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Posts posted by NoDayLkeDoomsday

  1. The customization in this game is great, but could be taken up a notch with either a container-like item or a mod to be placed inside an armour shell that would prevent it's appearance from changing into the opposite faction equivalent when being mailed cross-faction. That being said this item could possibly be consumable (think dye module) and/ or prohibitively hard to obtain in order to keep transactions like these rare/ special.
  2. This has probably been suggested before, but thought I would throw my hat in the ring for releasing a set of all of the no longer available tiered gear in the Cartel Market. They could be empty shells, as well as NON-adaptive to retain some of their exclusivity. This would be a good way to get more lifespan out of some content, make the gear available to people who may have missed it, as well as open up the sets to their respective armour weight-wearers on the opposite faction.
  3. To me, walkers are an essential part of the SW experience, and this game a serious lack thereof. Something like an AT-RT (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/All_Terrain_Recon_Transport) would be perfect as a personal mount in this game. It could use the existing "lawnmower" style riding position and just need new leg animations, perhaps at 90% speed to compensate. Even bigger walkers, like the pre-existing Kephess' Warstrider Battlewalker or the units from Illum could be implemented using the Avalanche Heavy Tank-style rider inside of the model.


    ... Just watch out for Powertechs' tow-cables.

  4. Boohoo. Woe is you. Take out the components and save them for when you're 45.


    Whoa, logic.


    Okay okay, I concede... for some reason this just didn't occur to me, I apologize for being just another whiner. Guess I gotta cut down on the deathsticks.


    But as for this mount... perhaps a salvaged walker from Ilum's former battleground? Eh?

  5. In addition to removing Golden Scalene Armor with the next patch, your feedback prompted us to reduce the level requirement on all Cosmetic Galactic Reputation rewards to level 10. This includes Voss Ambassador's, Hyperspace Hotshot, Section Guardian, and all Scalene Armor.


    Great, so the scalene set I spent a week outfitting with level 45 purple components for a low-level alt to look forward to is now a silly waste of time. Why am I always punished for following the rules and doing things early?

  6. All while giving a nice little reward for doing them with black hole and daily comms, a reputation system for space, and some creds.


    And you've emitted the most important part, fleet comms, which can be used to obtain the highest-tier crafting materials in the game. What could have been a unique progression of earning fleet comms and finding crafters for your ships gear in order to do what i believe is the only method of earning these mats solo, is now simply a matter of buying all the parts and farming to your heart's content.

  7. I could've sworn this entirely new space mission was supposed to have been released along with the other heroic space missions. For anyone who doesn't remember, it was a mission where you were tasked with piloting narrow corridors in some sort of fleet-staging dock, reminiscent of the tunnel run in Death Star II during RotJ.


    There are even screenshots of it still in the official websites photo gallery!


    Now It could have been that this was the highest-tier mission available, and since BW completely destroyed what could have been a great alternate progression tree by throwing all the ship gear on CM and thus the GTN it was scrapped, which would be very disappointing. Any thoughts? Maybe some Dev input on this content that was never delivered?

  8. Simply put: Satiate those looking for mini-games as well as give us a reason to collect pets. A simple, circular variation on checkers, using our own pets with the hologram filter applied as pieces. Add in some simple fight animations and ouila, some quality Star Wars nostalgia!
  9. That is kind of a weak assertion. We see both a Jedi/Sith wielding a lightsaber and a trooper wielding an autocannon. Making the assertion that they are NPCs because the gear is not in line with the faction/class, is weak in the light of the adaptive gear. Who hasn't seen a Jedi geared up like a Trooper or Sith? And am I the only one to take a screenshot next to a cool looking NPC?


    Number of "Jedi geared up like a Trooper or Sith" I have seen = a fairly healthy amount.

    Number of Commandos I have seen wearing Imp-side medium armor = absolutely 0.

    My "weak assertion" is just the simplest explanation (which, as SCIENCE tells us always has the highest probability of being accurate). I'm not extrapolating crazy theories about future CM additions, game mechanic changes, etc, just calling it like I see it.


    I see one screenshot with 3 characters in it: 2 Gree NPCs and one unknown, standing in formation. Chances that a dev put on a future set of gear, lined his toon up with the Gree, and snapped away? Reasonable. Chances that a dev snapped a pic of an already in-game set-piece without any set up time? Much MORE reasonable.

  10. So I noticed the pitch black armor with red lights and the white armor with blue lights and thought of all the Darth Rinzlers, CLUs, Flynns, Trons, and Quorras I'm going to see.


    Seems to me like these screenshots are of Gree NPC's. I get the feeling because they are wearing a combo of armor weights/ weapons that is currently nonsense for any class, plus they are only pictured near Gree themselves or in the western ice shelf of Ilum. Perhaps the armors will be the reward for the Gree rep grind, but beyond that I expect to only see these on Gree faction characters. And again, if you've been to Asation, these seem to fit right in.

  11. My powertech wants a deploy-able automated turret. It could be a reoccurring DoT (alternating between shooting and charging) that is usable only once per combat, but stays operational until combat ends or it is destroyed by an enemy.


    My scoundrel healer? She wants a version of stealth that isn't chock-full of bugs.

  12. There have been tons of threads begging for weapon-type swapping between ACs (rifles for powertechs, etc), but this is really never gonna happen because it would just break the game. Instead why not give each AC a weapon that functions the same as the current ones, possibly with the same animations, but have radically different models/effects. My thoughts:


    Single lightsaber wielders - Reverse Shien Lightsaber. A saber that emits its blade from the bottom of the hilt.

    Double-bladed lightsaber wielders - Cortosis Lightsaber Pike. A single-bladed saber with extended hilt.

    Dual lightsaber wielders - Guard Shoto. Think billy-club with a lightsaber blade.

    Single blaster wielders - Arm Cannon. A blaster cybernetically grafted to the forearm, replacing the hand.

    Dual blaster wielders - Dual Scatterguns. That is all.

    Blaster/sniper rifle wielders - Missile Launcher. Held just like a rifle, but with a model that sits over one's shoulder.

    Autocannon - Shoulder Turret - An over-the-shoulder automated blaster, Predator-style.

  13. I'm assuming this is bugged, of all CM items it makes the LEAST sense to be bound. I covet these customizations for multiple toons, but am loving spending credits on CM items in lieu buying them with RL monies so will not be obtaining them until its changed.


    Still, if it is a known issue its strange that no devs have even acknowledged its existence, especially considering how long this has been an issue... hint hint?

  14. I was excited to pick up the target dummy customization for my 2V-R8 today as things from the blockade runner packs begin to unbind, only to discover that they are, to my knowledge, the ONLY bind on pickup item seen in the packs so far. Is this a bug, or would I really have to buy packs to try and get this customization?


    So far I have been really loving the fact that i can pick and choose the items I want and pay credits to obtain them. Having to pay real monies on packs just to get this item would be a huge letdown.

  15. Needless to say there has been a lot of discussion about BiS relics recently, and I'm still trying to boil down what exactly I need for my proc relic as an AP PT.


    From what I understand, I'm choosing between internal and kinetic as they are both based on tech crit, however I have seen that kinetic is better for high-armor penetration specs. Being that my big damage is all elemental, and therefor armor penetrating, does this mean that the kinetic would be more appropriate, or am I misinterpreting that concept entirely?

  16. For a PT Pyro i should go for 1 DG 350 power for 30 secs and 1 internal or elemental relic (if we have the 20% armor debuff in the raid, is a kinetic better?)

    I'm curious about this as well... I suppose most AP/Pyro damage is elemental, so the kinetic might be better, but are the proc relics better than the Elite War Hero at all for damage dealers?


    I'm seeing BiS in this case as 1 DG 350 power clicky + EWH constant power, but I would also greatly appreciate some advice on this.

  17. I've had these exact classes in mind myself, and am leveling two alts that I'm designing around the concept as close as possible.


    Scoundrel - Poacher

    - Heal specced, presence a serious stat priority

    - Uses geared and customized Bowdaar, Akaavi, and Gus as "beasts" for whatever combat roll is needed

    - Biochem crafter

    - Animal pet collection


    Commando - Droid Tech

    - Heal specced, presence a serious stat priority

    - Uses geared and customized M1-4X, HK-51, and C2-N2 as droids for whatever combat roll is needed

    - Cybertech crafter

    - Droid pet collection


    Granted, they'll be fairly worthless as fifty, but I love having unique characters and they should serve well as extra sources of dailies and crafting.

  18. The flight suit that the pilot at the end of Kaon Under Siege is wearing. Just a super well-designed new Star Wars outfit.


    I kill her every time out of sheer jealousy of that sweet-*** suit.



    I've also been waiting for a mod-able version of the powered assault helmet since I saw it way back in the BH progression video: http://db.darthhater.com/items/41057/powered_assault_helmet/

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