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Posts posted by LiquidRavenS

  1. Returning player here (thanks to the amazing videos by Swtorista)


    I played from Beta until the first server merge. Losing all of my character names kinda peeved me off. I figured I would try out the new stories and operations and such and give it a fair go. However on my main character, the one I put all of my time and resources in, I notice a lot of errors and issues.


    1) Most of my legacy unlocks are now locked! I know I had a great deal of things unlocked however not anymore.

    2) I own quite a few of the social outfits and other items and they are not showing up as completed in the achievements. Hell I am wearing one of the social outfits and my companion has another one on (which I removed and put back on however it is not showing up)

    3) Almost all of my companions were naked with all of their inventory in my email box? Just an annoyance.

    4) My valor score is wrong. I was damn near max valor and have the gear in my inventory to prove it, however now it can not be equipped

    5)There are some other things - but those were the big ones so far from just my first few minutes


    So my question is, has this happened to anyone else? Is it even worth putting a ticket in?

  2. I actually do have a bug with "Newly Infected" I completed it yesterday but it did NOT give me a quest reward. I previewed both the belt and chest peice on myself then Quinn...Then went to click on one of the items for the reward and then nothing, I got nothing. I did put in a help ticket but I have not heard anything yet
  3. I must be having horrible luck, as I said outside of (unlocked missions purchased from the market) I am getting 0 Gems from my missions. I did a search and saw 2-3 other threads on this issue that were made after 1.1.4 that slipped into obscurity.


    Going to start keeping better track, so far 0 Corusca gems in 35 T6 abundant gemstone missions

  4. I find it kinda sad that after so many topics and so many pages about this vendor, no dev has answered an exact reason why they put in those artifice crystal on a vendor and the exact reason behind it.



    The crystals are only in the vendor to be TESTED. The devs have stated in other threads it is just temporary until the 1.2 patch and it is ONLY on the test server as for now. Hold your torch and pitch fork for incase it hits live.

  5. I know a lot of people are going to chime in with RNG this, RNG that, but hear me out. Something happened/changed with the patch that borked the drops on this. I craft and supply high end enhancements and I run missions with my npcs constantly and consistently. Up until this last patch I have always been able to maintain a steady supply...I use to get a few every now and then running missions, it was always just enough


    However now as I have not got one in any missions I can normally do, I have had to purchase missions from the market, which they do drop. I have seen the prices climb at a really consistent 10k a pop to 30-90k for a single crystal and the amount of high end enhancements drop from about 15-20 on the market to 4-6 at a time, since this last patch


    I reached out to a few other crafter friends and they have seen there supply of crystals bottom out and gave up on crafting enhancements all together (pretty much the only thing us artificers have going for us as hilts you can get easy from doing dailies, crystals are soo hit and miss.

  6. I have revered engineered as of last night 60-10 Might Hilt 22 (blue quality) and still have not learned the higher version...all I can think of and ask is why both at this point?? I can just run raids and daily missions and get stuff far better...
  7. Looks like all the sites i frequent the matrix shard combinations are all outdated...tried different 3 lvl 24 combos last night and got the same str/end results each time with no crit, ect ect..


    Any site out there with more updated info on this shards and the combinations? Even IGNS walk through is off, as it was taken from these outdated sites.

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