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Posts posted by BrianEvol

  1. Hello everyone. I had trouble getting this question answered on the Jugg forums, so here I am. Seeking help from the enemy.


    Someone recently mentioned to me that EWH Power relics were BiS still.


    My question is should I roll with a Damage proc relic/EWH Power or Power On-Demand Clicky relic? Sorry if this has been answered already, but I didn't see it.


    Any input would be great. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi all. So here is my dilemma.


    Someone recently mentioned to me that EWH Power relics were BiS still.


    My question is should I roll with a Damage proc relic/EWH Power or Power On-Demand Clicky relic? Sorry if this has been answered already, but I didn't see it.

  3. Hey guys and gals. I noticed the other day while working on my companion affection that there are achievements for HK-51, but not 2V-R8.


    He deserves some love too. We endured his incessant talking everytime we boarded the ship. We've sent him off on missions he wasn't qualified for. Some of us have even geared him up because we hate Quinn so much. How about a little love for the poor fellow? A few achievements for him couldn't hurt!

  4. The best thing you can do is tell your teammates that if a Jugg/Guardian leaps on them to immediately knockback or stun and move away. You want to get them to waste their Shockwave stacks. Between smashes they're still pretty formidable but it gives you some wiggle room to try and burst them down or control them. Kiting is key.


    I am a smasher now. I had to shelf my beloved Vengeance because it just wasn't doing as much as Smashtard spec.

  5. Yesterday I was called a "stupid PVE'er" in Alderaan Civil War (I'm a War Hero Juggernaut defending nodes). I ran SM EV last week for the first time, even though I've been playing since launch, and after one wipe on the last boss two people ragequit. Well, we six-manned the boss right after they left.

    People are jerks everywhere. If you ever need help or want to run something or PVP on The Harbinger don't hesitate to look me up.

  6. Acidect and I PVPed a bunch today (1/5) and our only two losses were a very close Huttball against Pubs (believe Covenant folks) and a 20 - 0 Civil War against Empire. We've been on a pretty good streak.


    Hope your luck turns around for you though. Keep at it. New players will eventually learn how to cap/guard objectives and will eventually have gear enough to be decent. Chin up sir.



  7. The planets get much bigger. Taris won't feel terribly epic or huge, but Tattooine and Hoth definitely feel more "I'm so far from town right now and Quick Travel is on cooldown. =("


    And if you have a good computer you can see for quite a distance on those planets.

  8. It isn't just you. While you might not see 5k or 6k pop on your operative you need to look at how quickly you can deliver your 2k and 3k hits. Operative can pop from stealth and dish a lot of damage fairly quickly and it may not feel like you're rocking someone but you probably are.


    I play a Vengeance jugg and was extremely jealous of Rage juggs until I realized that I can push slightly more than Rage over 15 seconds than they can. Stick with it.

  9. I've been nagged at for supposedly being OP on my Veng Jugg, Deception Sin and Madness Sorc. Yes, some trees are easier to perform well with than others but for the most part I think PVP is fairly balanced aside from the trees that have already been pointed out here.


    Also the Blind on Sorc/Sage bubbles. That needs to go away.

  10. Populations on the destination servers may be looking nice, but what about the servers that haven't been made eligible? Hyperspace Cannon comes to mind...do you guys really think it's population is fine? Because if so, it's about to lose one more person - permanently.


    Are you telling me that there's a chance you just shut off transfers tomorrow and those of us left on empty, but not eligible, servers are stuck just as things were before transfers even started?



    I'm from Hyperspace Cannon as well and I am becoming extremely frustrated with my dead server. I hope that BioWare realizes that the discontent they are allowing to grow unabated in their customers isn't just isolated incidents. My decision to remain subscribed is directly linked to that of my wife and our friends/guildmates who play.


    Please, PLEASE provide us a timetable or at least confirm to us that Hyperspace Cannon WILL be transferred.

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