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Posts posted by Mikeyeli

  1. My main is a 50 Smuggler Sawbones, but ive healed with all of them, i tried a sage in beta and have an alt BH merc at ~35. As a Sawbones ived healed most of the end game content from a PVE perspective without problems.

    Cant really give a good PvP opinion since its not my thing, but im pretty sure all the tools and utility sages have there really makes them healing kings in pvp..


    So my opinion comes from a pve perspective. Saying that one is better than the other is wrong, they can all get the job done, and to me the decision is made based on if the class's healing style adapts to your play style, and if you like the way their mechanic works.


    Its really really REALLY hard to judge a class by playing the first 20 levels though, like you dont really get to feel the Mercs healing style well shaped until your late 30s.


    The sage though is a lot more like your traditional healer in WoW, and force behaves a lot like mana. They are a lot more user friendly i guess. But thats what made me roll a sawbones in the first place, it felt new and interesting, managing your energy made the class fun and new for me.


    EDIT: On your story question. Im sure im gonna get some hate, but the Consular story is pretty lame, lol. Story wise, the trooper has a great story, and the smuggler has a good story but not as good as the troopers.

  2. Everyone who unsubscribes from this game without making an announcement on the forums will fail to learn that I am pregnant with their child.


    Before you ask: I've had hundreds of uteruses installed throughout my body for just such a contingency. The OP's baby's tiny fetal heart just started beating somewhere in my neck.


    *** did i just read...

  3. lol. ME3 = not an MMORPG. i'll beat it in one weekend and then go back to swtor.




    Like its happened with every other game ived played, beat it in 2 days, than go back to whatever mmo i was playing at the time.


    Guild Wars is Competition. But compairing ME3 to Swtor, makes no logical sense.

  4. There is as much evidence of success via subscription retention as there is failure on subscription hemorrhaging. That is to say, none.


    So, since everyone has an opinion based on no empirical evidence, I will base mine on my gut feeling, same as everyone else, and say the game is doing great.


    Best answer on this thread.

  5. Do you have any idea how bad WoW was when it was first released? It took years for Blizzard to make WoW what it is today. No game is going to be perfect right off the bat. BioWare is used to single player games, so it may take time for them to get the hang of improving SWTOR. I still trust them completely, so I know they will get the game up to par with WoW soon enough. (In my opinion, I already like it better!)


    You are 100% right, WoW didnt come out being everything it is today. The thing is, im not playing WoW, im playing swtor, i really dont give a **** about WoW.


    The reason why i whine, when i do on the forums, is because i like this game, hell i cant go back to questing with little textboxes full of unimporant crap.


    I understand people will always compare this game to WoW its inevitable, and people always say, "WoW didnt have all the stuff at lauch, it has now, bla bla", but imo, swtor isnt competing with WoW 2003, its competing with WoW 2011, and the general gamer will not cut them any slack.

  6. I subbed for another month, and probably will keep giving them my money as long as i enjoy the game. Having said that, i personally dont think they deserve any praise, there is just too many little bugs and little annoyances, that together add up to make the game not as enjoyable as it should.


    Like i said they will keep getting my 15 bucks, mostly because i have faith in them, but they deserve no praise.

  7. Lets just say this, coming from a Republic player.


    Here's the disadvantages I have on my server because I choose to play here.


    -Most classes have bugged abilities, long animations and other various issues that the Empire simply just doesn't have, therefore making us a huge disadvantage for PvP


    -Ilum is controlled by the Empire all the time. There is a rare moment, LATE at night, where the Republic manages to muster a force big enough to stop them. However, the majority of the time we're being farmed at our base. Yeah, that's fun.


    -Warzones are pathetic. I rarely ever win a warzone because either we don't get enough players to join, the Empire gets past that "bug/exploit" to have more players in the warzone then they should, or we're obviously just bad. Usually, we're all just bad. Nobody communicates, nobody cares, we lose.


    -Flashpoints. Nobody runs them. Simple as that. You won't be running any while leveling up. Also, to add onto this, like I stated earlier; getting groups for heroics and other various group related tasks across planets. Nobody does those either and typically you can never find a group and end up always having to create one your own which you CAN find dps, but that tank or healer never shows up, so you just give up.


    I hate this game, I really do. I'm so disappointed in how it turned out but I didn't expect anything to be different. I knew the Republic would be bad, but I chose to join them. Bioware has too many things to fix and it's going to be too late. I still deep down give it a chance, that is why I will stay for one more month, however if it doesn't get better. I'm done.


    Ok i genuinely like this game, i really do, but i cant help agree with Electroflux, on all his points.


    For the reasons he gave, you end up having to either:

    1 reroll in another server with good republic population.

    2 reroll Imperial, may as well take benefits of the unexistent legacy system, at least you see the little blue bar going up.

    3 quit the game.


    Since i love the game as it is with all its bugs, ability delay, and horrible performance and all that crap, im staying at least for a while, for as long as im having fun, the thing is, in an MMO, if there is no people to play with, the fun goes away.


    Population imbalance is affecting negatively this game, because some people seem to think, the game is just crap and no one is playing and they feel even worst when they see all the things Electroflux said on the post above, because lets face it, its the reality of republic players.


    Im a casual player who get to do content as a pug, because i cant commit my self to typical raid "responsibilities", work makes things difficult for me, but pugging as a republic player just doesnt exist.

  8. Kass City always reads steady population and occasionally heavy. During the evening in prime time, it's almost always heavy. There will be upwards of 120 people or so on the Republic fleet each night, and checking Corasaunt, (sp) about 100. However, after this, the population drops dramatically for some reason. As if people give up after getting their ship.


    For example, I did my dailies with my level 50: 11 people on Illum, 8 on Belsavis.


    I hopped on an alt and went to Hoth. 24 people.


    Is this due to faction imbalance? I'm pretty darn sure I'm playing during prime time, (It IS an EST server and I usually play somewhere between 6:00pm and midnight) but it's rare to see people running more than two hardmodes a night. I have an empire alt who is barely into the game but the imperial fleet is almost always twice the population.


    Honestly, leveling up an alt and it being RARE to see another person, it feels like a single player game. It is only when I return to the Republic Fleet that I know other players exist.


    yes its a pop problem, i leveled an alt imp on my server, got all to way to dromund kaas, they had 300+ people on the fleet and dromund kaas was around 250+, general chat was horrible, but hey, it was lively, and people where actually looking for people to do hard modes and ops, so..... so far republic is a waste of time tbh, Bioware need to create some sort of incentive for people to play on our faction.


    i play with my friends when theyre on, do a couple of hard modes but later log with my imp. If population is still horrible by the time my alt gets to 50, it wont be my alt anymore.

  9. It takes a lot of time and work and tweaking to balance things :/.


    I'm sure it's not in the agenda to make exact duplicates of the classes for either side, that would be boring :<.


    We the players just have to learn to adapt.


    Classes are meant to be mirrored, which means being exactly the same number and result wise.


    If this is your first mmo or you dont pvp at all, i understand why youre saying what youre saying, but the tiny imbalances made by these kind of "mistakes" become greater issues, faction imbalance is one, which is already a problem in many servers (im republic, believe me i know).


    Im glad Bioware is fixing this on 1.1, but imo this should have been fixed by launch, what the hell was beta for?

  10. The servers do seem to be emptying. I play republic and there is usually like 10 people on planet.


    problem here is being republic, the faction imbalance is abysmal in some servers like my own, i honestly havent rerolled empire cause of my friends, but im sure theyll see the problem themselves.


    and apperantly nothing is being done to fix this, cause i see my server showing HEAVY, but there only like 40 people at the republic fleet.... and many not even above their 30s.

  11. I started skipping heroics from tatooine and the following planets, i never found enough people willing to do them and im a healer.


    On flashpoints, i ran them exclusively with my guildies, not my choice though, i probably spamed global chat for 2 hours and maybe got 2 groups during my whole 1-50 journey.


    Got to 50, did my dailys, got enough gear to start atleast the easiest hard modes, i got yet to experience any, cause being a 50 healer isnt very attractive it seems im even scared to keep spamming general chat, cause people will probably put me on ignore, and just make things worse for me.


    btw, Nyll'ene Sawbones healer on Sith Wyrm republic side, let me know if you need heals! lol



    Ps.: bioware while your at it can, you do something about that frozen UI thing that happens nearly every 5 minutes for me? cant click on my hotkeys nor accept anything.. quite annoying.


    Pls fix this seriously, its horribly frustrating.


    Tank: "dude im dying!"

    Me: "hold on man, got to ctrl+u twice!"


    this bug is gamebreaking.

  12. I leveled as a Sawbones healer, and it did not feel slow at all to me, there are difficult quests, and difficult group of mobs, but theres no point on facerolling everything you run in to.


    I actually felt i was going too fast the whole time. Just learn to pull i guess, sometimes cc is needed when soloing, and having your companions with great gear help a lot.

  13. Reading this thread im surprised at the varied answers, im sawbones, and believe me, Corso is the best tank hands down, if you gear him up well, the guy is hard to bring down.


    Bowdaar, i guess hes ok, problem is, for no reason his abilities keep turning on automatically, blame the UI lol.


    Risha and Akaavi, both do excellent damage, if you gear them properly, theyre great.


    Guss, well, he heals, lol.

  14. Did you get that chest piece on Hoth? The commendation vendor if I remember right only sells helmets. I still haven't done 2 heroic quests so I guess it could be from there.



    Nope, it dropped in "Maestrom Prison", all the other stuff i did get from hoth

  15. If it was the game, we would all get the same issue. Just because your rig is mid end doesn't mean that low performance has to be something other than your rig.


    Well, the issue isnt new man, this has been going on for some time now, the game has poor performance on decent rigs, on beta people just kept saying "its beta, itll get fixed, no problem" well its not beta anymore.


    I dont get unplayable FPS while questing and leveling, but im not getting the FPS i should, i run any game out there right now on high on 1920x1080, without going below 30 fps, on my mid range pc, swtor comes along and im getting horrible frames below 20 sometimes, warzones become unplayable, im not the kind of guy with ultra sensitive eyes that can tell the difference between 110 fps, 60 fps, 30 fps, so believe me, if i can tell when theres performance issues and the game becomes unplayable, its specially noticable in warzones.


    My Specs:

    Athlon II X3 3.1ghz

    4GB Ram

    Radeon HD 6870

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