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Posts posted by AnubisXy

  1. Basically Bioware decided to play it safe.


    They didn't have this option at release because this game was aimed at trying to sell to as many people as possible Teen market and they knew they might get some bad blowback from having homosexual relationships in a Teen focused game.


    So, they didn't put those romances in at release and will add them in later since "gameplay experience may change online" and all that.

  2. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rfrozMskrZhRrMZb.1


    I have been tanking with this spec.


    Now, before people get on my case, let me explain. My friend is also playing an Assassin tank. He has a 31/0/10 spec. We decided that there was no need for 2 Withers.


    So, whenever there is an AoE group or boss on which AoE is important, he tanks that. On single targets, I tank them since I end up with better mitigation (due to much faster Harnessed Darkness procs) and higher single target threat due to faster Shocks.

  3. How exactly is a shield useless in pvp? It only does not effect internal or elemental damage.


    Only attacks that say, "Deals X Weapon Damage" are affected by shields - any attack that is classified as a Tech or Force attack bypasses your shields. What type of attack it is (Energy, Elemental, Melee or Internal) doesn't matter at all.


    Other than the "basic" attack, pretty much every ability that Powertechs, Mercenaries, Sorcerers and Operatives have completely bypass your shields. Around 70% of Sniper's attacks bypass your shields. Only Juggernauts, Marauders and Assassins are really affected by shields, and even then about 1/2 of their attacks are classified as Tech or Force and so ignore shields.


    As an example, an Operative's Hidden Strike deals kinetic damage, but it's classified as a Tech attack and so it bypasses shields.


    Really, shields really don't do much in PvP.

  4. I have a 50 powertech and a 50 Assassin. I have both specced for tanking in PvP.


    I've largely shelved my Powertech for my Assassin at least in PvE. While the damage is a bit lower, the Assassin has better survivability. I find if I get focused on my Powertech, there's not much I can do; of the three tank classes, Powertechs have the worst defensive cooldowns.


    If I get focused on my Assassin, I have Force Shroud, Deflection, Force Sprint (to get some distance) and even Force Cloak to vanish and run.

  5. I recently rolled a Twi'lek Inquisitor. Not knowing they couldn't wear hoods. Just a question. Why couldn't they just place lekku over their shoulders. Like wear them from the front when the hood is on. Just wondering.


    I didn't know either, but I decided to live with it. However by level 20 I couldn't take it anymore so I rerolled to a Zabrak.

  6. Soooo...


    You spent all your time trying to DPS. And you ignore objectives. And your team loses. And you're an Assassin and you have zero Protection? And you come on here to brag about your DPS, but you don't even break 200k? I've seen many classes break 600k or 700k. Also, you end the match with only 6 medals?


    Suggestions: even if you're not specced into Darkness you should throw out Guard on players every now and then, and you should definitely be using your taunts; they don't cost you anything, not even a GCD. Just by using taunts alone you can easily get the first 3 or 4 Protection badges. That would have given you 10 badges; something worth bragging about.


    Nobody cares about DPS. It's easy to inflate the numbers to rediculous levels (again, like 600k-700k for classes with powerful AoEs).

  7. My friend is playing a Sorcerer. I'm playing an Assassin. We're both level 50.


    We decided to test this out this evening. We both went to the fleet and respecced, so we had no talent points set (0/0/0). We both took off all of gear and dueled on his ship, trading shocks back and forth for about a minute. His Shock appeared to be doing pretty much the same damage as mine. I didn't notice a 25% damage difference.


    With zero gear and zero talents, my Shock should have been hitting harder, but it didn't appear to be. Not sure what's going on here.

  8. I would be against such a task since people will want to go down the Dark Side without any reprocussions to their decisions.


    You can already turn it off. Which is just what I did once my character hit Dark 3. Most dark side players I run into have Sith Corruption turned off because it makes their character look horrible once it passes a certain point. So, there are already no repercussions.


    Adding in a toggle so that players can choose what level to show; 1, 2, 3, etc would just mean more people running around with Sith Corruption actually turned on.

  9. So far I have a Sith Inquisitor 50, Bounty Hunter 50, Imperial Agent 50 and Jedi Consular 48.


    The Sith Inquisitor has, by far and away, the worst storyline.


    Instead of acting like Palpatine and being the cool manipulative person, you're Laura Croft and spend all your time delving into old tombs. Only, you suck at it, because you manage to walk into every single trap in the tombs. Every. Single. Trap. Your character gets defeated and falls unconcious about a dozen times through out the storyline.


    The only reason you don't die is because... I dunno. I guess the bad guys are too lazy to stab you with a lightsaber once you're lying on the floor in front of them unconscious. Which you do. A lot.


    The big boss of the storyline, whom you spend all of Act 2 and Act 3 fighting against is completely delusional and has absolutely no purpose for opposing you. Seriously, I'm still trying to figure out why he wants to kill me. His reasoning makes absolutely zero sense. All I can figure out is that he must be on drugs.


    He's also a lame villain who runs away over and over and over and over and... well, you get the drift.


    I have to say, he is by far and away one of the worst villains I have ever encountered in a video game. Even Bowser in the original Super Mario Bro's was a better written villain. And since the only storyline in both Act 2 and Act 3 is "get stronger so you can beat last boss" having such an incredibly lame last boss just makes the Inquisitor's story go from suck to blow.

  10. ...but it felt more like an after school special than 2 people 'getting it on'


    Try out the Sith Warrior:



    You can get it on with a **** (decent looking older woman who happens to be a mother) and force your Twi'lek slave to stay and watch you two go at it.


  11. After playing an Operative, Force Speed was one of the big reasons I rolled an Assassin. +150% move speed for 2 seconds for every 20 seconds. Plus I have it talented to break movement imparing effects. Force Speed is great stuff.


    I'd rather than +150% speed for 2 seconds than +50% speed for 6 seconds.

  12. Bioware just needs to bring back companion kits so you can kit your companion out for tanking, healing or DPSing as you want.


    I understand that this was an issue with gear, and that's why Bioware removed this, but it's a lot more interesting than making some companion characters entirely useless for certain classes or making other companions so good that you will never use your other companions.

  13. Power.


    Eventually your gear will get good enough that you'll start approaching the Surge cap, and likely the crit cap too. This means that when you pop your Adrenal you'll start running into diminishing returns issues.


    There aren't really any diminishing returns on Power, at least not in the same way.

  14. Unfortunately I can't link to the Dev post talking about their desire to see pure specs rather than hybrid specs for end-game (mostly end game PvE) since it was on the old forums and those were wiped.


    Bioware has changed a lot of their design philosophies, but I'd be surprised if they decided to change this one.


    Ultimately, it doesn't matter much; just wait and see. If you notice changes that push players to go 31 in a talent tree then you'll know Bioware hasn't changed their mind. If you don't see those changes, then you'll know they have.


    But, based off the Induction and Harnessed Darkness tooltip changes, I'm thinking we're going to be seeing those changes go live at some point.

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