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Posts posted by assasinHS

  1. Since I work with FTP/Exchange servers and clouds. I can understand and be sympathetic when dealing with queues and server load. It is such a pain in the *** from a system admins standpoint to deal with queues and monitoring server load/latency that I promise you Bioware wishes they didnt have to. But unfortunately for us that is the case, but on a positive note they will be better equipped come full release tomorrow for the player capacity. The best thing to do in this situation is to be understanding, Bioware or EA isnt trying to punish us. They want nothing more than to see their product to excel. I ve been in one queue so far for my server that lasted 25mins. Yes it sucks, but hey we are playing a game before it release :)
    i know were your coming from but 2 days ago i was in a queue for almost 5 hours... yes we know there trying to solve this but it is way to early to even think that they are ready for tomorow, the population on the servers is only going to increase leading to longer waiting.
  2. when i first got into early access i was getting queue's of about 300 (which i was fine with) but now they have elevated to 1200 on the red eclipse server!, i know your trying to fix this but the only time i can actually get on the game is 7 in the morning (UK time)... in no way am i losing interest in the game but its a real pain knowing you have to wait 1-3 hours to play :(
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