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Posts posted by Myber

  1. so... are you ACTUALLY complaining about this??? are you serious?? ever check out us OP's for a sec? we dont have the leap, pushback or pull etc.... so *** are you b****ing about?? suck it up and l2p.
  2. I suspect that in rated warzones, operatives won't be good because they've always been pretty simple to shut down with proper play (think rogue in wow. Great up to about ~2000 rating. Great for facerolling scrubs in BGs, but very challenging to play against strong, well-geared opposition.)



    ......if that was your PoV on rogues then really, you never learned the class to its fullest.


    On the other hand, now, Ops. All i see about the ops is that its atracting the more skilled players, players who seek underdog classes to prevail with. I usualy try to do this as its more satisfactory. Then again, as mentionen countless times before, put all this effort into pretty much any other class out there and you will be twice the devastating machine. Sure operatives work pre 50, but after that your screwd against anyone with half a brain.

    For another WoW resemblence you could take the early retripaladin. Pre tbc. Without being decked out in epics you really could not compete in ANYTHING unless you severely outgeard/brained your oponents. This is the same deal except even the gear will only take you that far.

  3. honestly, is this a troll thread?

    ive seriously felt on par or even slightly got more tools at my disposal.

    The balance with heals and damage make me feel pretty much unbeatable so far 1v1, closingup to lvl 24. I usualy come out on top dmgwise and top the healing charts by miles and im full medic specced. can just see how dmg spec will make me kick even bigger buts.


    Just my 2 scents!:D

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