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Posts posted by Easelman

  1. Dont believe all the hype about SWG. It was a good virtual chat room. A game most could only play for a few months. A few die hard sandboxers could last 6 mo. maybe a year before leaving.


    Way before the NGE player cities were becoming ghost towns. Abandoned homes and rusting harvesters littered the bland scenery.


    Combat in SWG was the most boring, simplistic and rediculous mechanic in the game. Three health bars and weapons damaging one of em. Grouping was worthless after they patched the CC spaming (only reason to group). A good number of clothing variety but pathetic variety in combat armor except stats. And the auction house was used for advertising, you pretty much had to contact the player and go all the way to his house just to get good gear. Crafters loved that but action/combat gamers it was a tedious forced social BS.

    Dont get me wrong being social is the point of mmos but to be forced to do it is kinda annoying.


    If you like hanging around a cantina (pretty much flirting with other boys) and crafting, you woulda liked SWG and i dont mean as fluff for the game. No that was the core of the game. People were leaving in numbers before NGE first poped into there head.

    Seriously they even added the idea of having dancers dance during combat down time... thats how effn silly that game was.


    You guys think the hating and trolling is bad here. It was nothing compared to there forums.

    And hell i remember it was a known fact agreed upon by every player back then that SWG felt nothing like Star Wars.. That was just one of many complaints.


    SWG Was a bore fest after a few months. This is why SOE went to drastic measures to change the game.. it wasnt because omg lets redo everything to make it like WoW... It was like we dont know what the hell were doing so lets just copy someone so this game doesnt continue to crash and burn.


    This is the player that Sandbox guys like me disagree with. Some yell at them as WoW clones and what we think 90% of the population is like. For me, they ruined the genre of an MMORPG. We think that most content should be created by the players and the game is just there to facilitate the physics of the world with enough tools to create whatever.


    I feel finished with this game after 30 days and I cant influence my destiny

  2. The biggest difference for me is:


    In SWG, the character was an extension of me and I made personal connections with people


    In Sw:TOR, I feel like the game is 'finished' for me in one month. There is no struggle and I don't need anyone. Its lonely.

  3. wow lots of Debbie-Downers in here. I must be playing a different game but K-love isn't feeling the love anymore.


    -Did you just hit 50 and going against others with massive expertise?


    My one and only gripe with the sniper is how I F'in look. I play two characters (just started an alt).. My lethal/eng hybrid sniper who I adore and I went with the ultra-defensive operative that can heal and stealth. My goal on the operative is 0 deaths in a warzone, but hes only lvl 17 atm.


    My problem is I cant do the operative storyline after I did the sniper and in fact the entire pve solo content is Boring and I just can't handle another npc's problem. So I'm doing group flashpoints and pvp until another game comes along. But I'm usually a 3-4 hour a night gamer and 15 pvp warzones is just a bit much everynight.


    I think the only thing that would save me is a guild cordinated warzone on ventrillo and I'm on the server slug.

  4. My main is a max lvl sniper and I've always wanted stealth.... so its time for an alt.


    I am looking for "The Most survivable character". What is the hardest character to kill. I want 0 deaths in pvp. So what did I come up with?


    A healer operative. Right now hes lvl 16 and I'm finding I can almost outheal damage done 1 v 1 so I'm hoping at higher levels with Hot's I can counterattack. Not to mention the in-combat stealth to get away.


    My other option seemed to be the tank spec'ed Assassin.


    Whats the hardest class to kill?

  5. I also run a hybrid lethal/eng build and honestly if not in the top 3 damage dealers I'm really dissapointed. My kill/death ratio is between 50-5 and 30-9. This isnt to say that I'm all that and a bag of potato chips but instead tell you how I get good numbers.


    many Warzones have cluster spots and that allows for my AOE damage. My main attack is the frag grenade with all the bonuses. I spam it doing 1k+ to 5 people at a time. I use pillars and LOS for line of sight. I also spam my dart, and with a real high crit rate, my lethal purpose (2 energy per crit) it uses almost 0 energy.


    So i get high damage numbers because... I run around injuring everyone, and I mean everyone!


    I go after single targets like the plague. Drop 3 dots and the explosive probe on them and they look at me like thats it? and then I cull and their health bar drops fast!


    My biggest problems are - Spamming chain lighting guys (you have to interupt, flashbang grenade them or use LOS), Same with the missles from Bounty hunters (not sure what the trooper thing is) and finnally the operative (but not as much thx to bioware)


    All 3 of these drop my health to half in 3 seconds and if you dont have your interrupts are are injurered, well thats the only time I remember dieing in a game besides a 3 on 1 fight or something.


    When I switched from Marksman to this this build, I had to learn how to play different. Its everything opposite a marksman does.


    Here is my build....




    Key ingredients -

    - Lethal purpose and energy tanks to spam your damage and dots (+corrosive microbes dbl tick dart 25% of the time)

    - Engineers tool belt to spam frag grenade (THIS ISNT YOUR NORMAL GRENADE) +30 crit damage, +6% crit chance, +8% normal damage



    Assuming your dart can tick twice 25% of the time, extended to 18 seconds and you get have 40-50% crit rate? Plus 2 energy every time it crits..... That means (doing math)


    10.125 crits = 20+ energy regained. (now that does cost you 5 skill points)

  6. Maybe you don't see them because they are 30+m away :) They make less of a visual impact.


    On a side note, I find the marksman have the best opening burst damage but are incredibly boring to play for me. Get cover- hit buttons 1-5... target is dead.


    But the engineering and lethal builds are A LOT of fun, cause more havoc and are more fun to play. Their burst damage is usually back loaded... for example, weakened blasts sets up more damage for your dots, drop your dots and then cull is your finisher so you damage ramps up. but you don't need cover and you can run around.


    I almost quite because Marksman was repetitive, but now with an eng/lethal hybrid i can't play another class.

  7. I use a build almost just like this except 2 differences...


    I get cohesive corrosives for a -30% AOE snare (I-probe being your first)....


    I get steady shots instead of razor rounds (+4% crit chance vs +6% damage)


    But this is a FUN build and probably kept me from ditching my agent all together.


    The frag grenade spam with all the bonues gets you a lot of damage when people group. 1k+ up to 5 people in 8m.... huge fun when you see 5, 1090 damage numbers on your screen.


    Its like skipping through the land tossing 3 different types of grenades and using LOS to your advantage..


    Toss grenades (3 dots on them) then run behind a pillar or something, they come around and cull them.


    Lots of cat and mouse with the -60% snares, legshots....

  8. I'm overgeneralizing here but...


    Marksman - best burst damage, easiest to play, least fun because very little movement.


    Engineer - AOE damage specialists plus really good defenses


    Lethality - highest damage sustained mainly from dots and cull which takes set up, mobile

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