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Posts posted by Spum

  1. Im wondering about the HK mission where you have to defeat the sith lord. I beat the first guy, got all the parts, and now im back to the fatality and theres a sith lord in the way. How am i supposed to beat him, do i need an ops group? Do i need to activate something? Ive now tried 5 times, and 4 of the 5 times i couldnt even be able to get to the boss room.
  2. Anyone else think itd be cool if we could swap companions among our legacy characters? So a Trooper could have Kehm Val, or a Jedi knight could have Bowdaar, for example. Youd prob have to get a character to 50 before you could swap comps, or itd be a legacy unlock or something of that sort.
  3. I think it'd be pretty neat if you could 'stitch' items together. So that you could have an item look like one item, but have the abilities of another. Practically combing the two items. Maybe it'd cost cartel coins, or a lot of creds, but it'd be cool to look however you want, without having low level armor.


    If theres already a thread about this, please, point me towards it.

  4. i saw a commercial for a lego swtor product. (the sith fury) swtor is trying to hold on as much as they can, so they went to lego, sure star wars has a running contract with lego, but this is bioware and EA. i dont know, it just dosnt seem like them to do something like that. More that half of lego products are intended for 12 and under, im not saying lego is not for older people, but do they really want to advertise the game to such a young group? thought comments
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