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Posts posted by guczy

  1. Thanks everyone for the replies, meanwhile i was able to get a new comp, and now im completely lag free, which helps a lot. Also i got all the datacrons, matrix shards, also i wasted 80k of money on mods / equipment, now i have around 610 STR and 630 END (at lvl 33), dunno if that is good enough, i certanly feel stronger now, although i still can't solo Mandalorian Raiders which kinda makes me sad as i'm 5 lvl-s over it, and my BH can solo Black Talon (is that the name of the first FP?) at lvl 13.


    I'm still using vengeance, although thinking about switching to rage, as i have been reading the class forum for juggs a lot and to me it seems that rage is regarded better. Until now i have not realized that as a jugg i could use 2 lightsabers instead of a shield, now what i would like to know if this would make any sense? As before i'm leveling mostly solo, sometimes doing H4-s and very rarely FP-s. Honestly i'm not feeling that the shield really gives me that much of a bonus, but i could be wrong.

  2. What server are you on. I would be happy to run with you to help you knock out some of the heroics.


    I'm on Jedi Covenant. My Imperial main is a bounty hunter named Tovarius. Hit me up if we are on the same server. I am a 1/2 competent armor crafter (Literally 1/2 competent), but i can likely make you a couple of decent orange pieces that might help you out.


    That is really nice, thank you, but im on Tomb of Freedon Nadd

  3. You know, this bug could have easily arisen in this fashion:


    HK-51 currently has two bugs, not scaling when you level like he is supposed to, and showing up completely nekkid for some people when you get him.


    Tons of players submitted bug reports. CSRs push those tickets up, since this is a pretty big bugset.


    Someone flags it for fixing.


    Someone attempts a fix for the current patch, to be applied at maintenance.


    Their attempt to fix the bug, unwittingly may have also caused the other companions to instead act similar to HK. Their fix may have worked fine on the development instance of the game, and received no compiler or tool warnings.


    It did not appear to work on Live, which is generally running quite a bit more scripts, code, etc than a development instance would run.


    Dont they have a test server for that which is like "live"?

  4. Space missions are very good for getting money if you keep the ship upgraded.


    Also, try pvp, see where you get. You will probably die alot but gear doesn't lose durability in warzones so there is really no downside.


    Space missions it is...need to do something while they fix the issue with gear :-)

  5. Thank you for the detailed answer! I definetly cant do the Tatooine H2-s solo (well i could not as a tank so im failry sure i wont be able with this halfdps / half tank), but I try to find someone to grind it with. Is there maybe a FP that would help me? Also RE Space missions: is that really a good source for money? I dont love them but they dont take long so i could do em.


    Edit: okay, maybe me getting wasted in seconds has nothing to do with my gear or skills or lag, but with gear not working at all due to todays patch :-) Still the info you gave me was mighty useful

  6. Hello everyone, i think this is my first forum entry, although i got the game for last christmas and only played for a month. Back then i did not really care about minmaxing my char (who now is a lvl 31 Jugg), i went tanky, which turned out to be a bad idea, as for one leveling with a tank is not so much fun, also im not very good at tanking either (mostly because my computer is kinda crappy, so lags). So when i resubbed this month i wanted to respec, luckily my points were refunded at my return and i went vengeance (all veng, 3 points in immortal). Now to my problems:


    I am on Alderaan and basically getting my *** handed to me, right now im trying to do a mission where you have to collect some poison (i think) and a 3X mob with a silver droid kills me. Now i realize that my gear is still tanky (all of it is +end), so my first Q would be if i should swap that out for +str gear? If yes, what should i get at lvl 31? I do not have a lot of money as sending my crew for artificing, treasure hunting and archeology took away tons of money, also i was buying lot of useless crap. Is there maybe something i could farm for gear (or blueprints for artificing)?


    I'm using the healer dude as companion ATM (his name escapes me, its the imperial guy, who would have intercourse with the Empire if that was possible with an interplanetary entity), should i use someone else? Also would rage be better for lvling than vengeance? If yes i would really appeciate a build for lvl 31 (also for veng BTW).


    Now i know that is a lot of questions, i'm sure that i'm forgetting some stuff aswell but any help would be much appreciated.

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