (that's the perfect verb for it) my alts through the KotET story, and I have to say I'm rapidly losing the motivation to do so. It was fun the first 2 times through, as I got to see the initial story, and then the dark side version of it. The trash mobs were annoying, but I knew that once I got through them, I'd get to see the next part of the story.


    Now, on character 5 of 8, it's become a chore to play. Since I've seen the story several times now, I'm space-baring through it, which leaves 9 chapters full of wave after wave of trash. I'll play a chapter here and there, but my enjoyment of it is pretty much non-existent at this point. If they continue with this one-story-fits-all approach, I'll stop playing at least 2 of my alts and just keep them around for crafting.


    How about everyone else? What has been your experience with bringing alts through the KotET story?

  10. I love all the different animations we can get to regenerate our powers out of combat. Things like the bacta tank, Life Day Orb, campfire, etc., are a nice visual break from the stock power. The problem I have with them, though, is that they are all separate icons and each take up an inventory slot. If you want more than a few of them around, they can start to chew up inventory slots fast.


    I would suggest taking them out of inventory and making them behave like vehicles. When you claim them, the icon would disappear in be placed in a list much like pets and vehicles. You could then access all the ones you have without chewing up inventory slots.


    Once that is done, it would be fantastic to have a random regeneration button as was done with vehicles. I know there are more important things to implement at the moment (ditching RNG gearing, for example), but I think this would be a wonderful quality of life improvement.

  11. I was having this problem and was just able to get past it. Here is some relevant information:

    • I had actually sent Vette out on a gathering mission prior to reaching this point in the mission, though she was on the map for the intial conversation before the droid attack.
    • Since I was playing a poorly-geared crappy alt, he died, and I respawned.
    • Fought the droids again and finished the fight.
    • Vette was no longer on the map, so I couldn't talk to her again.
    • Tried exiting the mission and re-entering, but it did not work.
    • Tried exiting the mission and then the game entirely, but it did not work.



    After exiting the game/mission a 2nd time, I decided to try summoning Vette as my active companion before clicking the Play button to try again. When I went into the chapter, Vette was standing right there and I was able to click on her and continue.

  12. One other thing that I've been thinking about, and I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet...


    After what is looking to be at least a year-long grind to hopefully get some barely usable gear, there's a very good chance the level caps will be raised again, totally negating that grind.


    Granted, gear obsolescence has always existed in some format, but it's looking like we'll have even less time to work with merely average gear before having to start all over again.

  13. funny but really these kinds of decisions make you wonder if they want to kill their own game.


    The impression I'm getting isn't far off from that. In EA's eyes, this game is a cash cow. They seem intent on determining just how little effort they can put into it and still generate a profit. Constantly tweaking it to see just how much easier they can make it on themselves (i.e. cutting costs, etc.) while still making money off it.


    I've worked at large companies so I know there's always more going on than the customer can see. But from the customer's point of view, the perception is often enough to make a judgement on a product or company. Most of what we're seeing is generating a very poor perception of the company.


    It's really a shame, too. I've not been a fan of the whole KotFE expansion, often describing the playing of 7 alts as "dragging them through the new chapters". But I actually enjoyed KotFT, aside from the ever-present time wasting parts (I call it Fights of the Eternal Trash Mobs). It seems like they are able to do some good story-telling (that has to be the Bioware remnants), but the overall management of the game leaves much to be desired.

  14. I don't post much on the forums, but I wanted to add my disappointment in this change. Others have already stated the reasons why this was a bad change and why the entire system in general is messed up. I'd urge anyone from Bioware to read through the suggestions and to give them some serious thought.


    As a whole, the people who make decisions like this really need to adjust their way of thinking and stop over reacting to everything. Pretty much any time there is an outcry about something, the result is some heavy-handed reaction in the opposite direction. Sometimes only a few small tweaks are needed, but the standard reaction tends to be so extreme that it gives the impression that they don't really understand the problem.


    Within every thread complaining about something in the game, there are usually some very good descriptions of the problem and reasonable suggestions to fix it. The reasonable stuff seems to be ignored completely and some huge nerf applied in its place. I do understand that not every suggestion can be implemented, as even simple-sounding changes can be a huge undertaking depending on how the system was coded. But by over-reacting to everything, they give the distinct impression that they aren't really listening to what we say.


    I'm not here to rant about unsubscribing. I'm here to appeal to the developers to look at the system and figure out how to make it work better, not just make huge changes in one direction or another because people are complaining. Read the threads. Find out WHY people are complaining. Look at the suggestions being put forth. Stop treating your paying customers like nothing more than dollar signs.

  15. I'm not sure if I missed this in all the recent information about KotET, but was there any mention of what would happen to those locked supply crates we currently get from heroics?


    I have hundreds of these things sitting in my legacy bank because I've already maxed out my alliance base rep on my two main toons, and couldn't really care less about it on my alts. I was curious if base rep levels will be increasing, or maybe we'll get something else on which to spend these crates.


    If nothing new gets done with them, I'll probably just turn them in and sell the rewards. I don't see any real advantage to leveling up the base rep on all my alts.

  16. It seemed to me a lot of effort was put into this mission to slow us down. It felt like there wasn't enough content and so they added in non-challenging, but time-consuming, mechanics to stretch things out.


    Some examples:

    • The twisting path leading to the instanced areas. It feels like they just wanted to add time by making us run back and forth. And the agro seems messed up, as I've gotten a lot agro from other people who run by without fighting the enemies.
    • Trash mobs everywhere. The path leading into the instanced areas are full of them. Even the instanced areas are full of them.
    • "Boss" mechanics. All of my toons ripped into the bosses pretty good, but then... the boss is invulnerable and you have to fight some junk mobs to make the boss vulnerable again.
    • Open world objectives. Making us compete with other people for goals and bonus objectives is just another way to stretch things out.


    I love the Mandalorian stuff, but I can't help but think they ran out of ideas and threw in a bunch of cheap game mechanics to meet some minimum play time requirement.


    My rating of a chapter is the verb I use to describe bringing my alts through the chapter. For a decent chapter, I'll say I got them through the chapter. For chapters like this, I say I dragged them through it.

  17. The subject line of the email is either "A Familiar Face Joins Your Team - Play Chapter 10 Now!" or "Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now!". I know of some users who deleted the email thinking it was just our normal newsletter, but your codes were contained in those emails.


    And what do we do if we did delete those e-mails? Are we still able to obtain the codes? I usually delete any notes like that because they look like spam about a new episode I've already dragged multiple characters through.


    And wouldn't it have made more sense to just add the coins to people's accounts, like the monthly stipends?

  18. Your fight is going well, until... your companion opens his/her mouth and spouts an endless string of stupid chatter. And of course, we have to respond by talking back to the screen in some creative fashion that equates to "Will you please, for the love of the Force, SHUT UP!"


    So I'd like to hear how you respond to your companion's repetitive chatter. Let's hear your most hated lines and your most snarky replies. For example...


    Koth: I wouldn't mind a challenge now and then.

    Me: I have a challenge for you. Try shutting your mouth for a few hours.


    Lana: Somewhat worthy opponent.

    Me: He died in two shots. How is that worthy?


    Lana: That's the end of that one.

    Me: Until he respawns and we have to fight him again.


    Lana: I've got you.

    Me: Babe? Are you Darth Sonny and Cher now?

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