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Posts posted by JabbaCG

  1. Seriously, they are adding:


    1. Ingame events

    2. New warzone

    3. New flashpoint

    4. New Operation

    5. Better Crafting

    6. Legacy

    7. More RP places

    8. Chat bubbles

    9. Animal Mounts

    10. Ranked WZ's


    AND much much moree!!1


    This is like a wow expansion!!!


    STOP complaining, have fun, if you don't have fun dont play, bye :)


    EDIT: Also, to all the people saying these features should've in launch, you're wrong, was launch not the best? Sure, but they are delivering, I've seen more people playing today then I have in the past couple weeks. Lets not mind that BioWare NEVER MENTIONED ANY of the features that will be realeased in 1.2, to have been in launch.


    Well, I explain to you:


    Now we buy unfinished games.



  2. Seriously this is a joke.


    From Republic Fleet to Ilum:


    - Take elevator to hangar

    - Get in to your ship.

    - Travel to Ilum

    - Get out of the ship

    - Take elevator

    - Take transport

    - Take taxi

    - Congratulations!! You are now in Ilum open pvp zone.


    Total travel time: 5min




  3. If someone dies to tracer missle spam then they are one of 3 things:


    1. way undergeared/leveled by the person spamming

    2. not paying attention that they're getting lit up until it's too late

    3. bad


    people need to stop blaming everything on tracer missle. they use it to add debuffs for other attacks. Yes, some people spam it but not everyone. Scrubs who can't pvp spam it and usually die in 1v1's.


    Well, PVP is not 1v1.


    I saw people with 300k damage in Warzones just doing this.

  4. Warzones while complaining at 70%imps 30%rep faction imbalance in my server and doing like 10 warzones in order to win just those 3 for daily.


    Then if I have some time I go to Ilum to play at 5fps.



    Meanwhile, I spam in general chat in fleet to find a group for level 50 flashpoints without any success.

  5. People complain enough as is about the few items that require an aliment. Adding more will only increase the amount, and won't really provide any meaningful benefit.


    Right now LS/DS seems largely cosmetic, I think that's the best thing that can be done, keep them cosmetic and have other options for those who don't want to forced into LS or DS.


    Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

  6. I know what your saying by making the channels standard and a global type LFG. There is already a LFG system no one uses. Also now that we have server forums (sort of) you could make your own channels for example lfg1-10 and ask people on your server to join that channel if they want. My guess is that it won't catch on just like the current lfg system.


    LFG system? Which one?

  7. At least for roleplay. Just add some gear that requiers dark/light/neutral alignment.


    As level 50, the only thing I'm seeing related to alignment requirements and still useful are lightsaber colors.


    Dark/light side vendors items are useless once you start to play some PVP/PVE and getting some items.

  8. It's really stupid, you start a lvl 50 Warzone and if the other team start to win people always start to leave, then there is no way you're going to win or even enjoy that game.


    Leavers should get a penalty, something like they can't join a Warzone again in 1 minutes, and if they repeat the same in the next 60min that penalty time should be increased to 5, 10, 15min...


    Just to increase competitivy because it is just stupid that "hey well i'm not going to win this, i leave" mentality. Maybe with penalties people will focus more on winning the game instead of joining warzones until others win for them, like pure leechers.

  9. The spam in those crappy channels for trading/guilds will be insane. So NO thank you.


    Instead of being destructive just use your brain. Then they should create global trade channels, easy as that. See? Using brain+being constructive is good!

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