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Posts posted by Darksec

  1. Hey all, I returned and re-subbed to SWTOR less than a month ago and have decided to roll a new toon to start again.


    I remember the npc outside the temple gives the mission at a certain point at various stages however this time I've done all the missions and got all mission achievements/beasts/droids bar this one and the mission icon is still not above the npc. I want to do this before going to fleet.


    Has this bugged? been removed? or can it only be done by counsellor now?


    People suggest joining other new players who have it but should I need to do this?

  2. Hey all,


    Hope someone can help.


    So I got an email from EA n offered to return and sub before the 19.oct and I would get a free lvl 60 character as well as a nifty looking speeder and some other companion stuff.


    SO on the 18th of October I subbed and re-downloaded the game.


    At first no speeder or anything but figured would all come when new exp out??? Well its here and no token, no speeder and no free kit??? I did it from the link in the email etc to ensure done correctly but still nothing.


    Anyone else?


    Is this a known issue or have I just been conned into subbing

  3. I see your points however, I cant leave this game, like with SWG I'm always pulled back.


    I just don't find the grass any greener anywhere else.


    I un-subbed but I'm back after trying other MMO's and to be honest I'm glad I came back when I did. The server merge for me was good (though i had no name change required) and I don't suffer much with ques tho I'm glad there is the odd short wait as it means there is actually people on there.


    I finally find it east to get the Heroics etc done cos there is people to help. The community in the most part on this game is fantastic, helpful and friendly so looks like most the whining kids have left.


    They still claim to be working on the "huge" (as they put it) space project and the F2P model which for me is now an MMO requirement (tho they must get it right).


    I love the game and it draws me back, i don't think you pump the money into F2P setup and a space upgrade if you have given up the game. Its an MMO, its fixable and its very young. The only ones who will destroy this game is the people leaving too early and not giving support for a game they wanted to succeed.

  4. I think this is my new SWG. I get bored cos no new content added, leave, find that other MMO's are just as boring but less appealing and come back again.


    I cant actually leave, this time around I'm just gonna keep subbed (even when F2P option arrives) and stick it out, if I need a break, ill take one from playing.


    I want this game to succeed and that can only happen if they have the money to do so.

  5. Im well aware that it could be monetized severely, I never said they could not, do you have a reading comprehension problem?


    My point was, why would they bother adding a completely new expensive programmed feature when they can just use the development kit they have in place and keep rolling out the same style content they already have in game for cheap labor? Its Star Wars : The Outsourced Republic!


    Sure it would be great for the "fans" if they released something with as much potential as 3d space content, but this game is no longer even disguised as a game made for the fans, its now a cash shop gambling machine.


    Cos they know something major needs to be added to save the game? You really think F2P alone will save this game as it stands? Do you think they think this?


    First of all they need to make some pretty big changes for this to appeal over other F2P game, cos lets face it, SW:TOR's name is mud right now, already seen many comments from non players stating the game is already dead and F2P is a last desperate attempt.


    I personally feel that the rails space system was never the long term goal and I feel they maybe putting this in or at least announcing this new space project near to F2P start or shortly after to peak peoples interests.


    It was already in the works and what they have thus far they may feel is worth finishing regardless.

  6. its your companion lol..........kidding, i'm sure your not that stupid.


    How is he on when u are on? is he always there?


    I suppose you could start char again with a different name if it bothers you that much

  7. I hope it doesn't, the game is good, the only issue other than fixable issues that bug people in leaving is the population thing. Everyone who stayed are mostly lvl 50 and lower level areas bar the very start - lvl15 (due to free trial) are pretty badly populated and hard to progress through without groups.


    My hope is that FTP model will boost the population massively like it has to others that have made the same jump.


    Here's hoping, but remember the is still pretty young and owned by a cash cow.

  8. I have no issues with a ques, id gladly wait if it meant i could progress once on however i am stuck with there being little amounts of people on the planet im on and no one willing to help with heroics and a tough section of my mission. There are plenty people on the station and many lvl 50 people in set areas but vast areas of the game are hugely under populated and as a result new players and lower levels find it difficult to progress. Maybe my server only who knows but ive had to come off as cant progress now will have to try again another day
  9. I would be very pleased but for still being on Alderaan unable to get through heroics cos no one either replies or is willing to help out out of the small list of people there, still don't really see people about anywhere other than station and the very rare roamer. Maybe they all LVL 50 zones n stuff but if so this is equally as bad as means the game is reliant on people already up there staying while new players wont get far and will struggle to stick with it without better community support or more people drafting in in great numbers to level together.


    Gone are the days of happening across a group doing the same heroic unless you are very lucky and being able to join them.


    Love the game itself but its broken if you cant do lower level content due to lack of players. Maybe im unlucky and its the server iv moved to but this is how I find myself for now :(


    Wonder if I should just re-roll on another server to see how they are?? maybe this is just the state of the game??

  10. Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



    3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

    -You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



    Summer/Fall 2012.

    -You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




    That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


    If you hate it so much, what are you still doing here, go post somewhere else like WoW boards or better still go play GW2 as you clearly have the game due to your above knowledge.

  11. 8/10


    Not perfect but still great fun.

    Ive not put this many hours into one game for some time.


    I accept the fact this is an MMO and will be bugged for some time, there is a lot that can go wrong.


    LOL at the guy saying hes not seen this many issue in an MMO release in years....

    I hope hes not including WoW etc in that stement cos was bugged to hell for years.

    SWG was bugged to hell from start to finish.

    You can tell by what some people but that they are completely bitter or have been waiting to hate on this since before it was even released.

  12. @OP


    I agree on the most part and I do have faith in Bioware who have created many great titles in recent years but i also agree with others in that people will not wait for it. Especially nower days.


    All MMO's are in this state on release, some in an even worse a state at times, even the best of them, such is the nature of MMO's. In fact id say that this is one of the better releases in that its one of the more stable etc. Which is great considering these are new to MMO's as i expected a lot more server outage etc.


    People seem to forget this is what MMO's are like on release even their beloved WoW which was ten times worse than this when it came out, and yes i was a day one sub and have played right through all expansions. What I see now is lack of patience in gamers which is sad. This game could easily knock WoW off the top spot and probably should if they allow it to reach its potential as WoW did.

    I remember all the threads of complaints about bugs and server issues etc on the WoW forums and the kick offs but fortunately for them back then people didnt vote with their feet, they just mostly whined.

    MMO's are in the most part massive and take heaps of development at huge costs. Whilst often they try not to rush them out, the costs catch up with them and the have to start getting the subs in. This often means bugs and issues get missed and of coarse content gets left out completely as they know deep down they can implement it at a later date.


    People in this time of gaming etc are blinded by older succesful MMO's such as WoW that have had all this in the past but now dont suffer it as much, they think that they come out like that which of caorse isnt the case.

    Devs now are expected to bring out a fully working no major hitch game even with an MMO which unfortunatley for both parties is not gonna happen due it being financially unviable.


    I think a year is too long but i doubt it will take that. Personally im gonna stick with it cos i like it and have suffered little issues to be honest.

    As already said hard core will stay as will SW fans but the WoW fans will be gone come their subs end. Some due to the impatience mentioned above and others were never genuinely here to stay but to be able to lambast the game knowing they will find bugs to use as ammo as would be the case in any MMO.


    I think this game will be awesome in time its a case of whether people want to pay for that game to come along as so many did for others in the past including WoW. I can only implore people to think back and remember issues with other games etc and accept this is what will be with MMO's. Im sure some of the haters would accept these issues if the title was WOW2 or even GW2 but all i hope is there is enough to keep it going and to build so i can play and enjoy, haters will always hate come what may.

  13. The difference is, WoW isn't new and wasn't new at the time of that event they had the market share and still maintain it, they don't need to prove anything to their customers.


    Unfortunately whether you like it or not, Bioware had to impress the "WoW Fanboys" to take a hold and increase subscription numbers, it's too early to assume anything yet but in a few weeks we will see how much of those 1.5 million copies they retain.


    Once they get below 500k subscribers, staff will be streamlined and it is an uphill struggle for them from there, not my opinion, fact.


    Oh and to the guy that thinks Bioware have made back the $300 million budget back already, do they teach mathematics where you grew up?


    Well Bioware claim to only need 300k subs long term for this to be profitable for them so maybe you should go work for them and put them right??


    Seriously if you don't like then why are you posting here, don't you have better things to do??

    If you love WoW so much then go there and spend your cash, mine is getting spent here and no tripe you announce will make me do otherwise so stop trying



  14. Have to admit whilst I love the open ended maps rather than this closed off section of a map i get bored of my location after a while and want a change but usually have lots of missions to rush through before I can leave.

    Im happy to stay as is but one thing that is good about some other MMO's is the freedom and the random settlements and stuff that are not mission specific and just a fun distraction encouraging exploration.

  15. on queue again. estimated waiting time 45mins. this is starting to be really annoying. and server list shows several servers with light and standard population. dump some of the people to those servers please.. unguilded, guilds with only a few members et cetera.


    and give priority for players who have a character already on the full server. i guess there are some who are on queue to create their first character.


    oh btw, anyone know whats the idle time before server kicks you out? 15min, 20min?


    ERM WHAT!!!!


    Why should i be punished for not being in a guild. I'm currently at a high level and have worked hard and done my waiting to be so. I'm not gonna be fobbed into another servers to start from LVL1 again just so you and your virtual mates can chat.

  16. Would be nice to actually get a proper response from bioware.

    If they came out and said on release the ques should be very low if not gone entirely but until then this is how it will be i'm afraid, then I would just wait till release day as have friends joining then anyway.

    But this whole not knowing or not being told "we are sorting it etc" or even better an est ETA or a reasoning why etc is not given is frustrating

  17. Your 1-month gametime will only start counting after the 20th. Is it that hard to understand? Are you that angry with a game that you do not understand simple matters? So, u're paying on FREE TIME.


    I feel for you.


    Fanboy alert.


    The issue is that Bioware don't seem to care about their community. There is no feedback on whats going on, what they are doing about it etc.


    Not even a mention of were sorry but during the early access this will happen, despite already supposedly having done a stress test (one of the largest ever) but we will have this sorted for release.


    I'm now worried it will be the same if not far worse come release and they don't seem to care a jot.


    A once reliable company now seems to have, like others, joined EA and gone south

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